Lin Yuanfei was able to go down the mountain with a playful smile all the way, and then continued to joke, completely inhuman.

It's a pity that this time even Lin Yuanfei felt that he was at the end of his strength and could not move anymore.

"Hey... brother Cheng, brother Cheng... what can I do to save you?"

Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh, feeling very helpless.

Speaking of which, brother Cheng helped find this hiding place.

The last time they came here, brother Cheng was still together.

As a result, less than five hours later, Brother Cheng was captured by the evil spirit...

Hey... last year and today in this door, people's faces are red with peach blossoms.The human face doesn't know where to go, the peach blossom is still smiling at the spring breeze.

Lin Yuanfei sighed for a long time, and said, "About Brother Cheng, do you have any good suggestions?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girls present and said, "My injury is so serious that I won't be able to recover in a short time. But brother Cheng can't be left in the dry well. If it takes too long, he might be cold." !"

Lin Yuanfei's worry made several girls look at each other.

Saeko Busujima's eyes narrowed, "Hayashihara-kun, didn't you say that you have reached an agreement with Sadako Yamamura? As long as you release her, she will let Ito-san go, or do you think there is anything wrong with this agreement?" Question?"

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem!"

Lin Yuanfei knocked his head and said, "An agreement can only be called a fair agreement when the strengths of the two parties are equal. Otherwise, it is the Plaza Accord... I mean, do you understand?"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the girls became numb.

It was 03, and the ten-year economic depression brought about by the Plaza Accord barely came to an end. When Lin Yuanfei mentioned this matter, the few Japanese present felt sympathetic!

When the two sides are not equal, do you expect the strong to abide by the contract agreement?

Nonsense!If Sadako Yamamura breaks the agreement and kills you, will there still be a court of evil spirits to try her?

Negotiating with a ghost, if there is no equal force to restrict the other party, then it is completely courting death!

Chapter 203 What a Good Female Apprentice

The Plaza Accord was an unequal treaty signed between the United States and Japan in the 80s.

At that time, the U.S. fiscal deficit increased sharply, and the foreign trade deficit increased significantly.I don’t want to talk about too technical terms, anyway, life in the United States at that time was not very pleasant.

But at the same time, Japan has maintained a high-speed development state. The country's economic development is overheated. The rich Japanese even clamored to buy the United States.

But what will dad do when his father is having a bad time and his son is doing well?

Of course, I am looking for my son to play the autumn wind!

On September 1985, 9, Japan signed the Plaza Accord at the Plaza Hotel in New York, USA.

The specific content of the treaty will not be popularized, so as not to talk about the number of words.

However, the consequence of the signing of the Plaza Accord was that Japan's booming economy was bloodletting, and all the bloodletting was used to support the United States.

As for Japan, it quickly fell from the previous rapid development to the ten-year hell of the Great Depression.

Thirty years have passed until 2018, when Lin Yuanfei traveled. The Japanese are still shrouded in the shadow of the Plaza Accord, and the society has not fully recovered.

It can be said that the signing of the Plaza Accord completely castrated the momentum of the vigorous development of the Japanese nation.

Since then, it has been determined that the United States has the power of life and death over Japan, and Japan is absolutely unable to resist.

Compared with the Japanese of later generations, the Japanese of 03 at this time can more personally experience the bitter fruit brought about by the Plaza Accord.

So when Lin Yuanfei mentioned this agreement, all the Japanese girls present had expressions of sympathy.

For the Japanese, there is no more vivid metaphor than this one.

Lin Yuanfei gave a dry cough, breaking the gloomy and silent atmosphere in front of him.

"At present, Sadako can move instantly, possess telekinesis, infrasonic attack, and the space replacement ability to replace people under dry wells, as well as the fear aura that evil spirits have. When she gets close to her, she becomes cold and unable to move. .”

"If I'm in my prime, holding a blood-smearing exorcism wooden knife, maybe I can fight her [-]-[-]."

"But I'm half dead now, and it's impossible to have combat effectiveness in a short time. In this case, I feel that the future is very bleak."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girls in front of him, sighed and said, "If we release her now, she will lose its use value, and she may turn around and kill us at any time. After all, we have no way to threaten her."

"But if I leave her alone and drag it on for too long, I'm afraid Brother Cheng won't be able to last too long down the well."

Lin Yuanfei said helplessly, "If a person doesn't eat or drink for three days, his life will be in danger. I don't think that evil spirits like Sadako will raise Brother Cheng with good food and drink... and that ghost in a dry well I know what kind of torture I will suffer, maybe Brother Cheng will be cold if he can't hold on for three days."

Lin Yuanfei's inquiry silenced all the girls present, only Ju Chuan Shizuka carefully cleaned and bandaged his wound and did not participate in the discussion at all.

After a few seconds, Saeko Busujima glanced at Lin Yuanfei and asked, "Where is that Mr. Freddy? Mr. Lin Yuan, don't you listen to his opinion?"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the other girls were a little strange.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "That guy was killed by me... just now, I evaporated it with holy water, and there is not a single hair left. Sister Saeko, don't count on her, that grandson Unreliable."

To this, Saeko Busushima looked surprised, "Hayashi Yuan-kun, you killed it? Why...why?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at her in embarrassment and speechless, "Why? Is there any reason for me to exorcise demons? That bastard is the murderer of the Elm Street serial murder case. He hacked to death more than [-] innocent children, and he has been chasing us before. If we hadn't been lucky enough to catch it, we would have been hacked to death by it."

"I kept it before because it was still useful. Now that Kayako has been dealt with, and it can't come up with ideas to deal with Sadako, why keep it? A guy with no use value must be swept into the trash Heap."

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