Lin Yuanfei said it as a matter of course.

Gui Yanye blinked, "Although what Shi Jiang said makes sense, but... but Shi Jiang's tone really seems to be the evil villain in the movie."

Lin Yuanfei smiled helplessly, "Of course, in fact, I regret that I tortured and killed it earlier. I wanted to kill it at the time because I thought there was no way out, and I was afraid that my grandson would cause trouble after I died, so I sent it in advance on the road."

"I only saw Yan Ye hiding nearby after I killed it. Before that, I hadn't noticed you."

"Speaking of which, Yan Ye, why did you appear there?"

Lin Yuanfei asked in confusion, "I heard from those cultists before, didn't you hide? Why did you appear there?"

Yan Ye's answer to this was simple.

"I'm going to save Sister Sato," Yan Ye looked at the drowsy Sato Akiko beside him, and said softly, "After hearing that the master was also on the island, I stayed with my senior to find Master, it turned out that I was the only one who ran out when I was attacked by the cultists. Afterwards, I kept looking for a chance to save my senior, but I just happened to meet you, Master, so I sneaked over to help."

"In fact, I have been hiding there for a long time. When the master started killing people, I was nearby. It's just that I didn't show up at that time, hiding in the dark to observe the timing, and then I found the opportunity to make a move."

Yan Ye said, "Didn't the craftsman see me in the end? At that time, I was actually ready to make a move, so I deliberately exposed half of my body to let the craftsman know that I was there."

For this, Lin Yuanfei gave a thumbs up.

"Excellent, Yan Ye, you can take the nickname Assassin."

Hiding in the dark, not saying a word, popping up at the last moment, and killing with one blow... Girl, are you interested in playing two games of Assassin's Creed with me?

Speaking of it, Yan Ye in the original book is full of stealth.

She once hid under Brother Cheng's bed, eavesdropped on the fierce applause of her lover and rival (Xiyuan Temple World), and went to eavesdrop several times in a row, and finally completely blackened and hacked the world to death... Well, in all the lines, Yan Ye had never hacked Brother Cheng, but the total number of worlds killed could go around the school.

Looking at the shy smiling girl in front of him, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but sigh.

What a girl.

It's a pity to be a sick girl...

"Ahem... So, Freddy is hopeless, let's discuss some other plans."

Lin Yuanfei looked at Saeko Busujima and said, "Senior Budao, do you have any good suggestions?"

Chapter 204 The Lonely Warrior

"Sister Busujima, do you have any good suggestions?"

Lin Yuanfei asked like this.

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei didn't think Saeko Busushima had any good suggestions.

He just wanted to inquire from Saeko Busujima to see if he could connect with the exorcist family or something.

After all, the Poison Island family can be regarded as a noble family. As for the nobles, in this messy world, would they have something to do with exorcists or magicians?

The most corrupt Yusanjia in Fuyuki City are all magicians!

Maybe the Busujima family in this world is actually a family of magic. On the surface, Saeko Busujima is a girl who is a martial idiot, but she can actually summon heroic spirits by rolling up her sleeves.

Or if you have a sister or something, you have gone to the clock tower for further study, so it will be stable.

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei just started talking, and before he had time to follow the vine, Saeko Busujima smiled at the general.

"Don't call me senior sister, Hayashi Yuan-kun, just call me Saeko from now on," said Pujima-san.

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the girls present all changed subtly.

Yuki was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head in disappointment, her face pale.

Yan Ye frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

Yuno looked at all this with a smile, that playful smile seemed to be watching Lin Yuanfei die.

Lin Yuanfei's back felt a little cold... Oh my god!Although I want to take this pot and make the ambiguous relationship real, I will continue to use Saeko Busujima as a shield plan.

But why seeing the current atmosphere, I always feel that I can't deal with it alone, and I will be separated soon?

Coughing dryly, Lin Yuanfei said solemnly, "Seniors and youngsters are orderly, and there is a way of honor and inferiority. This is a natural principle... I just like to call you sister, do you have any opinions?"

Lin Yuanfei uttered flirtatious and domineering language, and directly turned back.

This didn't reveal that his relationship with Saeko Busujima was just average, but it didn't appear to be too close, and the coping was impeccable.


Saeko Busushima smiled and shook her head, "I have no objection, Hayashi Yuan-kun, you can continue to call, people like to listen~~"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lin Yuanfei tried hard to keep his eyes fixed, thinking to himself, what is this bitch doing?Is the slut possessed?

Seven hours ago, you led me into the wilderness and drew your sword at me.

It's only less than seven hours!Less than seven hours!Are you falling?

Sister, your fall is too fast!

As a royal sister control, Saeko Busujima has a special attack bonus against Lin Yuanfei.

To be honest, Yamato Nadeko, who is so beautiful, sexy, considerate, and gentle, who can go to the hall, go to the kitchen, and enter the bridal chamber, is the favorite of men all over the world!

Against Lin Yuanfei, this kind of imperial sister control lethality x2.

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