Of course, these words are not of much use except to make the rescuers run faster.

After boarding the rescue boat, Kazuo Yamamoto even pushed Lin Yuanfei away with a look of disgust.

"Okay, okay, I see, you can go and tell the police about these things," Kazuo Yamamoto said with a headache, "We are a rescue team, not a police station, and I don't care if you tell me about it... Hey! Takashiro, Hurry up and sail, let's get out of here first."

In order to get rid of Lin Yuanfei's chatter, Kazuo Yamamoto ran away in a hurry.

After Lin Yuanfei saw that his goal was achieved and the rescue boat was slowly launched, he coughed contentedly and found a place to sit down.

As for Kazuo Yamamoto's disgust?He doesn't care!

Anyway, the main quest - Escape from Death Island has been completed, I want Raccoon City to live a quiet and peaceful daily life!

Chapter 207 Be Careful

A dense fog obscured everything in sight.

As the rescue ship lifted anchor, the rescue ship carrying the rescue team and Lin Yuanfei slowly left the pier.

Amidst the sound of the engine humming, Lin Yuanfei stood on the deck at the stern of the ship, looking at the Tomijima gradually receding from his vision, heaved a sigh of relief.

Now he is completely crippled. When he was discovered and hunted down by those cultists, he thought he was going to die again. He didn't expect to run into this group of rescue team members.

In his field of vision, the pier in the mist was gradually receding, and there were noises from the island.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the noise of running, a group of cultists rushed onto the pier with various weapons.

At this time, the rescue ship was about to leave the coast.

The distance between the two parties was only about ten meters.

Seeing the dense group of cultists on the pier, all members of the rescue team were dumbfounded.

"This... how come there are so many?"

Members of the rescue team shouted in horror.

They thought that twenty or thirty people in this group of cultists would be enough, but now the wharf is crowded with people... a few of them are close to a hundred, right?Are the inhabitants of this island all cultists?

As the group of cultists watched the rescue boat slowly sail away, they all angrily raised their weapons and threw them over.

"Smash them to death!"

Then, under the horrified gaze of the rescue team members, a large pile of sharp weapons all smashed over.

Lin Yuanfei quickly shouted, "Hurry up and hide!"

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei lifted a piece of wood by his feet and put it in front of him as a shield.

The other rescue team members all hid in the cabin in horror.

On the contrary, Gui Yanye, Bujima Saeko, and Yuki all squeezed together beside Lin Yuanfei and hid behind the board together.

Lin Yuanfei was caught in the middle by three girls from three directions. He didn't know that he had bumped into his wound. The pain made Lin Yuanfei grin his teeth and almost kneel down on one knee as soon as his legs went limp—damn!Aunts!When are you still doing things, can you stop for a while?

Before he could complain, there was a burst of impact force from the wooden plank he was carrying.

tuk tuk tuk-

For a while, I don't know how many weapons such as kitchen knives were nailed to that wooden board.

The dense voice made Lin Yuanfei's scalp tingle.

Depend on!Is this the Great Qin Arrow Array?

And these cultists are poisonous, right?There are so many people on this boat, why did they throw all the weapons at me?

Lin Yuanfei felt that at least [-]% of the weapons were all around him.

And this group of cultists threw them accurately and hard, and most of the weapons were inserted into the wooden boards.

Fortunately, this piece of wood is thick enough and big enough, otherwise he would become the unlucky hero among the heroes.

After a few seconds, Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the impact force on the plank disappear, and put down the plank.

He looked at the group of cultists on the pier.

...However, those guys picked up hard objects such as stones around them and smashed them all over.

In the field of vision, the sky full of stones really flew over like a rain of arrows.

Without saying a word, Lin Yuanfei immediately raised the wooden plank in his hand.

"Fuck you uncle!"

Is Lao Tzu an mt?When did you fill up the hatred?

There was another sound of tuk tuk tuk tuk, and most of the stones fell on the wooden board that Lin Yuanfei raised and his surroundings.

As for the group of crew members who were so frightened to hide in the cabin, they all showed their heads at this time, which is very strange.

Kazuo Yamamoto frowned even more, "Young man, it seems that these cultists care about you."

Except for the vicinity of Lin Yuanfei, the rest of the rescue ship was not hit.

Under everyone's curious eyes, Lin Yuanfei put down the wooden board full of various knives, looked at him helplessly, and said, "I care about you too...can we drive the boat faster?"

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