Although the rescue ship had already left the pier at this time, Torami Island was completely invisible in the mist.

But Lin Yuanfei still felt uneasy, "What if the group of cultists chase after them by boat?"

Kazuo Yamamoto thought about the fanatical appearance of the group of cultists, and felt that this possibility could not be ruled out, so he ordered the people below to increase the speed to the fastest.

On the other hand, Lin Yuanfei had already gathered in the corner of the stern with several girls and started whispering.

Kazuo Yamamoto took a look, thought for a while, and walked to the bow calmly.

As the rescue ship gradually approached Raccoon City and entered the coverage of the city's signal base station, the mobile phone had signal again.

Feeling the sea breeze from the bow of the ship, Kazuo Yamamoto slowly turned on the phone.

Then, a chuckle sounded behind him.

"Mr. Yamamoto, sometimes you have to be careful with your words."

Kazuo Yamamoto turned his head quickly, only to see the tall purple-haired female student standing not far behind him, looking at him with a smile.

Kazuo Yamamoto frowned, "Little girl, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Saeko Busujima sighed, and said, "You have also seen the group of cultists in Toromijima, this time the matter is very serious. For ordinary people, it's better not to get involved too deeply, it's very dangerous~~"

Kazuo Yamamoto stared at her coldly, "Looking at you, you should be well educated, right? What's your last name?"

Hearing this question, Saeko Busujima chuckled, "Although it's impolite to ask a woman's name rashly, you are an elder after all, so it's okay to tell you, my name is Busushima. And the bandaged boy you care about, It’s a friend of Mayor Shimada’s, so it’s better not to get too involved in the matter of Toromijima.”

"What happened, if you really want to know, just read the news report in a few days."

"As for other things, I don't recommend you to delve into it. For ordinary people, sometimes it involves too much, and maybe your family will be involved too."

After Saeko Busujima finished speaking, Kazuo Yamamoto fell silent.

After a while, he sighed slowly, and said, "You group of powerful people really cover the sky with one hand as always..."

Saeko Busujima smiled slightly, "But this time, it's not a bad thing."

"At least I can use the reputation of the Poison Island family to assure you that we are not bad people, nor have we done any bad things."

"What you saved was indeed a group of innocent students who were persecuted by the cultists. You saved our lives, and your merits are immeasurable... It is enough for you to know this."

The salty sea breeze was blowing head-on, listening to Saeko Busushima's words, Kazuo Yamamoto laughed at himself.

"Don't worry, Ms. Busujima, I, old man Yamamoto, have been doing rescue work all my life, so I know when to speak and when to pretend to be stupid."

"People who are not smart enough are prone to accidents in Japan..."

Chapter 208 Second Entry to the Palace

The dense fog gradually dissipated on the sea, and the bright sunshine began to illuminate the world.

The sun rose and the fog cleared.

As the rescue ship got closer to the port of Raccoon City, everyone's mobile phones began to recover.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Saeko Busujima walking from the bow, feeling a little strange.

"What are you doing there, Saeko?"

Saeko Busushima looked at him, and smiled softly, "Hayashi Yuan-kun, don't you call me a senior?"

Lin Yuanfei groaned secretly in his heart—it's over, it seems a little too familiar?

How could this mouth be called Shunzui without paying attention?

Facing the eyes of several girls around, Lin Yuanfei said solemnly.

"I suddenly found that calling me senior is too old-fashioned. We are all comrades in arms who live and die together. There is no need to be so unfamiliar. If you don't like it, then I will stop calling you senior and continue to call you senior. For me, All the same."

emmm... seems to have escaped a catastrophe?

Who is it?Why does Mao always feel that someone wanted to kill me just now?

That creepy feeling...

Lin Yuanfei secretly glanced at the girls around him.

Yuno smiled, Gui Yanye frowned, Yuki looked disappointed, Sato Akiko was completely watching the play, Ju Chuan Shizuka yawned and lost her mind...all are normal!

Why did I have that feeling of palpitations and tingling in my scalp just now?

very strange!

Yuno, a sick girl, isn't she planning some evil plan?

Subconsciously, Lin Yuanfei moved a little distance away from Yuno.

However, being interrupted like this, he forgot the reason why he greeted Saeko Busujima, and instead began to care about the girls around him.

I always feel that the feeling just now is horrible... like being watched by Kayako.

But Kayako has obviously been sealed!

And I felt a similar feeling on the island before.

Definitely what kind of plane is that sick girl Yoshino going to fly?

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