Lin Yuanfei swallowed his saliva as his body froze on the bed.

"You... who are you?"

Uncle Sunglasses smiled slightly, "It seems that I can communicate... well, it's good if I can communicate."

After finishing speaking, Uncle Sunglasses snapped his fingers, and Lin Yuanfei instantly felt the control of his body regained.

In an instant, his body sat up, staring suspiciously at the uncle in sunglasses.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you looking for me?" Could it be the enemy of the original owner of the body?

Uncle Sunglasses smiled and said, "I am related to everyone in this world, but I am the only one who has nothing to do with you. As for my name, you should have heard of it...Mr. Lin Yuanfei, the time traveler."

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Yuanfei almost exploded.

"Fuck?! How do you know?" Lin Yuanfei stared at the other party in horror, "Are you one of the five great magicians?"

In Lin Yuanfei's cognition, the only person in Xingyue World who can know his origin is probably the legendary magician.

It's a pity, but the uncle in the sunglasses still shook his head with a smile, "No, no, do you think I look like something like a magician?"

Uncle Sunglasses continued to play charades, "But you don't have to worry, I came to you this time, not to trouble you. Although we don't welcome visitors from other worlds, we usually kill them if we find them, but this world line is quite special. In addition, Mr. Lin, you are also more interesting, so after discussing with Gaia, I decided to let you live temporarily."

After hearing this passage, Lin Yuanfei's expression changed.

" are Alayashi?" Isn't Alayashi a little loli?How did you become a strange uncle!

For Lin Yuanfei's title, Uncle Sunglasses nodded and admitted it as a matter of course.

"Whether it's Alaya consciousness or the world, you can call it whatever you want, anyway, it doesn't matter to me. Even my body is just a randomly selected projection, and it can be changed as you want. If you like it, I will You can also turn into a loli girl or a big breasted lady... how about it? Want to see it?"

Uncle World smiled a little maliciously.

Lin Yuanfei was a little embarrassed, "No, no, you're too polite." This Alaya doesn't know how to read minds, damn it!

Coughing dryly, Lin Yuanfei said, "Since you can tell me who I am, then I won't play tricks with you. A boss at your level won't be able to fool me, right?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at Alaya, trying to show his sincerity, "You are looking for me this time, what's the matter? As long as you say a word, I can go to the knife mountain or go to the frying pan... I can think about it."

Lin Yuanfei spoke very tactfully.

Alaya looked at him with a smile, and said, "Why are you so nervous? I've said it all, I'm here to do business with you, and I have no ill intentions towards you."

"Emiya Shirou, do you know? Oh, the one with the white hair... and Arturia, right? The one in the blue dress and flat-chested, although she is a temporary worker. But there is also Artoria, her father-in-law, Emiya Kiri Mr. Si, they are all famous heroes in this world! In order to protect the peace of the world, they have made their own efforts."

"Is Mr. Lin interested in joining them and becoming a member of the Guardians of the World?"

Alaya smiled brightly, and looked no different from a liar selling health care products, "Now sign a contract to become a guardian, and you can also give away a complete set of swordsmanship templates of Feitian Yujianliu, an immortal heroic physique, and transcending time." The transcendent status of space and space!"

"How is it? Is Mr. Lin interested?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled dryly, sweating profusely.

"I... can I say I'm not interested..."

Chapter 210 The twisted melon is not sweet

Guardian, one of the characteristic products of Xingyue World, exists in a similar state to Heroic Spirit.

The same transcends time and space, the same immortality, the same can be summoned as a servant, and can also participate in the Holy Grail War.

But the difference between the guardian and the heroic spirit is that the guardian is a scavenger who does dirty work, while the heroic spirit is a nursing home for retired veteran cadres.

If you enter the Heroic Seat and become a Heroic Spirit, then take care of yourself.

You don't have to do anything, at most, use a clone to fight the Holy Grail War occasionally. Unless the world is doomsday, no one can threaten the heroic spirit. How leisurely you want to be.

But Guardians are different.

This thing is a bonded worker signed by Alaya. Although the situation is similar to that of a heroic spirit, the work is tiring and hard, and he is controlled by Alaya and cannot complain.

Look at the red a, a well-behaved young man of the three good times, the reincarnation of Lei Feng, after becoming a guardian, he was driven crazy, and he insisted on hacking his past self to death.

Who is it that you say is not miserable?

The employees were forced to suffer from mental illness, and the boss didn't even care about it. It was a sweatshop than a sweatshop!

The guardian of Alaya is a standard bonded worker, and he is the kind who will never live in peace forever.

Ordinary bonded labor sweatshops, if you feel uncomfortable working in a sweatshop, you will quit your job at worst. Even if you are a slave in the old days, even if you suffer for a lifetime, you will be relieved when you die.

However, here in Alaya, it does not exist.

The guardian is in the same bond with the heaven and the earth, human beings are immortal, Alaya is immortal, you will not die, and you will have to work for Alaya forever.


So from ancient times to the present, countless heroes have become heroic spirits, but only two and a half signed with Alaya to become guardians.

Emiya Shiro (white-haired version), Emiya Kiritsugu (single dog version), and Artoria (sleep-haired king version), of which the dumb-haired king can only be regarded as half of the guardian.

Because the contract signed by King Dumao and Alaya was to save Britain, before saving Britain, her time stopped forever at the moment of the battle of Jianlan, and she fell into a cycle of despair.It wasn't until Emiya Shirou brought her redemption that King Daimao entered Avalon and escaped the endless cycle of reincarnation.

Except for the single-minded idiots like Wei Gong and his son, even King Mao Mao refused to trust Alaya's flicker to be the guardian of Lao Shizi. How bad do you think this thing is?

And from ancient times to the present, all kinds of heroes and heroes of the moon and earth have emerged one after another, but only two and a half have become guardians, which proves that this thing is really bad!

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