Saying that, little Lolita blinked her eyes pitifully, and I felt pity for the teary look, "Without the protection of O'Neill, I'm very scared."

Lin Yuanfei looked at her with a headache, and sighed, "President, be decent!"

You tm is Alaya!Don't play tricks all of a sudden, okay?

Just a second ago, he was a gangster who came to the door to force debts and slash people, why did he suddenly become this style of painting?Be decent!Be decent, sir!

Facing Lin Yuanfei's calmness, little loli blinked her eyes.

"Oh, I remember."

Little Lolita slapped her forehead hard, and stuck out her tongue playfully, "I forgot that O'Nijiang is controlled by Sister Yu."

After speaking, a white light flashed, and the little loli in front of Lin Yuanfei disappeared.

Appearing on the spot was a beautiful woman Yujie in a sexy bunny girl outfit.

The fiery body, the alluring eyes, the appearance of wanting to refuse but still welcome, and the seductive breath that exhales like blue, Lin Yuanfei instantly...

"Hey... it worked."

Sister Yu smiled slightly, stretched out her hands generously to put Lin Yuanfei's shoulders on both sides, and breathed lightly on Lin Yuanfei's face, "Lin Yuanjun's capital is very strong~~"

The plump and elastic white flowers danced in Lin Yuanfei's field of vision, the deep gullies and the charming fragrance so close at hand made Lin Yuanfei swallow his saliva.

"Hey... hello!"

Pushing away this beautiful Yujie suddenly, Lin Yuanfei blushed a little from embarrassment, "It's too much! President, what you did is too much!"

However, in the face of Lin Yuanfei's fierce resistance, instead of being angry, sister Yu laughed lightly.

"The reaction of the shy little virgin is really irresistible... Lin Yuan-jun, my sister likes you very much~~"

She licked her lips hungrily, as if she was about to pounce on Lin Yuanfei and eat him.

Seeing the other party's slut-like appearance, even though he knew that this guy was a completely false projection, Lin Yuanfei still couldn't help it... Shi Geng.

Mom!The slut Yujie happens to be his fetish!

Did Alaya do it on purpose?

What?You said it's shameful for Lin Yuanfei to face a fake projection stone?

Friends who say this, please touch your conscience, have you never read things like Lifanben?

Compared to this Yu Jie who can see and touch, and has a scent and voice, it is more shameful for a guy who can change a book without a voice! (shock)

Looking at this charming, seductive and seductive Yujie in front of him, Lin Yuanfei felt that his sanity was collapsing.

"Be decent! President, let's be decent, can we?"

Lin Yuanfei said with a stiff face, "Speak up, there is no problem in this world that communication can't solve." If there is, then drop an atomic bomb.

Regarding this, the beautiful lady Yu smiled, "Why did Mr. Lin Yuan refuse him? If you are willing to be a guardian to protect him, he doesn't mind sharing with you~~"

Licking her lips hungrily, the hand of the beautiful sister Yu gently stroked her chest, squeezing and kneading the pair of elastic and plentiful fruits to make it more attractive.

"Look here, don't you want to pinch and vent all your impulses on this erotic body?"

"No problem, as long as Lin Yuan-jun nods his head lightly, he can do anything~~"

"Ice and fire, poisonous dragon, desert storm, roaming... I can let you experience all of these."

Sister Yu smiled ambiguously, "I know all kinds of methods and techniques. Only you can't think of it, and there is nothing I can't do. As long as Lin Yuanjun nods his head lightly, I will make you feel as comfortable as heaven... How about it? Isn’t this great? People have to obey their own desires! Mr. Lin Yuan, you must not suppress your own nature, the longer you suppress it, the more likely you will become abnormal.”

"I believe Mr. Lin Yuan doesn't want to be impotent, right? So let's vent it. It's not shameful for a man to vent."

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei smiled forcedly, "Mr. Boss, you are a female worker in Dongguan who has been laid off and returned to work... You are so knowledgeable and amazing."

It is worthy of the collective consciousness projection of human beings, and it is estimated that the filthy things of human beings are also projected together!

Sister Yu smiled slightly, "After all, the collective consciousness of human beings is projected. I understand everything humans understand. These things are just tricks. I can let you experience more enjoyable things... How about it? Think about it."

Yujie's words are very attractive, and her figure is also very attractive, but Lin Yuanfei is not sensitive.

Although this Yujie is sexy, she will definitely suffer if she eats it.

A set of iso just wants to trick me into being a private worker?Too much!

I, Lin Yuanfei, are so cheap... Bah!Am I, Lin Yuanfei, so lustful?

Lao Tzu is a gentleman!

Lin Yuanfei clutched his crotch, leaned forward slightly, and said with a righteous face, "Don't think about it! Absolutely don't think about it! President, if we want to discuss it, we should discuss it! What are you doing with these outside tricks? I hate materialization the most in my life. It's a woman's guy, I don't care about this kind of thing that relies on oppressing women to serve men!"

Yujie looked at him with a smile and nodded.

"What Mr. Lin Yuan said is indeed reasonable. This is indeed not the attitude to discuss serious matters. I will review it and change it."

As she spoke, Sister Yu put her hand behind her neck, and with a gentle tug, she pulled the belt behind her neck away.

Losing the pull of the belt, the blocked fruit on Sister Yu's chest that had been suppressed by the thin cloth suddenly jumped out, swaying white in front of Lin Yuanfei's eyes.

Sister Yu smiled happily, "Is that all right?"

Lin Yuanfei almost vomited blood...

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