Lin Yuanfei quickly jumped up.

"Hey! President, save Brother Cheng! Even if you don't want a reward, go and save Brother Cheng! As long as you save Brother Cheng, I don't need any rewards!"

Alaya, however, had disappeared with a smile.

There was only one meaningful sentence that sounded in the ward.

"Don't worry, I know. Within five days, as long as you rescue him, he won't lose a single hair, but I won't care after five days. You can ask for more blessings hahahaha..."

Alaya's loud laughter made Lin Yuanfei embarrassed.

I always feel that this guy is a little... pretentious.

Do cheaters like to play this kind of routine?

Lin Yuanfei watched Alaya disappear with embarrassment, and found a small box left in place.

Um?Is this left by Alaya?It can't be some mythical dress, right?

Lin Yuanfei couldn't wait to open the box, only to find that lying quietly in the box was a ring.

Next to it is the manual...

[Gara's Lust Caution: After wearing it, you can be immune to Fu Jiang's charm, and it only works for Fu Jiang]

Simple and crude explanation.

Seeing this ring, Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

In my heart, I was full of the urge to complain.

What a mess!

Author's message:

ps: I have been running all day today, and my body is sore. I can only make do with the third watch. Let’s just watch it. By the way, order an automatic subscription or something. The most subscribed diving seems a bit serious.

Tomorrow five more

Chapter 213 Surprise

Jia Luo's lust and caution are only valid for Fu Jiang...

After picking up the ring, Lin Yuanfei felt embarrassed.

This Alaya doesn't seem to be as difficult to speak as he imagined.

Before I leave, I will give away equipment or something, which is very powerful.

At least with this equipment, you don't have to be afraid of being charmed by Fu Jiang in the future, and you can calmly and boldly suppress her.


Picking up the ring, Lin Yuanfei brought it to his index finger.

Although nothing happened, but since this thing is for Fu Jiang's treasure, it probably only works when he sees Fu Jiang.

Not caring about the ring, Lin Yuanfei looked at the two girls in the ward.

After Alaya disappeared, the two girls in the ward still maintained a dull and stiff appearance, and even their eyes were empty and empty.

The ability to act has not been restored because of Alaya's disappearance.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

This... is this not right?Alaya is gone, why are Yuki and the others still standing still?

Alaya forgot to unlock the hold spell when he left?

No!Is that guy so casual?

Feeling uneasy and hesitant, Lin Yuanfei patted Yuki's shoulder lightly.

"Hello Yuki, are you okay?"

Lin Yuanfei asked tentatively.

However, the ward was quiet and dead, and no one answered him.

The two girls with their backs to him stood there motionless like stone statues.

The strange silence lasted for several seconds, and Lin Yuanfei felt a little uneasy.

"Yuki?" His hand grabbed Yuki's shoulder and shook it lightly, "Can you hear me?"

However, the girl remained motionless and did not respond.

Lin Yuanfei was a little anxious, so he shook it again.

Then, under his horrified gaze, the girl in front of him shook her head slightly...

Gululu fell down and rolled to the door.

The headless body remained frozen in place, motionless.


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