In an instant, an indescribable chill gripped Lin Yuanfei's body, and he quickly retreated to the bedside, subconsciously grabbing the samurai sword on the bedside table.

But missed.

There is nothing on the bedside table.

No samurai sword, no wooden sword, not to mention his backpack.

There is only an old photo frame on the bedside table, and inside is a ferocious and bright smiling face.

After severe burns, he lost all his skin, and his scarlet muscle tissue was exposed to the air in an ugly way. The old round hat, the red and green striped sweater... Freddy, grinning, slapped Lin Yuanfei in the photo frame call.

"Hello little guy, miss Uncle Freddy?"

Lin Yuanfei's eyes froze, and he punched subconsciously, knocking the photo frame away.

But behind him, Yuno's voice sounded.

"Pervert senior, are you vandalizing public property? Be careful the hospital will call the police and arrest you."

Hearing this voice, Lin Yuanfei turned around subconsciously, with a look of panic, "No! Yuno, I saw Fu... Fu..."

Staring blankly at the girl behind him, Lin Yuanfei's expression became stiff.

Behind him, a girl named "My Wife Yuno" was looking at him with a smile on her face.

However, apart from the Haruki High School uniform, the person in front of her was not Yuno at all.

The bloody ugly face, the twisted and evil smile, and the claws hanging down by the side...

Freddy ripped off the wig on his head and tore off the girl's uniform, revealing the striped sweater underneath.

Standing in the middle of the ward like that, he raised his head and laughed loudly.

"Uncle Freddy is really happy to see your expression like this! Little samurai! Hahahahaha..."

"I didn't expect you to be a traveler from another world. No wonder the damage to you was so small when weaving the dream before. It turns out that the soul in the body has changed."

"But this time, Uncle Freddy won't miss it."

With a strange smile, Freddy raised his right paw and smiled happily, "Uncle Freddy has peeped into your subconscious mind. The dream weaved this time is different from before, right? How? Isn't it? Very realistic? Even if Uncle Freddy doesn’t say anything, you won’t feel it’s fake, right? Hahahahahaha…”

"This time, Uncle Freddy will play you to death! I will kill you a hundred times! A thousand times! I will not consider letting you go until you kneel on the ground and beg me for mercy! Hahahahaha..."

Amidst Freddy's wild laughter, Lin Yuanfei backed away again and again, with a stiff expression.

An indescribably huge sense of absurdity emerged in his heart.

He stared at the monster in disbelief, and roared, "Impossible! You have been completely killed by me, and you cannot be resurrected! This is impossible!"

"What's impossible? Uncle Freddy is so handsome, how could he die so easily?"

Licking his paws disgustingly, Freddy smiled happily, "Uncle Freddy would have a headache if you keep locking me up. I never thought you would kill me so decisively, little warrior... Hehe... Don’t you know that Uncle Freddy doesn’t accept me anywhere? Heaven and hell don’t accept me, so Uncle Freddy can only come back to play with you.”

"This time, it's Uncle Freddy's turn to lock you up!"

After Freddy finished speaking, he shook his right hand, took out a thermos cup from the air, pointed the mouth of the bottle at Lin Yuanfei with a strange smile, "Come on, little warrior, this thermos cup will be your new home from now on. Freddy Uncle loves you~~"

Freddy smiled strangely, and blew a kiss to Lin Yuanfei.

As it opened the lid of the thermos cup, a huge suction emerged from the thermos cup, and everything in the room was sucked towards the thermos cup.

Even Lin Yuanfei felt that he was about to be pulled into the air.

He quickly grabbed the hospital bed beside him, but in the next second the bed was sucked up and flew up with him.

The moment his feet left the ground, Lin Yuan quickly grabbed the handle on the wall.

The huge suction tore at his body, and his body was suspended in the air, parallel to the opposite side, swinging wildly in mid-air.

Around him, countless sundries were sucked out, and all of them were sucked into the thermos.

At this moment, that thermos cup is like a black hole that devours everything madly, and the terrifying suction seems to suck away Lin Yuanfei's soul.

If he hadn't grabbed this handle, Lin Yuanfei would have been sucked into the thermos.

However, before Lin Yuanfei could catch his breath, under his horrified gaze, cracks began to appear near the wall where the handle was, and it seemed that it was about to fail.

The huge suction force was tearing behind him.

Freddy's maniacal laugh echoed through the ward.

The horror scene like a nightmare makes one's scalp tingle.

"Hahahahaha... little warrior! Give up! Uncle Freddy will win this time! Hahahaha..."

Chapter 214 Thermos Cup

"Hahahahaha... little warrior! Give up! Uncle Freddy will win this time! Hahahaha..."

Amidst Freddy's strange laughter, Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth and grabbed the handle on the wall, refusing to let go no matter what.

Behind him, the tearing suction force became more and more terrifying. Lin Yuanfei felt his bones tremble, as if the blood was about to break through the restriction of the skin and be sucked away.

His eyes were bloodshot and bloodshot.

The ferocious expression was like a raging demon.

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