The violent roar echoed in the ward.

"Freddy! I can kill you once! I can kill you a second time! Aren't you immortal? Yes! I'll catch you this time, and I'll bury you under the Himalayas and see how you come back!"

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, seeing the cracks on the wall getting bigger and bigger, the handle in his hand began to crumble, and he grabbed the handle desperately, with a gloomy glint in his eyes.

Although there is no sword, this handle can also be used as a sword!

The moment the wall shattered and his hand flew up, it was his time to do it!

Lin Yuanfei's scalp was trembling, the blood all over his body seemed to be washed to his feet, and the huge pain tore his consciousness.

He felt that even if he could keep going, all the blood in his body would be sucked away in a short time!

At that time, he will become a piece of human skin that has been sucked dry, hanging on the wall like that.

From the back of his head, came Freddy's strange laughter.

The ferocious and evil ghost screamed with carnival-like cheers.

"Impossible, little samurai, the same trick won't work on Uncle Freddy. This time, Uncle Freddy won't give you any chance! Hahahahaha..."

"Hey... Come in the thermos!"

Freddy laughed grimly, "And you still wear the ring given to you by Uncle Freddy, and now you dare to refuse Uncle Freddy... You are really too much!"

When Freddy said this, Lin Yuanfei was startled.

Indeed, he still wears the so-called lust ring on his hands.

At first he thought it was a gift from Alaya, but the situation in front of him showed that all of this was Freddy's trap!

He gritted his teeth and exhausted all his strength to grab the handle with one hand, while the other free hand reached for the ring on his index finger.

However, the moment he stretched out his hand, the ring suddenly began to shrink.

The pain that his bones were about to be strangled made Lin Yuanfei almost faint from the pain.

And at the same time that the ring shrank, dense thorns emerged from the inside of the ring, all of which pierced into the flesh of Lin Yuanfei's left index finger.

The unspeakable pain made Lin Yuanfei roar.


Screaming frantically, Lin Yuanfei sat up from the bed.

In the dark shadow of the ward, he sat blankly in the darkness, staring blankly at everything in front of him, and was stunned.

Wake up... are you awake?

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously lowered his head and looked at the index finger of his left hand.

In the dark, he couldn't see clearly.

But the index finger of the left hand did feel unbearable pain, and it seemed that everything in the nightmare had been brought out.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and the nurse rushed in in panic.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, what's the matter with you?"

The nurse turned on the light, looked at Lin Yuanfei with a pale face and a sluggish expression on the hospital bed, was stunned for a second, and exclaimed, "Ah! Mr. Lin Yuan, your finger is injured!"

Under the glare of the light, Lin Yuanfei stared blankly at his left index finger.

There, it seemed to be strangled by something, and a ring-sized ring-shaped area was bruised.

Moreover, one after another small holes appeared in the circular area, as if pierced by dozens of silver needles at the same time.

Dark red blood flowed out soundlessly, looking a little dazzling under the pale light.

Lin Yuanfei stared blankly at the bleeding finger, watching the dark red blood stain the white bed sheet red, and remained silent.

Then slowly raised his head and looked at the nurse.

"What's the number today?"

His brain is a little chaotic.

After the nurse answered his question, Lin Yuanfei slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The skin on his face was trembling.

This is an extremely restless expression.

Today is the sixth day since traveling to this world.

Now, it's five o'clock in the morning.

A day has passed since they left Toromi Island.

The previous memories began to be reorganized in the brain, and gradually sorted out from the chaotic thoughts.

Indeed, they met the cultists on Bird See Island, stopped the group of cultists from offering sacrifices, and were rescued by a group of rescue teams.

Here, then, the divergence of memory arises.

In the dream, Lin Yuan flew onto the rescue ship, still alive and kicking, and entered the emergency room of the hospital. Then Alaya came to visit and Freddy appeared.

But in the real world, Lin Yuanfei recalled the memory in his chaotic thoughts, it seems that he fell into a coma not long after he boarded the rescue ship due to exhaustion, loss of strength and excessive blood loss.

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