Now that he woke up in the hospital, he must have been sent to the first aid after being in a coma, right?

The little nurse panicked and went to call the doctor.

And Lin Yuanfei sat on the ward in a daze, staring at the wound on his finger, at the densely packed needle holes, and at the dark red disgusting blood flowing out of it, silent, silent...

Are the so-called Alaya, the so-called lust and caution, and the so-called strengthening all false...

That guy Freddy actually came back, peeped into his subconscious, and stole some of his memories.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to weave that kind of dream content.

And this time the nightmare was completely different from the previous ones.

That huge sense of reality, the fear that makes people almost suffocate, the horror of being on the scene... That guy Freddy has been using the memory of the original owner of his body to weave dreams, so he was able to do that a few times before. Do you wake up easily?

But this time...

Looking down at the wound on his hand, Lin Yuanfei's eyes turned cold.

He understands one thing.

I had underestimated Freddy too much before.

The reason why I was able to solve it so easily was not because Freddy was weak, but because that guy mistakenly thought that he was the original owner of the body, and the dreams weaved to deal with [Bigu Qingjuro] naturally couldn't be too powerful for Hayashibara big effect.

But this time, it's different.

That guy discovered his true identity, and the nightmare woven out of Lin Yuanfei's real memories was so real that it made hair stand on end.

Even if Lin Yuanfei recalled the scenes and feelings in the nightmare, he still felt horrified.

This... probably is Freddy's real strength...

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, his face turned pale.

Before myself...


Author's message:

ps: I recommend a new book "I Was Kidnapped by a Hatchet". The story is interesting. If you ignore the weird introduction, it tells the story of how a boy avoids the hatchet after time travel.

But the author is Cheng Gehei... emmmmm...

Chapter 215 The truth behind the truth

"Mr. Lin Yuan? Mr. Lin Yuan? Can you hear me??"

The doctor's call awakened Lin Yuanfei from his contemplation.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was sitting on the hospital bed, and the doctor was looking at him with concern.

A bandage had been wrapped around the index finger of his left hand to stop the bleeding.

In fact, the injury was not very serious in the first place, it was not a muscle injury, but it was just that the left index finger could not touch the water for a while.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the doctor in front of him and smiled, a little forcedly.

"I'm sorry doctor, I'm a little distracted... Maybe it's because I haven't recovered yet? I feel dizzy."

The doctor nodded and said, "It's like this after excessive blood loss. It's normal. You should take good care of your body next time. It's not a big problem. If there is any problem, just call me again."

The doctor said, got up and left.

Lin Yuanfei sat on the hospital bed and watched the doctor leave, feeling a little confused.

"Doctor, it's a bit noisy outside the hospital... what happened?"

It was obviously the hospital at five o'clock in the morning, but there seemed to be people pushing and jostling in the corridor, which was a bit noisy.

At this point, the patients in the hospital should be sleeping, right?Is there a medical trouble in Japan?

Lin Yuanfei was a little strange.

The doctor looked at him and sighed.

"They're all a bunch of boring reporters, Mr. Lin Yuan, don't worry, the police have already stopped those guys outside, and won't let them come in to disturb your rest."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second.

"Huh? Police? Reporters? Excuse me? What's going on?"

I just fell into a coma for one afternoon + one night, and by the way, I had a nightmare, and when I woke up, the world changed?

Why do those reporters want to interview me?Did I do something earth-shattering?

The doctor sighed at Lin Yuanfei's astonishment.

"Mr. Hayashi Yuan doesn't know yet, right? During the time you were in a coma, the news about the cultists on Torimijima had spread throughout Raccoon City, and all relevant people had been interviewed. Only you were in a coma due to injury and no reporter was interviewed. "

"Now that you are a new star in Raccoon City, everyone is eager to know your heroic deeds in protecting all the girls in a group of cultists. Because most of the girls who were interviewed were silent. So the media reporters pinned their last hopes on you."

"When you were in a coma, many reporters had already gathered in the hospital lobby waiting for you to wake up."

"Hearing that you're awake now, they're going crazy... My god, these crazy guys won't tear down the hospital, will they?"

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