That was the monster buried with Freddy's corpse. It had been buried with such an evil ghost's corpse for ten years. It could be controlled by Freddy to kill people by flying, but it died after being beaten into the bushes during the fight. No one cares.

The glove never appeared again in the subsequent battle, and Lin Yuanfei also forgot about it.

But looking back now, it all seems to make sense.

If there's a reason and a reason for Freddy to be alive, it's just that decayed glove.

But because that thing is not Freddy's real corpse after all, it's just something like a relic, at most it has been buried with the corpse for a long time, but it still can't replace the real corpse.

So this time, although Freddy crawled back after being killed, and weaved a more terrifying and immersive nightmare by targeting Lin Yuanfei, its power still weakened after all.

It was even so weak that the pain could wake Lin Yuanfei out of his nightmare.

And that guy's self-satisfied coquettish talk is just to cover up the fact that he is strong on the outside...

After realizing this, the corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched into a sneer.

Freddy, you want to play, don't you?

Then kill your last hope this time!Let you have a good time!

Hanging up the phone call to Yuki, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, and slowly slumped on the hospital bed.

Freddy's return had indeed taken him by surprise at first.

But now that I think about it carefully, that guy is just a paper tiger with a strong outsider.

As long as he finds the neglected glove, Freddy can easily and completely solve it.

But Sadako...

Thinking of this name, Lin Yuanfei's expression was a little indifferent.

Sadako is still an insurmountable barrier under the current situation. There is no Alaya, no two rituals, and no help from any so-called big bosses.

The only thing in this world that you can really rely on is yourself after all.

After thinking about this point, Lin Yuanfei's mood gradually calmed down.

He realized one thing, and that was that he had been a little negligent since the trip to Toromijima.

Although he solved Freddy and Kayako, in fact, no one knows what he will face next.

But because the process of dealing with Freddy and Kayako was too smooth, it gave him a kind of self-confidence, and he was too reckless when he went to Tiaomi Island.

Although the matter of Toromijima was barely resolved satisfactorily, he didn't have much sense of urgency in his heart, and lost the cautiousness he had when he first crossed over.

In this dangerous world, no one knows what will emerge from the darkness in the next second.

What happened to Freddy was like a slap in the face, waking Lin Yuanfei up from his arrogant self-confidence.

Lin Yuanfei understands that only by being cautious can he go further in this strange and frightening world.

Although the matter of Kayako and Torimijima has come to an end for the time being, the alien under Torimijima still needs a headache, Sadako Yamamura is still haunted, and the umbrella company in the city center does not know when something will go wrong.

Now there is a half-dead Freddy crawling back to stare at him.

His situation is far from being peaceful, let alone safe.

In such a crisis-ridden situation, dare to be so arrogant and relaxed, and dare to be so self-confident... Is this courting death?

Lin Yuanfei's eyes were very cold.

He will not blame others, nor will he blame his past self. His character determines that he will constantly reflect on his own mistakes, and then repair and correct them.

As for being angry?pathos?Self-pity?That's just a silly waste of time.

Brother Cheng is still in the underground dry well, Freddy is still haunted, and the biochemical crisis may break out at any time, and the time left for him is actually running out.

He sat on the hospital bed leaning on the pillow, silently thinking about the next plan.

If Freddy's paws were not in Akina, they should be in the police station.

Because the group of policemen must have sealed off the crime scene afterwards, but it is not certain whether they found the glove in the bushes and collected the tattered glove as evidence.

But it's better to make sure...

Lin Yuanfei took out his mobile phone and called Saeko Busujima.

When the call came, Saeko Busujima's voice was sleepy, as if she was in a deep sleep.

But after hearing Lin Yuanfei's voice, Saeko Busujima woke up immediately.

"Lin Yuan-kun... you called at this time, is there something wrong?" Saeko Busujima's voice was a little dignified.

She was keenly aware that the situation was not good.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and gave Saeko Busujima a brief account of Freddy's return, and then asked her to use her family connections to inquire at the police station.

Although Saeko Bujima's parents are abroad, the Budao family is still a well-known swordsman family, and its power and energy tentacles are definitely much better than that of a penniless ass like Lin Yuanfei.

Just to inquire about a little thing in the police station, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Finally hung up Saeko Busujima's phone call, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, his tense nerves were slightly relieved.

Almost everything that can be done at present has been done non-stop.

Yuno and Yuki have already tried their best to go to Akina Mountain in the suburbs to find Freddy's broken glove.

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