And Busujima Saeko should also start to use the power of the family.

Although it is still at six o'clock in the morning and the sky is not yet bright, it will probably be news soon, right?

Two-way operation, no matter which line has the result, it means that Freddy is one step closer to death!

Lin Yuanfei looked out the window.

It was six ten in the morning, and the sky outside the window had already begun to turn white.

Although the first ray of morning light hadn't shone into the room yet, the dark night an hour ago had completely receded by now, and Raccoon City was surrounded by a misty and calm sky.

Lin Yuanfei quietly looked at the misty sky with a cold expression on his face.

The same mistake, he will not make a second time.

This time, he wants to completely eradicate all dangers!

Chapter 217 Kimono Short Hair

Japan's media circles have always liked to take the exaggerated route.

Whether it's news reports or media TV, how to grab attention, how to get it, how to make nonsense, all for the ratings and performance.

Coupled with the personality of Japan's second-year students, there are often many stunned stories.

For example, titles such as [Empire's Fierce Tiger], [Empire's Destruction Dragon] and [Ping-Pong's Queen], which made countless Chinese people paralyzed from laughing at the beginning, came from a Japanese program that broadcast a table tennis match.

The host of the show introduced several Chinese table tennis players in an impassioned tone, as if he was introducing the arrival of the king of his own country.

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei was really afraid that the group of Japanese media would call him a raccoon の giant soldier, a cult breaker, and so on.

But what he was afraid of would happen. When he got the newspaper handed over by the nurse, the headline on the front page was the most eye-catching place, and such an exaggerated headline was depicted in huge and exaggerated fonts.

——Fearless mad lion!Eternal Tiger!Fearless fighters with one person vs. three hundred cultists!The strongest high school student in history!

The exaggeratedly huge headline couldn't even be written in two lines, almost occupying most of the headlines on the front page.

Next to it is a bunch of slightly smaller annotations.

What is the perseverance that is not afraid of death, never abandons his companions, protects all the girls in the same company alone, never gives up even if he is seriously injured... Lin Yuanfei was stunned by that sudden boast.

ha?Is it me?Am I so brave and cheating? It turns out.

After a few seconds of silence with a strange expression, Lin Yuanfei opened the second page of the newspaper and began to read the detailed reports.

And the content of the report is not much different from the big and small headlines on the cover.

The group of reporters spent a lot of time talking about how terrifying the cultists in Tiaojian Island were, how Lin Yuanfei protected his female companions, and how he never flinched even when he was seriously injured and unconscious.

Well, mainly the interview with Saeko Busujima.

In that long series of reports, Saeko Busujima lavishly praised Lin Yuanfei, completely portraying Lin Yuanfei as a brave warrior who, regardless of life and death, bravely moved forward to save his classmates.

In the subsequent reports, there were also some critics' analysis of this incident, as well as their personal evaluation of Lin Yuanfei.

The group of snake spirit experts praised Lin Yuanfei fiercely, even a thick-skinned social person like Lin Yuanfei couldn't bear it, and felt extremely ashamed.

This is the second disease of the whole Japanese people in their brains!

Glancing secretly at the little nurse, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help sighing when he saw the excited and adoring eyes of the other party.

He, Lin Liangjiying, still wants to live a peaceful life in the future. This group of media has touted him as a celebrity in Raccoon City, so how can he play low-key and restrained in the future?

With some confusion in his mind, he flipped through a few pages of the newspaper, Lin Yuanfei felt that this group of media was too annoying.

The main reason was that the little nurse's eyes made him feel a little pained, as if the other party would rush over to kiss and hug him immediately, that kind of passionate gaze made Lin Yuanfei, an older single dog, very uncomfortable.

He casually flipped through a few pages, and found that there were reports of other events, so he hastily put down the newspaper.

He didn't notice that there was such a short newsletter written in the lower right corner of a certain page behind that.

[Many rabies patients attacked pedestrians in Raccoon City, and no less than ten people have been bitten and hospitalized.Although the patient has been brought under control, please stay safe when traveling]

This newsletter was very simple, and the location of the newspaper was also very remote. After Lin Yuanfei put down the newspaper, it was silently drowned in the stack of news reports.

no one noticed anymore...



In the morning, a gloomy light fell on the earth.

On the country road, the lush forests were tempered by the gloomy sky into a gloomy and cool tone.

In the sky covered with a little cloud, a little drizzle fell.

It's not big, but it gives the whole world a kind of foggy feeling.

This is a small seaside village in Yonago City, bordering on the territory of Raccoon City.

In two neighboring remote cities in the countryside, the radio entertainment programs of the residents often coincidentally overlap.

On the edge of the asphalt road, the signboard of the 7-eleven convenience store is very eye-catching in the hazy rain.

This is the edge of the small village, the only place to go on the highway, and some passers-by usually pass by.

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