But on the edge of the deserted village, there is only this solitary convenience store standing in the wilderness, which looks a bit desolate.

In the early morning, the front of the convenience store was deserted and silent, only the clerk behind the glass door stood behind the checkout counter and yawned.

At some point, the door was pushed open and someone walked in.

The clerk said, yawning.


Then he glanced at the visitor.

A woman, wearing a gray kimono, walked in slowly, giving off a very cold feeling.

The clerk couldn't help but blinked.

The woman didn't look at the clerk, but looked indifferently at the shelves of the convenience store.

Under the neat short hair is a very beautiful face.

It's not the weak beauty of ordinary women.

Between the two, it gives people a different feeling.

It was the kind of exquisite beauty that men would think she was a woman, but women would mistake her for a man.

When she checked out with the selected products, the clerk took a look and began to count the products.

On the TV in the convenience store, the morning news was playing.

The host in suit uniform said.

"According to the latest news, the boy who escaped safely from Torimi Island yesterday has woken up."

"He is a brave boy who successfully rescued the six girls who accompanied him. The girls who accompanied him were unharmed. Only he was seriously injured and unconscious due to excessive blood loss. Just like the legendary lion, he defended the territory with his own life. All women."

"Now that the fearless wild lion is awake, perhaps we will soon be able to get more information about this brave young man."

"Of course, before that, we also conducted some investigations. What we can learn now is that this boy is studying at Chunmu High School in Raccoon City, named Lin Yuanfei..."

Then, a photo of Lin Yuanfei appeared on the TV.

The moment the clerk turned back to watch the TV, there was a sudden explosion behind him.


Like the sound of a dull cannon, it was so close at hand that it startled him.

He hurriedly turned his head, only to see that strange guest was looking up and staring at the TV screen.

The sound of the explosion came from the crushed mineral water bottle in her hand... Mineral water bottle?Pinch burst?

The clerk looked at this scene in horror, seeing the splashing water everywhere, but dared not say a word.

The customer ignored the clerk's panic.

She just raised her head, looked at the photo of Lin Yuanfei on the screen, and looked at the face in that photo, her eyes under the delicate short hair flashed with murderous intent.

"Lin Yuan...fly!"

Chapter 218 Morning in Raccoon City

In the early morning, as the morning fog dissipated, Hexi's sunshine shone on the streets of Raccoon City.

From the TV screen, the host's pleasant voice came.

"Today is June 2003, 6. The sun is bright and the wind is mild from the southwest. The pollen density in the air is only 6, which is good weather for those with sensitive nasal passages."

"The outdoor temperature is 31 degrees, everyone can go to the beach to enjoy a refreshing beach holiday, remember to bring sunscreen~~"

On the TV screen, the host's generous and decent broadcast sound embellished the tranquility of the morning.

However, at this moment, there was a rush of traffic outside the window, interrupting the leisurely morning.

The host, who was sitting at the dining table enjoying breakfast, took a subconscious glance, and saw a black convoy passing by the window quickly.

On the body of each car, there is the eye-catching logo of the umbrella company.

There are fifteen cars in this black convoy, each of which is equipped with strong steel and bulletproof glass.

The jet-black streamlined body moves through the residential area at an overly ostentatious height.

The residents walking in the morning all looked sideways and pointed.

Every time a designated intersection is reached, these vehicles will automatically leave the convoy and drive to their own goals.

But when the last black car stopped in front of a villa, there were no vehicles following it.

Every car goes to meet its own goal.

When the last black car stopped, the door opened, and two men in suits and leather shoes got out of the car and walked quickly to the villa in front.

Their footsteps were fast, and there was a hint of urgency in their movements.

With a meticulous and serious expression, there is no trace of relaxation.

One of them pressed the doorbell of the villa. Half a minute later, the door of the villa opened slowly, and a middle-aged European and American man in a wheelchair appeared in their field of vision.

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