"Quick! Turn the monitoring screen to the big screen!"

Then, the picture on the big screen flashed, replaced by a surveillance video of a hospital corridor.

In the picture, a nurse in a white nurse's uniform turned his back to the surveillance camera and staggered towards the end of the corridor.

And behind the duty desk in the middle of the corridor, Lin Yuanfei stared at the little nurse who was slowly approaching, and gritted his teeth.

"Resident Evil... This tm is really lucky!"

Grasping the fire extinguisher in his hand, Lin Yuanfei turned over from behind the duty desk expressionlessly, and looked at the nurse a few meters away.

At such a distance, Lin Yuanfei could already clearly see the nurse's sluggish expression, dark eyes, and... the blood dripping from her mouth.

A little girl who used to be very beautiful, now looks hideous.

The moment Lin Yuanfei came out, the little nurse who had been walking slowly and unsteadily stopped for a second.


He rushed over in an instant!

The speed of the impact was beyond Lin Yuanfei's expectation.


He slammed out the fire extinguisher in his hand, and the metal can collided heavily with the figure of the little nurse rushing over.


With a muffled sound, Lin Yuanfei felt his arms go numb.

And the little nurse had already been thrown into the air, falling heavily four or five meters away, her head was like a burst watermelon, and red and white things were scattered everywhere.

Lin Yuanfei put down the buzzing fire extinguisher with a shocked expression on his face.

This... the speed and strength of this zombie are so great?

Isn't this tm a biohazard?Resident Evil's zombies are so fierce?Could it be that the filming set went to the next door "World War Zombies"?

Lin Yuanfei shook his numb palm, and suddenly realized another thing.

At the moment of life and death just now, he subconsciously used a lot of strength.

According to the normal situation, the wound on his arm should have burst open at this time.

Why do I feel nothing now?

Lin Yuanfei frowned.

He looked down at the bandage wrapped around his right arm.

After a few seconds of silence, he slowly removed the bandage.

Then, a completely intact arm without any wounds appeared in front of him.

Healthy enough to kill a cow with one punch.

The injuries from a day ago have all disappeared without a trace...

Chapter 220 Seraph

Layers of bandages were removed, and the intact right arm under the bandages appeared in Lin Yuanfei's field of vision.

There was no wound, no excruciating pain, and aside from the ugly scar from the healing wound, there was only a strange, plum-like bloodstain on his arm.

Seeing the bloodstain on the plum blossom, Lin Yuanfei's eyes froze.

This thing... I seem to have seen it somewhere.

In the second movie of Resident Evil, the scars injected with the t-virus are like this.

Looking back at the empty hospital in front of him and the zombie whose head had exploded not far away, Lin Yuanfei slowly lowered his right hand.

Head down.

I... was injected with the t-virus by the umbrella company?

Became their experimental sample?


Lin Yuanfei can be sure that he never had any contact with anyone from the umbrella company when he was sober.

So this experiment was done when he was in a coma?

It took about a day and a night from the time he left Torami Island and fell into a coma until he woke up, right?

If the Umbrella guys had been quicker, they might have actually been able to complete their experiment.

But what are those guys doing injecting him with the virus?He is not Alice!

Or is it because there is no Alice in this world, so I became the target of the umbrella instead of Alice?

So why is the umbrella staring at him?Have you taken a fancy to your extraordinary physique?Or is it the identity of the inheritor of Feitian Yujian?

Where did those guys find out his true identity?

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