Constantly thinking, Lin Yuanfei frowned tightly.

He touched the other wounds on his body. Although he couldn't see clearly under the bandage, he did not feel hurt anymore.

He hadn't noticed this before, but now he realized that his body was so healthy and light.

He seemed to have returned to the day when he first crossed into this world. He was not injured, his body was light, and his whole body seemed to have endless strength.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei decided to go to the window to see the current situation of Raccoon City.

However, just as he stepped out, the phone rang suddenly at the nurse's desk behind him.

Doot beep - beep beep - beep beep -

Lin Yuanfei hadn't heard the familiar ringing rhythm of the wired phone for more than ten years.

He turned his head subconsciously, looked at the empty duty desk, listened to the strange bell echoing in the hospital corridor, and fell silent.

At this time, someone called?

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Yuanfei walked over directly.

The phone is connected.

On the other end of the phone, a man's low laughter came.

"Good morning, Mr. Bigu Qingjuro, are you satisfied with our treatment services?"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei's expression turned cold.

"who are you?"

"Daniel, Daniel Whitman, the head of the Fifth Research Institute of the Umbrella Company, the initiator of the Seraphim project, and the attending doctor who cured you yesterday... How is it? How is your body feeling now?" Another person on the phone Daniel on the other end had a weird laugh.

Lin Yuanfei said blankly, "Treatment? What you do is not just treatment..."

"Hehe... You are indeed the descendant of the Feitian Yujian style, smarter than Mr. Gu Qingjuro," Daniel's laughter came from the phone, "Indeed, we have conducted a little experiment on you. But Please rest assured that it is harmless and will not endanger your life."

In Daniel's laughter, there was a strong sense of playfulness, as if it was a beast playing with its prey.

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei was indifferent, "You seem to have spent a lot of time investigating me...but since you know that I am the descendant of Feitian Yujianliu, you still dare to provoke me. Aren't you afraid that I will kill your whole family?"

On the phone, Daniel smiled happily.

"That will have to wait for you to find me... But since Mr. Hiko Seijuro is so confident, then I will give you a chance. I am now under the umbrella building in the center of the city, under the hive in the laboratory."

"I'll be there until twelve o'clock tonight."

"Will you be able to break through our heavy blockade and come before me before twelve o'clock? I am looking forward to your performance, Mr. Hiko Seijuro."

Lin Yuanfei sneered, "Are you in the hive? Not necessarily... Judging from the thing I just blew my head off, it seems that there is something wrong with the current Raccoon City. In this case, you will still stay in the hive." In the city? Are you fooling a fool?!"

Daniel on the other end of the phone sighed, "If Mr. Higu Seijuro refuses to believe it, then there is nothing you can do. Anyway, I will wait for you at the hive until twelve o'clock tonight. After twelve o'clock, I will leave immediately. If you want to know what happened, and what kind of experiment was done on you, come to me in the hive."

"It's late, but it's too late..."

Amidst Daniel's laughter, the phone was hung up directly.

Lin Yuanfei held the receiver, listened to the beeping sound from the phone with a blank face, and slowly put the receiver back.

Those bastards in the umbrella really implanted the virus in him.

So behind his head, is there a chip implanted by those guys?

Lin Yuanfei thought about it, but didn't touch the back of his head.

Now is not the time, and we can't scare the snake for the time being.

Can't act like you're familiar with the umbrella company.

He must first pretend to be an ordinary person's reaction, to lower the vigilance of the umbrella company, and wait for the opportunity to find loopholes in the umbrella company's plan.

Now that the zombies have spread here, one can imagine what the outside city looks like.

I don't have any weapons in my hands now, so I have to find weapons as soon as possible.

Judging from the speed and strength shown by the nurse zombie just now, the zombies in this world are completely different from those in the movie.

It is more similar to the horror zombies in "World War Z" that can run and jump, crazy and violent.

Even if you watch the virus, you won't be infected if you get bitten, but once you are surrounded by zombies, you will definitely be dismembered.

So he must be careful in his next actions.

The most important task is to obtain self-defense weapons.

And, find scattered friends!

The Yuki sisters and Ju Chuan Shizuka are in Akina Mountain, so they should not be attacked by zombies for the time being.

But Saeko Busujima and Gui Yanye in the city can't ignore it.

And there is Fu Jiang at home...

If Fu Jiang, who allowed every cell and every piece of meat to increase in value infinitely, was attacked by zombies, Lin Yuanfei couldn't even imagine what horrible things would happen.

He must go home immediately and find Fu Jiang before things become uncontrollable!

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