ps: What follows is a long-term plot with a fast pace and many character clues. I need to sort out my thoughts. There are only three changes today.

Tomorrow five more

Chapter 221

Putting down the phone in his hand, Lin Yuanfei left the nurse's desk after blankly looking at the camera in the corner.

He knew that those bastards from the umbrella company were probably watching him behind the camera.

But that doesn't matter.

Because there may be a chip implanted by those guys on the back of his neck, and those guys should know his specific location with or without surveillance cameras.

The point now is not those bastards, but to leave this strange hospital as soon as possible and return home to find Fu Jiang.

Lin Yuanfei walked to the window and looked at the scene outside the window.

At this time, Raccoon City seems to have fallen into chaos.

One after another, thick black smoke rose in the city, and it seemed that explosions and riots had occurred in many places.

And in a more distant place, in the outer area of ​​the city, a steel fence that appeared at an unknown time surrounded the entire city.

That spectacular scene made Lin Yuanfei's eyes froze slightly.

Although the urban area of ​​Raccoon City is not that big, the steel fence that can enclose the entire city... Umbrella, is your steel so worthless?

With so much steel, even if you sell it to a scrap recycling station, you can become a rich man!

Lin Yuanfei rubbed his brows, feeling very headache.

Looking away from the steel fence in the distance, Lin Yuanfei looked at the city streets under his feet.

Here is a hospital building with more than [-] floors.

Lin Yuanfei, on the other hand, was at the top.

In front of the building is a street.

However, at this time, the street was empty and there was no pedestrian to be seen. The morning sun shone on the road, giving it a withered yellow color.

There were no pedestrians, no zombies, no screams, no fleeing, not even a broken car overturned on the side of the road that is common in post-apocalyptic movies.

The entire street was empty, and no pedestrians could be seen. It didn't have the horror of apocalyptic zombie movies at all. Instead, it was more like a quiet street in a remote area, without any abnormalities.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei was a little confused.

Could it be that the zombies haven't spread here yet?But what happened to the nurse zombie before?

Or... the zombies here have all moved and spread to other places?

After standing by the window and watching for a while, but failing to find any useful information, Lin Yuanfei walked in the corridor, checking all the wards on this floor one by one.

As he had guessed, the entire floor was empty, and there were no patients except him.

It was obviously a luxurious and luxurious intensive care unit, but those expensive instruments were placed there and no one took care of them.

Now that it's Biohazard outside, probably no one will come to carry these advanced instruments, right?

Lin Yuanfei searched one ward after another with his eyes, and finally found a weapon that could defend himself.

Fire Ax...

The dark red fire ax was quietly hanging on the wall at the end of the corridor.

Next to it, there is a fire hydrant box that stores fire extinguishers and water hoses.

However, all Lin Yuanfei needed was a fire axe.

Taking off the fire ax and weighing the weight of the ax in his hand, Lin Yuanfei left the corridor and walked into the safe passage.

This hospital building has elevators.

Yet no one who has seen a Resident Evil movie would take an elevator in this situation.

Once the door of the elevator is opened, who knows if there will be zombies crowding the entire elevator inside...

Even if it is slower, taking the safe passage is the safest choice, and it can also make timely choices for different situations.

Take the elevator, let alone the problem of elevator damage, if the elevator stops, the door opens, and a group of zombies rush outside, even Lin Yuanfei will rush to the street.

Holding the fire ax in his hand like this, Lin Yuanfei went downstairs silently along the stairs of the safe passage.

His movements are quick, but his steps are light.

This hospital is so big, I don't know if there are any zombies wandering around.

His footsteps must be light, because if one zombie is attracted, it will inevitably attract other zombies.

The task now is not to kill zombies, but to go home quickly.

Not only would there be no reward points for killing zombies, but it would consume energy in vain. There was no gain for him. He couldn't get entangled with these zombies here.

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei walked in the safe passage of the hospital like a ghost, without making any unnecessary sounds.

And the entire safe passage was dead silent, not even any unnecessary sound could be heard in the entire building.

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