
With a loud noise, the head of a zombie at the front exploded like a watermelon.

While red and white things were splashing everywhere, the head of the second zombie had already been chopped off.

Lin Yuanfei, who had fully recovered from his injuries, no longer had to hold back anything.

The physical strength of the contemporary heirs of Feitian Yujianliu is fully displayed. Even though the speed and strength of this group of zombies far exceed the movie version, they are still as fragile as a group of chickens.

Their speed is fast, and Lin Yuanfei's speed is even faster.

While frantically chopping out the fire axe, Lin Yuanfei's body kept retreating.

Every time, I make sure that there are only two to three zombies in front of me, and I will never give these zombies a chance to encircle me.

Among the splattered blood and flying brains, zombie corpses with decapitated bodies and burst heads fell convulsively, and zombies rushed up one after another.

Every attack of Lin Yuanfei aimed at their heads precisely and viciously.

Five seconds later, Lin Yuanfei retreated ten meters away.

There was a long "corpse path" in front of him.

The zombie corpses one after another were paved from the corner to his feet like a pavement, a very straight corpse road.

Dark red foul-smelling blood sprayed everywhere.

Lin Yuanfei flicked the fire ax in his hand, looking at the sticky blood dripping from it, feeling disgusted.

But this ax is still his only weapon now, and it cannot be discarded at will.

Lin Yuanfei bent down, wiped the blood from the ax on the zombie at his feet, and then stood up.

The group of zombies at his feet are all a group of reporters in suits and leather shoes. It seems that they should be the group of guys who stayed in the hospital to interview him before.

It's just that the biochemical crisis broke out suddenly, and all these guys were recruited and turned into zombies.

Lin Yuanfei just glanced at them, then looked away, turned and walked outside.

Resident Evil has broken out, but it is just a group of zombies, there is no need for mercy.

In this way, in the surveillance video of the hospital hall, Lin Yuanfei dragged the blood-stained fire axe, turned his back to the camera, and left the hospital building without hesitation.

In the dimly lit room, seeing this scene, Daniel in a white coat pondered, his side face reflected by the light of the computer screen.

On the big screen was the back of Lin Yuanfei leaving.

The researchers around him are earnestly extracting the experimental data.

On one of the display screens, a three-dimensional image of a man appeared.Next to the image, there are several curves representing data fluctuations.

One of the researchers reported loudly.

"The activity of the t-virus is still suppressed. The cells of the target sample are too strong, and the t-virus is completely suppressed!"

"In the first second of the battle, the t virus was active for a moment, but it was immediately suppressed by the powerful life force of the target sample!"

"Sir, if this continues, the activity of the t-virus will be completely wiped out by the life force in the target sample."

The researcher reported the results loudly, and Daniel stared fixedly at the several curves at the bottom of the big screen that represented the properties of the t-virus in the target sample, touched his chin, and pondered for a long time.

Daniel rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"Has the project can't be so fast?"

"The power of the extraordinary is really not something that science and technology can analyze?"

"It is obvious that he is just a martial artist who learns swords, but he can suppress our t-virus...Why can't the t-virus fully integrate into his cells?"

Thinking about it, he kept recalling the battle that took place in the short five seconds before, and the curve fluctuations that represented the attributes of the virus during the battle.

After daniel pondered for a few seconds, he put down his right hand and made a decision.

"Start the Nemesis Project and wake up Tracker No. [-]. Let's see if we can stimulate the activation of the T-Virus in the fierce battle."

The researchers were somewhat taken aback by this order.

"Number three? Sir, do you want to activate the Nemesis Project now?"

According to the previous plan, it should be later, right?

Daniel looked at the figure of Lin Yuanfei on the big screen and shrugged, "Ordinary zombies seem to be unable to excite our samples, so let's add some excitement to him. Even if he is the descendant of Feitian Yujian, Is it a headache to face the stalker? I want to see if the life force in his body can suppress the activation of the t-virus when he is in a high-intensity battle!"

For this order, the researchers could only obediently obey.

One of the researchers quickly operated in front of the computer for a while, and loudly announced the start of the project.

"The tracker has awakened! The Nemesis Project has officially begun!"

The monitoring screen on the big screen switched to a quiet and unoccupied laboratory.

In the laboratory, which is full of whiteness everywhere, there is no living person to be seen.

In the empty and deserted room, there was only the piercing sound of the medical equipment next to the hospital bed.

At a certain moment, as if awakened by some sound, the figure lying quietly on the hospital bed slowly sat up.

With a burly height, a thick body, and a hideous and rough monster skin, this is a terrifying monster that only appears in nightmares.

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