But now it's happening in the real world.

When it opened its eyes, its emotionless eyes slowly looked at the ward in front of it, and then stood up.

After tearing off the electrodes on the body and the needle tube under the skin, the monster's huge and burly body pushed open the white door and came to a quiet corridor.

In the corridor, there were two huge metal boxes lying quietly, as if they had been placed here long ago, waiting for their users.

Without any hesitation, the monster opened the two metal boxes and took out the terrifying equipment that belonged to it.

Ten minutes later, a burly figure as ferocious as a monster in a nightmare appeared silently on the streets of Raccoon City.

Quickly approach the area where its target is located!

Chapter 223 Love is a Light ([-])

When the door of the villa was pushed open, Shimada Nobunaga looked at his secretary, feeling a little strange.

"Why are you in such a panic?"

This calm and neat secretary has always been very fond of Shimada Nobunaga.

It was almost rare for him to see such a flustered look, so he was very curious, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously evoked some playful arcs.

"Miss, are you broken in love?"

Regarding this young master of her own family, Miss Secretary gave a rather angry look, and said, "Mr. Shimada is still in the mood to joke...the helicopter is ready, let's set off as soon as possible."

Hearing this sentence, Shimada Nobunaga was stunned for a second, "Helicopter? Departure? Where are we going?"

"Urgent Evacuation!" Miss Secretary said seriously, "According to the notice from the Umbrella Company, a biohazard with an unknown source of infection has appeared in the urban area of ​​Raccoon City. Now the whole city has been blocked, and there is chaos outside. We have to evacuate as soon as possible. .It's too late, and it may be life-threatening."

Shimada Nobunaga quickly jumped off the bed, rubbing the center of his brows in depression.

"Why should Umbrella Company notify me? Who is the mayor of Raccoon City!"

While muttering so casually, Nobunaga Shimada followed the secretary and walked out.

As he walked, he said.

"Is the matter serious? It's getting to the point where I have to evacuate... Could it be that the whole city has been infected and turned into zombies?"

The secretary did not speak, but walked ahead to lead the way, while constantly arranging things through the walkie-talkie.

The two walked out of the luxurious villa and came near the rear apron.

The helicopter's propellers were turning slowly, just waiting for Shimada Nobunaga to get on the plane before taking off and leaving.

At this time, Shimada Nobunaga suddenly thought of one thing.

"No! I can't leave like this!"

Shimada Nobunaga looked at the secretary at the side and asked, "How is she doing now, my dear? Is she still at Lin Yuanfei's house? Did you send someone to pick her up?"

In the gust of wind blown by the helicopter propeller, the secretary shook her head.

"According to your order, Mr. Shimada, we didn't send anyone to disturb Ms. Fu Jiang. She is still at Lin Yuanfei's home, there is no sign of going out, and we haven't sent anyone to pick her up."

Hearing this sentence, Shimada Nobunaga was a little angry.

"What? You didn't send for her?"

Without further ado, Nobunaga Shimada slapped her and roared angrily, "Don't you know how much I value her? You actually asked me to ask you... If I don't mention this matter, Are you going to wait until my dear is dead before you tell me you left the woman I love the most in Raccoon City?"

"Sajo Ayaka! Is it because I have given you too much power, and you have lost your position?"

Shimada Nobunaga roared angrily, stepped on the woman kneeling on the ground crazily, and cursed, "You bitch, don't be too arrogant! You can figure it out for me, I only give it to you because you are useful and do a good job. You delegate power! I let you do things! But I, Nobunaga Shimada, can make you get up, and I can also make you fall!"

"Without me, you are nothing! You are nothing! You are nothing, do you understand?"

Angrily, he kicked the secretary in the face and sent the girl flying, Shimada Nobunaga cursed angrily.

"Get me a car! I'm going to pick up my dear now."

"Lin Yuanfei can't protect her, I will protect her!"

"I swear by the glory of my Shimada family, as long as I, Nobunaga Shimada, is still alive, I will never let my beloved woman suffer any harm!"

"Get me a car! I'm going to Elm Street!"

Amidst Nobunaga Shimada's angry roar, the secretary behind him got up silently, wiped the blood from her forehead, and then used the walkie-talkie to convey Nobunaga Shimada's order.

Ten minutes later, the Shimada family's convoy was driving through the streets of Raccoon City.

Looking at the chaotic city in front of him and those passers-by fleeing in all directions, Nobunaga Shimada frowned.

"What the hell happened? How did these guys run so fast?"

Going against the direction in which the crowd was fleeing, the convoy quickly passed through the running crowd.

Then, a strange procession appeared in front of them.

A group of strange people moving slowly...

Dark red smudged blood, a body missing arms and legs, gray eyes, and a ferocious expression.

The moment the group of zombies saw the Shimada family convoy, they all roared and rushed over.

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