The speed of running wildly exceeded everyone's expectations.

The first car in front of the convoy was directly overwhelmed by the zombies. One after another, the hands of the zombies frantically tore at the door, and the huge impact force made the car body shake wildly.

And more zombies rushed towards the vehicles behind.

"Go! Go to the side!"

The decisive yell of the secretary awakened the driver from his panic.

The black car carrying Shimada Nobunaga immediately left the convoy, quickly turned around and drove into an alley on the side.

In the rearview mirror, they could see that the group of running zombies directly flooded all the Shimada family's convoy, and they didn't know how many cars escaped.

But the cars surrounded by zombies were all submerged by the corpses, and only the shrill screams of the bodyguards could be heard from a distance.

And those zombies who were chasing Shimada Nobunaga's car wildly chased after a few steps, then gradually lost their target and gave up.

Inside the bulletproof car, Nobunaga Shimada watched all this in horror, gasping for breath, terrified.

"Damn... Fuck! Did you really turn into a zombie?" He looked at the secretary, a little panicked, "The biochemical experiment conducted by those bastards from the Umbrella Company is to turn people into this appearance?"

Miss Secretary looked at him, was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "Mr. Shimada, we really should go. The city is in chaos now. I don't know how many monsters like that just now are left. We must leave before the situation gets out of control." , there can be no further delay."

Shimada Nobunaga was stunned for a second, "But where is my dear? Where is my dear Tomie? Do you want me to abandon her here? Impossible!"

Shimada Nobunaga roared, "Even if I am going to die, I will die with my Tomie! Drive! Give me another road to Elm Street! I must pick her up safely, or I will never leave! "

The secretary lowered her head and said softly, "But Mr. Shimada, the master and wife will not support the matter between Miss Tomie and you. It is their opinion that I take you away directly. If you take Miss Tomie back, The master will definitely be angry."

"Then let him be so angry!" Nobunaga Shimada scolded angrily, "The old man dared to frame my Fu Jiang... If there is something wrong with Fu Jiang, I will never end with him!"

Chapter 224 Love Is a Light ([-])

"The dead old man dared to frame my Fu Jiang... If there is something wrong with Fu Jiang, I will never end with him!"

Shimada Nobunaga's roar was resounding.

Hearing this angry and frantic scolding, Miss Secretary fell silent.

She raised her head and looked out the window, then said to the driver.

"Let's go from the second way. There are few people there, even if there are not many zombies. If we encounter the group of corpses just now, it will be difficult for us to escape safely."

Even if it is a bulletproof car, encountering a group of corpses like just now can make people tremble.

The countless zombies roared and rushed up, crashing into the car body frantically, blocking all directions of the vehicle's forward and backward directions.

Before long, the car will be overturned by the zombies.

Even if the group of zombies in the bulletproof car cannot be broken, the people in the car can only starve to death.

With so many zombies outside, it is basically impossible to count on reinforcements to rescue them.

Taking out the walkie-talkie, Miss Secretary contacted the person in charge of the helicopter.

"You immediately fly the helicopter over Elm Street. I will send you the exact coordinates later. Get the rope ladder and sling ready. We will climb the rope ladder and board the plane later. There is no time for evacuation."

After contacting the person in charge of the helicopter, the secretary sent the coordinates of Lin Yuanfei's home, and then he was slightly relieved.

At their speed, they would surely reach Elm Street before the helicopter arrived.

As for what happened after that, it was not difficult, it was just bringing home a commoner woman whom the young master liked.

The only thing that worried Sajo Ayaka was the objection from the elders in the family after the young master brought that woman home...

I will probably be dismissed, right?

Sajo Ayaka gave a weak wry smile, she had already foreseen such an ending.

Shimada Nobunaga is a much-loved heir, even if the old man blames him too much, the final responsibility will definitely fall on her, the secretary who is in charge of handling all the daily affairs of Shimada Nobunaga.

She will definitely lose everything she has now, and even be thrown into hell directly, with no room for recovery.

Ironically, even though she knew what would happen if she followed Shimada Nobunaga's orders, she still had to obey...

Subconsciously glanced at Shimada Nobunaga, this pampered noble boy was anxiously worried about his lover's safety.

As for other people, it seems that it is not important to him.

In other words, for nobles like Shimada Nobunaga, ordinary civilians are just one-time consumables, and they are not worth paying too much attention to.

With Sajo Ayaka sighing softly, the black car slowly stopped outside the door of No. 44 Elm Street.

From Erzhidao to the residential area, it is a sparsely populated area in Raccoon City.

Especially during working hours, almost all the people in this area were housewives in their own homes, so the car drove all the way and didn't see many zombies.

After the vehicle stopped, Nobunaga Shimada pushed open the door and rushed out without any hesitation.

He ran to the gate, rang the doorbell frantically, and shouted loudly.

"Honey! Open the door quickly! I have something urgent to tell you, open the door quickly!"

But no one in the room responded to him.

Miss Secretary hurried up and said softly.

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