"Mr. Shimada, please keep your voice down, too loud a voice may attract the group of zombies."

Shimada Nobunaga glared at her, but did not speak, but looked directly at the bodyguard behind him.

"You! Open the door for me!"

The rough order made the bodyguard nod.

Back in the trunk of the car, the bodyguard took out an ax, then ran back quickly, raised the ax and aimed at the door lock and slashed hard.


There were three muffled bangs in succession, and a big hole appeared on the door, and the lock fell off directly.

The bodyguard then pushed open the door and walked in first.

Shimada Nobunaga didn't have time to wait for the bodyguard to confirm his safety.

As soon as he rushed in, he shouted anxiously.

"Honey! Are you there? It's me, Nobunaga! Where are you, my dear?"

However, in the empty room, no one responded to him.

Shimada Nobunaga was silent for a few seconds, looked at the secretary beside him, and frowned, "Are you sure my Tomie is really in this room?"

Miss Secretary nodded, "The last news from our supervisors is that Ms. Fu Jiang still stayed in this room and didn't go out for a day and two nights. But it's so chaotic outside, maybe Lin Yuanfei has taken her away. , Mr. Shimada, let's go, it's not safe to delay here for too long."

Shimada Nobunaga glared at her angrily, but he was in no mood to scold her anymore.

He rushed into the house directly, searched back and forth on the first floor, but couldn't find Fu Jiang.

Then, without waiting for the secretary to continue to persuade, Nobunaga Shimada rushed to the second floor and pushed open the door of Lin Yuanfei's bedroom.

Then, he saw a strange scene.

... The woman he loves, the beautiful goddess whom he thinks about day and night, the goddess whom he holds in his hands and protects so much that he is afraid of being wronged, is chained in the corner of the room like a dog.

And not far from Fu Jiang, there are some junk civilian food that Shimada Nobunaga usually doesn't bother to look at.

Looking at those opened bags, it seems that the lovers have been living on these junk food for a few days.

Not far away, there is even a cat litter box!

Is this treatment a dog?

Shimada Nobunaga's eyeballs were blood red, and his anger instantly burst out.

The junk civilian food in those convenience stores, even his dog's food is a hundred times better than this one!

But that bastard Lin Yuanfei actually fed his goddess with these things?

He even chained his goddess in the house?

Nobunaga Shimada burst into tears.

"Woooooooooooooooooo dear, I'm sorry for you! I'm sorry for you!"

Shimada Nobunaga cried and rushed to Tomie in the corner, as if he wanted to give his lover a hug.

However, Fu Jiang, who was chained like a dog, avoided him lightly and smiled.

"Nobunaga? What are you doing here? Didn't you tell you to go home? Nobunaga is disobedient again."

Amid Tomie's chuckle, Nobunaga Shimada raised his teary-eyed face and cried loudly, "I didn't know you were suffering here! Honey, I'll rescue you right now! Take you home!"

Shimada Nobunaga looked angrily at the bodyguard behind him, and roared, "Why are you still standing there? Go and untie the rope!"

However, before the bodyguard moved, Fu Jiang quickly retreated into the corner, blocked the handle of the rope, and said seriously, "Nobunaga, this rope cannot be untied. If he comes back and sees that I untied the rope , he will be angry."

Hearing this sentence, Shimada Nobunaga was at a loss.

Chapter 225 Tomie's Logic

"Nobunaga, this rope cannot be untied. If he comes back and sees that I untied the rope, he will be angry."

Hearing this sentence, Shimada Nobunaga was at a loss.

The atmosphere in the room was a little weird.

Shimada Nobunaga stared blankly at Tomie in front of him, watching her seriously protecting the rope that tied her in the corner, with a look of shock.

"Honey, you..." Shimada Nobunaga's heartbroken face was unbelievable, "What did that bastard do to you?"

The secretary looked down at the time and said, "Mr. Shimada, there is no time to delay. Let's take Miss Tomie away first, and explain the rest later."

The longer you delay here, the less safe it is.

The helicopter had already flown over Elm Street, and the sound of the propeller turning rapidly might attract zombies from several nearby blocks.

It must be transferred away as soon as possible.

Shimada Nobunaga nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, we have to move quickly. My dear, Raccoon City is very dangerous now, and all those people have turned into human-eating monsters. We have to evacuate quickly. Let's get out of here quickly, No matter what you want from now on, I will satisfy you!"

However, in the face of Shimada Nobunaga's earnest persuasion, Fu Jiang just shook his head.

She smiled, looked at the young raccoon mayor in front of her, and said, "I just hope you get out of here and don't bother me, that's enough. Nobunaga, since you love me, then this little thing shouldn't be difficult Bar……"

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