"By the way, you really didn't run away? It's interesting."

Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and said, "And why do you feel so obedient? Are you being taken away by someone traveling through?"

Fu Jiang, who was wearing a goat skull mask, chuckled, his smile was extremely enchanting and charming.

"Could it be that people are obedient and well-behaved, but my dear is not used to it? You prefer people who are disobedient?"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "It's not that I'm shaking m, I'm not interested in that."

As he said that, Lin Yuanfei glanced at the two corpses in the room and asked, "Isn't this guy Shimada Nobunaga? The one next to him is...his entourage? Bodyguards? How did they die? Who killed them?"

Lin Yuanfei squatted next to the two corpses and checked, while Fu Jiang confessed without any concealment.

"I killed them. They wanted to take me away, but I wanted to stay at home and wait for you to come back, so I found a chance to beat them both to death."

Fu Jiang casually said terrible words, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help frowning.

"Are you really going to rely on me?"

Lin Yuanfei gave Fu Jiang a sideways look, and said, "Don't tell me such nonsense that you are in love with me. We all know what kind of virtue you are. We both understand people, so don't hide it. , What on earth are you thinking? Let's open the skylight and speak clearly, I want to know what you want to do."

This Fu Jiang, isn't planning some disgusting and sinister plot...

But under Lin Yuanfei's vigilant eyes, Fu Jiang chuckled and said.

"My dear, since you know that I am a monster and know my character, you should also know that all the men who fall in love with me will not be able to resist tearing me up in the end, right?"

"Even if I can continue to divide and proliferate a new Fu Jiang after my death, so what? For me, the moment I was dismembered, I was already dead, and the re-proliferation was just another Kawakami Tomie's name and memories are nothing more than a woman, the new life is her new life, not mine."

"If you can enjoy a good life in this world, who would be willing to be dismembered and killed?"

"That's right, I'm skittish, I love vanity, and I'm greedy for enjoyment. I'm a monster who relies on the power of charm to poison men. I know my dear, you look down on me like this. How to do it?"

"I'm just skittish, I'm just vain, I'm just greedy for enjoyment, and I don't want to change at all, and I don't want to change."

"I want to live like this, even if I can live one more day, I also hope to live like this according to my wishes."

"I know my dear, you despise me, guard me, and be wary of me. My dear, you think that I like you so much now because you dismiss me. You think that if one day you change your attitude towards me, I will regard you as You are like nothing...that's right, I, Tomie Kawakami, is such a woman, and I have absolutely no objection."

Under Lin Yuanfei's strange gaze, Fu Jiang said with a light smile, "I admit, if you fall in love with me one day, then you will lose your attraction to me, and all my obsession with you will disappear."

"But dear, haven't you always been afraid that you'd like me... You know what it's like to fall in love with me, so you've been resisting my charm."

"But as for me, I just like to be infatuated with you who resist my charm like this."

"If it was normal, my dear would run far away and escape from me, but my dear just wants to control me and prevent me from harming other people... Hee hee... Isn't this a coincidence ?"

Fu Jiang said with a smile, "I am with my dear, I am obsessed with you, I like you, and you pursue you, but you continue to be alienated, indifferent, disgusted and disgusted with me. As long as you don't fall in love with me for a day, I will always love you I will be brutally killed and dismembered by you, and we can live together for many years~~~ If we can go on like this, then what is the difference from a husband and wife?"

"Lin Yuan-jun, since you want to feed a demon with your body, then I, you demon, have no objection at all."

Fu Jiang's eyes were narrowed like crescent moons.

Lin Yuanfei's face stiffened when he heard that cheerful and free-spirited chuckle.

He didn't even know what expression to make to face Fu Jiang in front of him.

To kill but not to kill, to coax but not to coax, you have to stay by your side and imprison and seal her up, but you also have to be careful to guard against her charm so as not to be tricked.

My tm was out of my mind at the beginning, so I wanted to bring this monster with me?

But Lin Yuanfei thought a little about the possible consequences of releasing Fu Jiang... Especially now that the city is full of zombies, with the proliferation speed of Fu Jiang's cells, every zombie that eats Fu Jiang's meat will soon become Fu Jiang.

At that time, all the zombies in the city will be replaced by Fu Jiangs in the city... Damn!This picture is scarier than Resident Evil!

Lin Yuanfei felt his scalp go numb just thinking about it.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei stabilized his mind, then glared at Fu Jiang.

"Okay! Since you said that, then I believe you. Do you want to be by my side? No problem! Be obedient and cooperate, just don't be a moth. Although I won't fall in love with you, I won't treat you badly either, Guaranteed to enshrine you like an ancestor."

"As long as I, Lin Yuanfei, have breath, I will never let anyone touch a hair of yours!"


Chapter 228 One-on-One Invincible Lin Yuanfei

"As long as I, Lin Yuanfei, have breath, I will never let anyone touch a hair of yours!"


Lin Yuanfei's words were resounding.

Hearing this assurance, Fu Jiang nodded with a chuckle.

"No problem, my dear, let us get along well in the future. You are responsible for loathing me and loathing me, and I am responsible for falling in love with you and following you... Hee hee hee... I don't hate this kind of life."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and transfer."

Lin Yuanfei went to Fu Jiang and untied the rope, and said, "The helicopter above the head has been buzzing non-stop, and the zombies from the nearby streets have been attracted. We have to move quickly. You need to pack it up and take it with you." things, let's get my gear."

Lin Yuanfei's equipment is kept at my wife's house.

His backpack, wooden sword, samurai sword, and Kayako's human skin diary are all placed there.

During his coma, his equipment was kept by Yuki.

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