But now the Yuki sisters are in Qiuming Mountain outside the city, and looking at the area of ​​the steel fence, it happens to separate Qiuming Mountain from the outside of the fence.

The two girls and Ju Chuan Shizuka are in no danger for the time being.

Lin Yuanfei now has to find a way to go to my wife's house to get back his equipment and weapons, and then rush to school immediately.

Gui Yanye and Busujima Saeko are both in class at this point.

He can ignore others, but he can't ignore these two teammates who have lived and died together.

After wiping off the blood on the fire ax casually, Lin Yuanfei went straight out through the hole in the gate.

The originally solid wooden door was smashed by the monster just now and a big hole was torn open, just enough for a person to bend down and get out.

And the monster whose head was shot by him three times, five times and two times was the elite monster that appeared in Resident Evil and the game-the licker.

Well, the stuff that appeared in the first copy of infinite horror.

Although it is very troublesome for ordinary people, for Lin Yuanfei, as long as monsters of this level do not appear in an established system, they are not opponents at all.

Lin Yuanfei is now only afraid of crowd tactics. If it is a group of zombies, he is worthy of any monster fighting alone.

Holding the dark red fire axe, Lin Yuanfei also packed some food in the house and carried it on his back.

Clean drinking water, compressed biscuits, high-calorie chocolate, these common configurations in post-apocalyptic texts Lin Yuanfei prepared a backpack with ease.

Then he left the second floor with Fu Jiang, carrying this backpack full of food and drinking water.

On the street outside the gate, a group of zombies wandered.

Roughly estimated, about one or two hundred or so.

If this zombie is the kind of slow-moving guy in the movie, Lin Yuanfei has full confidence to rush out.

It's a pity that the zombies here are not only not slow, but also very fast.

It seems that after becoming a zombie, the human body's self-protection function disappears, and these zombies can all exert their physical potential that ordinary people cannot.

Run faster, jump higher, and attack more powerfully... Although this will cause huge damage and load to the body, these irrational zombies obviously don't care about such things.

Even if their arms are twisted and their legs are broken, they can still continue to crawl on the ground indifferently.

This enhanced version of zombies has higher fighting power than when they were alive.

One or two hundred enhanced zombies rushed over, and Lin Yuanfei felt that the original owner of the body had to think about retreating when he came.

So Lin Yuanfei didn't have any idea of ​​playing Wushuang among the zombies.

Near the wall behind the hut, a motorcycle is parked.

When Lin Yuanfei came, he came on this motorcycle.

As for the owner of the motorcycle, he seemed to have been attacked by zombies unluckily, and he was attacked as soon as he got on the motorcycle.

Because the car key was inserted in the jack, but it didn't ignite, the person was gone, and there was a bloody handprint on the car...

However, this motorcycle owner's misfortune has nothing to do with Lin Yuanfei.

In this biochemical crisis, the only thing people can protect is themselves.

Bringing the family's food reserves and drinking water, Lin Yuanfei led Fu Jiang to the back door.

Pushing open the back door, Lin Yuanfei subconsciously glanced at the top of his head, and found that the helicopter was still hovering over Elm Street.

The whine of the propeller was disturbing.

After seeing the body of Nobunaga Shimada in the house, Lin Yuanfei knew that the helicopter should belong to the Shimada family.

But Nobunaga Shimada is dead, and the driver will not be able to wait for his employer no matter how long he stops here.

Lin Yuanfei pushed open the door and left the hut at the same time as Fu Jiang.

In the next second, a rapid piercing sound sounded nearby.

The moment Lin Yuanfei suddenly raised his head, he saw a portable bazooka rising in the residential area with a long tail flame, and directly hit the helicopter in midair.

boom -

Amidst the terrifying explosion, the helicopter directly became a fireball that exploded in mid-air, and then quickly crashed into a certain area of ​​the residential area.

In the distance, Lin Yuanfei also heard the crash and roar when the plane fell to the ground.

His expression was a little shocked.

Damn... who's playing handjob?Although this helicopter is annoying, are Japanese civilians so violent?Take out the bazooka and kill someone after a disagreement?This is not Afghanistan, is it?

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously looked at the direction of the rocket rising, but heard the harsh sound of piercing the air again from that place.

And this time, it was aimed at me!


Lin Yuanfei kicked Fu Jiang back into the house, and at the same time shrank back.

The moment he closed the gate, the wall in front of them was directly hit by a portable rocket, making an earth-shattering explosion.

The burning fire, the flying gravel, the shock wave from the explosion...

In an instant, the outer wall of the backyard of Lin Yuanfei's room was directly razed to the ground, and a piece was missing.

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