In the splash of blood, an arm hit the ground heavily.

At the same time, what hit the ground was the rotating six-barreled cannon.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

Clutching his bleeding shoulder, the tracker roared and took two steps back

But Lin Yuanfei had already crashed into its arms, slashing furiously with his long knife!

Puff puff puff puff ·

In the splashing blood, the burly and tall pursuer was directly sent flying in the splashing blood.

Its burly body slammed into the wall behind it like a heavy truck, and even the wall trembled for a moment.

Trembling at the same time, there is also the hatred of all the researchers who saw this scene

Chapter 234 Why Are You So Skilled?

Under the glare of the sun, Lin Yuanfei clutched his chest, breathing heavily.

The sharp samurai sword fell to the side, slowly dripping thick blood

And not far in front of him, there was a burly and ugly body limp

As a biochemical weapon developed by the Umbrella Company, it is now paralyzed miserably.

There were six hideous wounds in total. Its abdomen and chest were all cut open, and all the mutated internal organs and organs flowed out, with disgusting mucus, which looked extremely disgusting.

Indeed, this monster is terrifying and powerful.

And its controllability brings it great lethality.Because it is not a simple monster without IQ, but a puppet controlled by the group of researchers under the umbrella. With its strong physical strength, it can skillfully use weapons that normal humans cannot use.

For example, the six-barreled Vulcan cannon in its hand is generally a weapon that is mounted on a car and can only be used by at least two people.

Able to carry and run around.

But trackers can.

Has IQ, powerful strength, can't be killed by ordinary weapons, and can skillfully use all kinds of powerful hot weapons... This is a monster that gives anyone a headache when they see it. In the original movie, a single person killed a squad of elite policemen

To be honest, if the opponent has been chasing and killing Lin Yuanfei from a distance, then Lin Yuanfei may really have a headache, but this guy is carrying such a powerful long-range weapon, and he insists on fighting him at a close distance. Lin Yuan's plane opportunity, although Lin Yuanfei still can't display the true strength of this body so far, the speed and strength currently displayed have far surpassed that of ordinary people. In Soujiro's final duel, the speed of the two was so fast that ordinary people could not see clearly and disappeared out of thin air.

Among the descendants of Feitian Yujianliu, Feicun Jianxin should be the weakest descendant.

Since the original owner of this body can inherit the name of Bigu Qingjuro, he must be the real great swordsman who has realized Tianxiang Longshan. In theory, the original owner of the body will be stronger than Feicun Kenshin.

Although Lin Yuanfei couldn't fully use all the potential of this body, the speed he showed so far was no problem at all against a big stalker.

The opponent took the initiative to close the distance and play melee combat, which is completely deadly!

And Daniel in the command center also realized this.

After watching Lin Yuanfei on the big screen slowly withdraw his knife and leave, he rubbed his brows and sighed.

Feitian Yujianliu... is really more and more surprising.I probably made a wrong decision.

It was he who ordered the tracker to fight Lin Yuanfei close to him that created the opportunity for Lin Yuanfei and caused the tracker to die so simply.But half a minute ago, no one thought that Lin Yuanfei's speed could be so fast.

Squeezing the space between his eyebrows, Daniel said slowly.

But fortunately, we still have a backup... Well, next, we will choose long-distance combat.Since the target sample was unable to catch bullets with bare hands, it proved that firearms were still lethal to him. After finishing speaking, Daniel looked at one of the researchers and said

"Wake up number two, number four, number five."

"Since individual combat can't threaten him, let's try group combat."

Daniel looked at Lin Yuanfei who disappeared from the big screen and said with a smile, "Facing three pursuers at the same time, can our Mr. Bigu Qingjuro give us another surprise?

This order was quickly carried out.

Somewhere in the underground laboratory of Raccoon City, following the execution of the instructions, the monster sleeping on the big bed slowly woke up. It opened its eyes, looked at the white laboratory beside it, and silently tore off all the electrodes and catheters on its body. .

Amidst the muffled rumble, the burly monster slowly got out of bed. When it opened the door and walked out, there was an empty hall in front of it.

On the floor of the hall, the logo of the umbrella company is very eye-catching and around the hall, there are a total of five doors leading to five different rooms.

Except for the last door that was tightly closed, the doors of the other rooms were all open.

At the same time as it came out, two other equally burly and terrifying monsters also slowly walked out of their respective laboratories.

They lowered their heads, opened the metal box lying on the floor by the door, and took out their own weapons.

The order to kill the target began to emerge in their thinking

In the vision of the monsters, a human face appeared like a computer screen.

Lin Yuanfei

At the same time, the man with this face was carrying a backpack and two knives, and parked beside a blood-stained car.In the driver's seat of this car, sat a zombie with bleeding shoulders.

The blue-eyed zombie sat there blankly, still wrapped in a seat belt, but stared blankly at the direction in front of him.

Looking at the unlucky guy's appearance, he probably ran away after being bitten by a zombie and wanted to drive, but he got poisoned as soon as he got in the car?Lin Yuanfei sighed and knocked on the car window with his finger.

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