"Hey brother, your car is very beautiful," Lin Yuanfei said. Suddenly, the zombie in the driver's seat turned around and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei like a vicious dog smelling fishy meat.


The opponent's mouth also let out a roar like a vicious dog.

Lin Yuanfei opened the car door with a smile, and when the zombies rushed out,

In an instant, he grabbed the opponent's head, and then twisted it hard.


With a crisp sound, the zombie's head turned [-] degrees in one direction, leaving only the head still able to move.

And that limp body turned into a puddle of mud.

Squeezing the head of the zombie that was still roaring desperately, its teeth frantically opening and closing in bite movements, Lin Yuanfei shrugged, dragged the other person out of the car, and threw him on the street outside.

Then he looked at Fu Jiang behind him.

"Look, I just said that there is a car to take?" Under the sun, Lin Yuanfei smiled happily, "Don't you want to walk? Come on, let's go to school by car." Fu Jiang looked at the car where the zombie stayed Glancing inside, he made a disgusted expression covering his nose.

Uh... this smells so bad, I didn't want to sit in Lin Yuanfei and rolled his eyes, opened the car door without saying a word, and forced Fu Jiang in.

Less tm nonsense!It's all over Resident Evil, and I have time to pick and choose for you... Do you think you can buy vegetables in the market?

After closing the car door forcefully, Lin Yuanfei sat in the driver's seat where the zombie was sitting just now, and started the car, "It would be nice to have a car for you to sit in, if you babble, I'll beat you up!

Lin Yuanfei's rough female abuse behavior is becoming more and more proficient

Chapter 235 The Monster's Jealousy

(The Raccoon City at twelve o'clock in the noon should have been the busiest time.

Students leave school, staff take a lunch break, various restaurants and convenience stores come and go, people in different attires, the whole city is filled with a kind of hot and bustling - this is the noon of Raccoon City, but the Raccoon City at this time is a different kind Different lively and wandering zombies are all over the streets and alleys of Raccoon City, and the city center has the most locations.

Those wandering zombies seemed to be aimless, but once a living person appeared in their field of vision, these zombies, which were slow in the last second, ran faster than the long-distance running champion in an instant.

With that terrifying running speed and desperate bite, the unprepared citizens were thrown down in an instant.

The infection of the virus was faster than expected. Only a little more than four hours have passed. The Raccoon City, which was quiet and peaceful in the early morning, has now turned into a terrifying hell, with weird zombies roaming the streets and alleys.

Although there are still living people lingering in every corner of the city

survived with difficulty.

But surrounded by zombies, the probability of these living beings being discovered and being devoured by dismembered corpses is increasing.

The number of victims is also increasing.

It's just that in the residential area at this time, the number of zombies is not that much for the time being, because most of the population during the day is concentrated in the city center. If the biochemical crisis breaks out at night, it may be the result of another reversal. Dark blue The car drove silently through the street. Lin Yuanfei looked at this chaotic and deserted long street. He kicked the accelerator to control the speed of the car, and slammed into a wandering female zombie in front of him.

During the violent shaking of the car body during the impact, Fu Jiang in the back seat said, "Honey, why don't you pick up that monster's gun?

Fu Jiang asked curiously, "You are so powerful, you should be able to handle its kind of weapon, right?

In this regard, Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "A person who has never played with a gun before, you are looking for death if you ask him to play with a gun. It's not that there are no other self-defense weapons to choose from. Why should I carry that heavy and heavy gun?" A laborious heavy weapon running around? And that thing will run out of bullets in a short time, and it will not be as good as the knife in my hand."

For Lin Yuanfei, it is safer to hold a knife in this biochemical crisis infested by zombies and monsters.

Not to mention whether the firearm is accurate or not, and whether he can use it, the problem of bullets is enough to cause headaches.

It's not the infinite bullets produced by the Lord God. Facing so many monsters, he fired all the bullets three times, five times and two times. A broken gun is not as easy as a sharp katana.

At least Jikyo Xiandongyue's knife blows hair and cuts hair without dripping blood, and it can easily beheaded when the knife goes down. With such a sharp magic weapon, a fool would take a gun.

Driving the blue car across the street ahead, Lin Yuanfei parked the car at the gate of Chunmu High School.

At this time, Chunmu High School was empty and silent, and there were still a group of dead households in different clothes wandering around the school gate, some in student attire and some in social attire. It seemed that most of the zombies had wandered over from other places.

After all, the school gate of Chunmu High School is open, and there is no guard or anything. It is estimated that no one will notice when the zombies walk in sounded.

He sighed softly, opened the door and got out of the car.

And the sound of the car brakes seemed to startle the group of wandering beggars, Lin Yuanfei, who opened the car door and got out of the car. At the same time, the zombies wandering around in the school gate all turned their heads to look at Lin Yuanfei outside the school gate.

After a second of silence, the zombies all rushed out roaring like wild dogs running free.

But that group of zombies only had seven or eight heads in total, even if they went to Lin Yuanfei together, they wouldn't be afraid.

With a cold face, he drew his knife out of its sheath, and Lin Yuanfei rushed out towards the group of roaring zombies.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the blade flashed.

In the splattered dark red blood, a head shot up into the sky.

At the same time that the zombie's headless corpse fell to the ground, Lin Yuanfei's blade had cut off the head of the second zombie.

The sound of blood splattering one after another is as rhythmic as playing a piano.

When the last note fell, Lin Yuanfei stood among the corpses on the ground, shaking off the blood on the knife, and kicked the last headless corpse flying away.

Behind him, Fu Jiang stood at the school gate and began to applaud, smiling

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