
"Darling is getting more and more handsome. The technique of beheading is more proficient than before. Even if the other party is wearing a hood and can't see his expression, just listening to the voice, Lin Yuanfei can hear the teasing and teasing in Fu Jiang's words. Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, too lazy to argue with this bitch.

Because it is indeed as what Fu Jiang said, he is getting more and more proficient at killing people now.

The reaction speed and strength of this body are far beyond ordinary people, and Lin Yuanfei can easily dodge the fast movements in the eyes of ordinary people.

With all his concentration, he even entered the legendary bullet time just now when he was fighting against the tracker.

Lin Yuanfei already understood the gap between himself and ordinary people.

With his current physical fitness and reaction speed, ordinary humans and ordinary zombies are completely hanging.

As long as he is calm enough and doesn't panic, the movements of these zombies are in slow motion in his eyes, and they can be chopped down to the ground without any fuss, and the zombies can't even grab his clothes.

After shaking off the dirty blood on the blade, Lin Yuanfei looked at the teaching building in front of him and said.

Shut up now, we have to find a way to find someone in the building.I don't know how many students in this building have turned into zombies, if

They all rush out, and I have to run away, so I suggest you don't do anything bad. "

Fu Jiang glanced at him and blinked, "Honey, do you want to go into one classroom and look for it? So much trouble? There must be many students in the teaching building who have turned into zombies. You plan to kill all the way in." ?

Lin Yuanfei looked at her, "Then what good idea do you have? Shouting loudly? Wouldn't this draw all the zombies out first? Lin Yuanfei's idea is to look for signs of survivors outside, look at Du Daozi Is He Guiyanye still alive? With the kendo strength of these two girls, if they both kneel, there will probably be no living people in the entire teaching building.

Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "I hope the two of them will be safe and sound.

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's sigh, Fu Jiang stared at his back with some jealousy, but said nothing.

The jealousy of monsters will not disappear in thin air

There is one more shift left, and I will use the fifth shift tomorrow to make up for my friend's visit at home in the afternoon. After a long delay, I sent my friend away after nine o'clock, and started coding at ten o'clock.

After procrastinating until now, Wu Geng can't finish writing.

I'm too sleepy, I have to go to sleep, my rhinitis is still not healed, if I continue to stay up late, there will be problems.

So let's use tomorrow's fifth update to make up for the last update. Well, it means that tomorrow's fifth update will be like this. Good night everyone

Chapter 236 I'm Coming In

Lin Yuanfei could feel Fu Jiang's jealous eyes behind him even if he didn't look back.

With that jealous and hateful gaze, it seemed that he was a cheating man with his jealous wife standing behind him.

If it was before, Lin Yuanfei might feel a little nervous.

But now, the mere jealousy of Fu Jiang can no longer cause any fluctuations in his heart.

See who the girls around him are.

Gui Yanye, my wife Yuno, the ancestor of sick girl, and synonymous with sick girl.

Compared with these two big shots, is Fu Jiang mere?Excluding the monster attributes of infinite proliferation and charm, it is not worth mentioning at all!

Moreover, Fu Jiang's nature is jealous, skittish, and vain. Lin Yuanfei doesn't expect this bitch to change his ways.

You just need the other party to be more stable, and don't do bad things to him at critical times.

As for Fu Jiang's jealousy? doesn't matter.

Anyway, can this woman still make waves?

Lin Yuanfei turned his head and glared at Fu Jiang, and said, "You go back to the car first, who told you to come out? Obediently wait in the car for me, and I will come back when I find someone.

In this regard, Fu Jiang shrugged, "Okay, oh, oh dear, whatever you say is what you say, I will wait for you in the car obediently. But don't leave for too long, in case you go far away and you are eaten by monsters If it falls, it will be terrible." Lin Yuanfei curled his lips, "Don't worry, I will always pay attention to your noise and rush out to save you as soon as possible.

Hearing this sentence, Fu Jiang couldn't help chuckling.

"Hey... My dear, it really makes me happy. Is it so important?

Lin Yuanfei glared at Bichi again, a little speechless.

Fu Jiang's bitch is really like a hedgehog, making it impossible to kill. It can't be killed, and it doesn't work. You scold her a few words and she will be happy instead... Ah!God!Why is there such a monster as Fu Jiang in this world? Watching Fu Jiang return to the car, Lin Yuanfei turned and looked at the teaching building in front of him.

Although that car is not a bulletproof car, ordinary zombies cannot break through the door in a short time.

There are no zombies wandering around here near the school. If Fu Jiang does not make a sound inside, it is still very safe.

Lin Yuanfei's gaze shifted to the teaching building in front of him. He thought for two seconds, and finally gave up the idea of ​​shouting loudly.

Although this idea is very convenient, it is really unreliable. Although there is something like a broadcasting room in the school, Lin Yuanfei doesn't know how to get to the broadcasting room, and he doesn't know how to use the props in it.

So, let's search layer by layer according to the old-fashioned method. There are so many zombies in this teaching building, if there are living people somewhere, it is still easy to find.

Just go to a place with a lot of zombies.

It's just that before Lin Yuanfei started his plan, the target he was looking for appeared in his vision.

On the edge of the roof of the teaching building, Du Dao Jianzi and Gui Yanye were standing there waving to Lin Yuanfei.

The moment the two sides' eyes met, Lin Yuanfei was a little embarrassed.

Well, it's too easy to find the target without even searching for it, right?

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