"Okay, I see," Lin Yuanfei understood the situation.

He glanced at Sato Akiko, who was depressed, and said, "But let's not talk about the sad words now, the situation is urgent, let's all summarize what we need to do now. I have to go to the police station with Bujima-senpai Come on, Yan Ye, how about you go out of the city with this sister Nan Lixiang and the president of the student council? We will meet at the gate of the city later?

Nan Lixiang was a little confused about Lin Yuanfei's suggestion.

"Gateway out of the city?" She didn't quite understand what Lin Yuanfei was talking about, but Lin Yuanfei shrugged and said, "It's set up by the umbrella company. I've seen it when I came here. There is an exit for the umbrella on the other side of the bridge." , most of the survivors in the scene are going there. Hurry up too, because it’s too late, maybe you won’t be able to leave.” In the original movie, the protection of the protective umbrella directly closed the final exit, forcing all survivors to leave. Or go back to the city to feed the zombies, it's a death


But it's still early, if you rush there earlier, you might be able to slip away before the door closes.

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei looked at the girls present again.

"By the way, do you still have family members who need to be rescued? If so, let's stop by and save people first." Regarding this, Kishima Yako shook his head, "My parents are both abroad, not in Japan.

Gui Yanye said, "Mom, she went to the United States to negotiate early this morning. As for my father, he should be in Canada now, right? In Raccoon City, I have no relatives... except Master.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but sighed.

Silly girl, silly girl, although I am very happy when you say that, but please take back the last sentence, please?I don't feel safe being your relative.

And you are so affectionate, why do I feel that my situation is getting more and more dangerous?

After Ye finished speaking, Akiko Sato lowered her head and said softly, "My father is on a business trip in Tokyo, not in Raccoon City.

As for her mother, everyone knows the situation, so no one is stupid to ask.

Finally, Lin Yuanfei's eyes stopped on Nan Lixiang,

Sister, does your family need help?

Nan Lixiang leaned against the wall and took a breath of a women's cigarette, saying that I only have one friend who needs protection... In fact, I came to Chunmu High School to take her away, but I didn't expect that she would skip class today. People are surprised. "Looking at this beautiful black-skinned sister, Lin Yuanfei continued to ask, pretending to know nothing.

Then, my sister, who is your friend?

"Ju Chuan Shizuka, the school doctor of your school," Nan Lixiang took a deep breath of the cigarette, and said, "These two little girls say you know each other? Little brother, do you know where that natural blond cow ran to?" Did you go?"

"Uh... the blond cow..." Lin Yuanfei didn't want to complain about this title anymore.

Sister, you are too old to see everything!

But please don't drive in front of an innocent boy like me, okay?It will spoil the children!

Sighing, Lin Yuanfei said, "Sister Jingxiang, you don't have to worry about it. She is outside the city now, safer than any of us, and you don't have to worry about being attacked by zombies. If you want to find her, sister, you'd better get out of the city." .” Hearing Lin Yuanfei’s words, Nan Lixiang was a little surprised, “Outside the city?

How did you know? "

Uh...Because I asked her to leave the city," Lin Yuanfei said with a dry smile, "There is something wrong, I asked her to run away, I didn't expect to just avoid this wave of disasters, what a coincidence. "Nan Lixiang squinted at him, and smiled at Lin Yuanfei and took a puff of cigarette, "Then sister, do you want to thank you little brother?" With Nan Lixiang's teasing laugh, the murder weapon on her chest trembled slightly - I mean the m416.

Looking at the handsome gun body and the long thick barrel, Lin Yuanfei swallowed.

Something this big...will die, right?

Among other things, the appearance of this gun is definitely better than ordinary small pistols.

It is estimated that a normal person will be cold after one or two shots. Lin Yuanfei suddenly felt that carrying such a handsome gun feels very safe.

It's a pity that he really doesn't know how to play with guns..." Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "Then everyone pack up and prepare to transfer.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the sky and said, "Since there is no one who needs to be rescued, then everyone should split up. I will go to the police station with Senior Sister Budao. Yan Ye, you, Sister Nan Lixiang and the President of the Student Council will leave the city first.

, after Bujima-senpai and I have settled the matter with the police station, we will go to the gate of the city to find you

"How? Do you have any opinions?

Lin Yuanfei asked.

Nan Lixiang didn't speak, but Koujima nodded calmly, only Guiyan Ye raised his hand timidly Master... Master...

Chirp?Yan Ye, do you have any suggestions?

"I...I want to go with you

"Negative!" Lin Yuanfei rejected it without hesitation..." The little girl lowered her head in disappointment, with a sad face

'Yan Ye knows

Chapter 239 Don't Do It

It can be seen that Lin Yuanfei rejected the proposal of his companion without hesitation, and it can be seen that Miss Yan Ye is very disappointed.

But this little girl has one advantage, that is, she is obedient and submissive.

Even if she was pushed to a desperate situation, she probably would... um, she wouldn't cut herself, would she?

Lin Yuanfei speculated based on the known information.

Looking at the girls on the rooftop for the last time, Lin Yuanfei felt a little strange.

'Are you the only living people in the whole school?Everyone else turned into zombies? "

Even if this Resident Evil zombie is fierce, fast, and powerful, it's impossible that only a few girls survived in such a big school, right?What about boys?Are they all dead?

Kishima Yako shook his head, "It's not a big deal if they're all dead, there must be a few survivors in the uninhabited corner. It's just that we don't have time to look for them one by one now, ninety-nine percent of them are survivors." People have turned into zombies, and even if the remaining fish that slipped through the net are alive, they probably won't last long." Kishima Yako said, looking at Lin Yuanfei curiously, "Why?

what?Does Mr. Lin Yuan care about anyone?

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