"Uh... I don't care too much about it, but she is my buddy's girlfriend after all. Although that guy changes into women like clothes, if possible, I still want to ask a question-have you seen the world of Xiyuan Temple? "Lin Yuanfei asked like this.

However, the three female students present were not from Class A of the second year, and they didn't know who Xiyuan Temple World was.

Even Gui Yanye, a girl who was supposed to have a love-hate relationship with the world, doesn't know the whereabouts of Xiyuan Temple World.

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless.

Brother Cheng, brother Cheng, your wife, I don't even have a chance to raise her now...don't blame me.

With that said, Lin Yuanfei put down his backpack and took out a bunch of ropes from the backpack.

All of a sudden, Nan Lixiang looked at him a little strangely

"Little brother, what are you doing with so much rope?" Nan Lixiang asked.

Lin Yuanfei said confidently, "Of course we are preparing for the escape route! There are so many zombies in this teaching building, and you still plan to take the stairs? There are so many of us, and the goal is so big, taking the stairs is like trying to die." As he said that, Lin Yuanfei beat those hemp ropes one by one.

Knot together.

Then, after tying the long rope to the edge of the roof, Lin Yuanfei looked at the girls behind him.

I would like to trouble everyone to work hard and climb down along the rope. Nan Lixiang glanced at him and said, "This is very dangerous, little brother, don't you have experience in rock climbing?"If you don't wear gloves and directly hold onto the hemp rope to descend, it is easy to cut the skin on the palm of your hand, and then let go of your hand due to pain, and fall from mid-air, and you may fall to your death directly. Lin Yuanfei looked at her speechlessly, "So sister, what do you want to express?" Nan Lixiang pointed to the dress in Lin Yuanfei's hand—at this moment, Lin Yuanfei was still shirtless and shirtless.

Nan Lixiang pointed to the clothes in Lin Yuanfei's hand and said with a smile, "

We can cut this dress into pieces, then wrap our palms in rags and grab the rope.Wouldn't it be much safer this way?

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei put on his clothes again, and said with Kishibe Rohan's face on his face, "Takakudo wow!" (but I refused)

Nan Lixiang snorted, "Little brother is really stingy, look at the girls we present here, they are all dressed so thinly, you don't want us to climb with bare upper body, do you?

Lin Yuanfei looked serious, "Don't worry, I will never look sideways, and I promise not to look at you too much."

Even if you take a sneak peek, you can still bite me... Cough cough cough.

A manly man, Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "I swear by my family's reputation, although I don't know what family the original owner of the body belongs to, but if you shout a few words, you won't lose a piece of meat and watch the bickering between the two , Toshiko Busushima sighed softly and said.

"Everyone use my clothes." Then, under Lin Yuanfei's dumbfounded gaze, this glamorous purple-haired lady directly took off her blouse, revealing her charming sexy bra, As well as the plump fruit that was covered by the cups, and the moment when the cups were squeezed so deep, Lin Yuanfei almost thought that he had come to heaven, wow!So beautiful!

To be able to see such a scene, Sajia's life is worth it!

He quickly covered his face, looking like a... hypocrite who wanted to save face.

"No, Busujima-senpai, put on your clothes quickly.

Lin Yuanfei said loudly, "You have such a beautiful body, what should you do if others see it? It's a big loss.

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei took off his shirt directly, and said, "All of you can use mine, and you can use my clothes as you like." The boy from the island who had just taken off his clothes was a little strange, "Mr. Lin Yuan, don't you?" Do you want to. Why did you suddenly change your mind?

Lin Yuanfei leaned forward slightly, bent over, and said with a sarcastic smile, "I'm not unwilling, I'm just joking."Let everyone use my clothes, what I wish for!Why would you not want to? "

The main reason is that you actually took off your shirts. This scene is so exciting!

Lin Yuanfei was afraid that he didn't die at the hands of the stalkers, and wasn't bitten by the zombies, but he lost his fighting power here due to the bleeding.

Before he saw Busujima Saiko take off his clothes with his own eyes, he never thought that this scene would be so lethal to him!

As a Yujie fan, seeing such a glamorous and superb Yujie dangling in front of her but not being able to touch her, Lin Yuanfei said with a sad face, "I will contribute my clothes to everyone!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone to react, Lin Yuanfei directly pulled out the samurai sword from his waist, chopped up his shirt with a few strokes.

A total of four pieces, exactly one piece for each person

"Okay, everyone line up and go down one by one," Lin Yuanfei said.

Looking at the few people present, he said, "Sister Poujima, go down first.

Du Dao Yazi has a knife in his hand, and his combat power is strong, at least it is not a problem to kill ordinary zombies.

It was wise to let her go down first.

After Kishima Yako went down, it was Nan Lixiang, then Gui Yanye, and finally the clumsy Sato Akiko.

You can't blame her, though.

Among the girls present were Kishima Kibako, Kendo master Nan Lixiang, a professional soldier, and a gun master.

Gui Yanye, from a family of kendo, is superb in one hand.

Although physical strength is Gui Yanye's shortcoming, it is not difficult to grab the rope and go downstairs.

But in the end, a little girl, Akiko Sato, also tremblingly grabbed the rope and climbed downstairs. Under the astonished eyes of the girls below, Lin Yuanfei actually put the rope away and stuffed it back into the backpack.

Then, Lin Yuanfei stood directly on the edge of the roof, rubbed his hands together, and coughed dryly.

Under the astonished eyes of several girls, he said.

"All out of the way.

"I'm going to pretend."

At that moment, the screams of several girls rang out in the campus.

The one who screamed the most was Gui Yanye.

Followed by Du Shimao.

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