Even Akiko Sato, who had been bowing her head silently, couldn't help covering her face and screaming loudly.

On the contrary, Nan Lixiang didn't scream.

She just raised her head blankly, the moment Lin Yuanfei fell, her mouth opened wide in shock, and the cigarette in her mouth fell out.At that moment, everyone thought that Lin Yuanfei slipped and fell from the building.

But the next moment


With a loud noise, Lin Yuanfei hit the ground heavily.

Then, unscathed.

Under the stunned gaze of several girls, Lin Yuanfei who jumped off the roof was unharmed.

This time, Nan Lixiang really shocked me... Fuck! "This well-informed female special police officer couldn't help but swear, "It's all right, are you tm human?

Faced with the shock of the girls, Lin Yuanfei stood on the spot, looked down at his body first, and then clenched his fists.

Well, in good health, without any abnormalities.

It seems that jumping from a height of four floors is not a big problem, and I don’t even feel the pain of the soles of my feet. , it's all right, I can't afford to provoke him.

After Lin Yuanfei landed safely, Gui Yanye, the silly apprentice, was the first to pounce on him, panicking and messing around with his little hands. Touching Lin Yuanfei's whole body Shi Jiang... Shi Jiang, are you okay?Master, where is your pain... woo woo... Master... Master, talk to me. "The little girl looked like she was about to cry from fright.

Although Du Dao Yazi was much calmer, he came over and kept touching Lin Yuanfei... Hey!Senior sister, are you taking advantage of it?Where is your hand touching? |!

Lin Yuan quickly shrank back, avoiding the obscenity of the two girls, and yelled loudly, "What are you doing? Have you ever seen a handsome guy? Look at all of you excitedly What a loss."

Lin Yuanfei speaks fluent Northeast dialect, making several girls confused

Master, you... what are you talking about? " Gui Yanye asked with a look of astonishment.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm complimenting you for your loud voice." Lin Yuanfei turned his head and looked towards the entrance of the teaching building. A group of zombies who were attracted by the screams of the three girls had already rushed out.

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "What are you looking at? Run!"

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei turned around and ran away, without any thought of breaking up, let alone any gentlemanly demeanor.

He rushed directly to the car parked at the school gate, quickly opened the front and rear doors, and said to Fu Jiang in the car.You go out of the city with my apprentice first, the city is too dangerous, I have something to do, and then I will come to you... No problem, right?

At the same time he finished speaking, several girls rushed to his side.

As the only adult, Nan Lixiang wisely rushed to the driver's seat

And Akiko Sato got into the co-pilot.

As for Gui Yanye, Lin Yuanfei stuffed him into the back seat and sat with Fu Jiang.

Facing the astonished little girl, Lin Yuanfei said, "Yan Ye, the masked girl behind you is Fu Jiang. During my absence, she will be in charge of you. Remember, don't let her face be covered other men

People see it, or there will be big troubles!

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei closed the door forcefully, and said to Nan Lixiang in the driver's seat, "Start the car!" However, Nan Lixiang turned the key vigorously, but couldn't start the ignition, and was a little anxious, "No! I can't start the car!

Without saying a word, Lin Yuanfei grabbed the key and pulled it out forcefully.

Then plugged in again.

If you can't light the fire, pull it out quickly!Pull it out, plug it in again and twist it again, you see, isn't this a successful ignition?

Lin Yuanfei let go, shrugged at Nan Lixiang in the driver's seat, and said, "It's just like the routine of taking a picture when the TV is broken. You just need to try a few more times." After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei He closed the car door and said to Nan Lixiang in the driver's seat, "I'll leave these little girls to you!

The moment the voice fell, Lin Yuanfei turned around sharply and pulled out his strength.

puff one by one

Amidst the sound of sharp blades piercing through the flesh and the sound of blood splattering, a zombie's head shot up into the sky.

Lin Yuanfei kicked the zombie's headless body away

He went out and knocked down several zombies in the crowd of corpses heavily.

And more zombies flooded in like a tide.

Overwhelming and dense.

Seeing that terrifying amount, Lin Yuanfei's scalp felt numb.

"Damn! Are there so many zombies in this teaching building?

While the car with several girls was driving out, Lin Yuan pushed Kishima Kiba next to him and said, "Run! Don't get entangled with them!

Toshiko Busushima staggered from being pushed by him and almost fell.

But after looking back at Lin Yuanfei, she turned and ran away without any argument.

And Lin Yuanfei stopped the group of zombies on the charge route, holding the long knife at an angle, and smiled coldly.

"If you don't want to stop this time, you have to stop.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei pulled out a cold light from the samurai sword in his hand.

"The blade storm ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah a crazy roar seems to vent his mood to chopping the human body.

The moment the corpses flooded up, a dazzling cold light erupted from where Lin Yuanfei was standing.

Chopping all the zombies around in a crazily and disorderly manner, completely unreasonable

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