"There is no need to suppress your hobbies too tightly, because if you suppress too tightly, it will be more terrifying when it explodes. It is a wise choice to relieve and vent appropriately."

"Of course, your hobbies are rather weird, so you need to restrain yourself a bit. But you are more or less a strong and sensible woman, right?

In terms of self-restraint, I believe you can do it. "

'Don't you like to cut people?Don't you like to be a shaker?What's this?In this world, there are people who get excited when they are beaten and scolded.I know a guy named Cambrona, you go to him, he loves you, a shy lady like you.

"Now, Ma, you can release yourself as much as you want without hesitation. Look, there are so many zombies on the street outside, you can torture anyone you want, kill anyone you want, you don't need to have any psychological burden at all." Lin Yuan Fei looked at Kishima Yako who bowed his head, and said, "Besides, you who have seen me make a knife, what do you think you have a chance of winning against me?

Hearing this question, Koujima subconsciously raised her head, a little stunned, not quite understanding why Lin Yuanfei suddenly asked this question.

Still, she nodded.

"Probably...there is no chance of winning," Fujima Riko's eyes subconsciously stopped on the knife in Lin Yuanfei's waist, "Lin Yuan-jun, your knife is too fast, you only need to blink if you want to kill me In a blink of an eye. And I can't resist at all...

"Isn't that enough?" Lin Yuanfei looked at Budao Lizi and spread his hands, "With me by your side, what are you afraid of? You can properly relieve the mental pressure, and don't worry that you will become psychopathic because of it." Pursue your own pleasure, give yourself a little fun, soothe me, I'm watching by your side. Lin Yuanfei said, "If you really can't suppress the urge to torture and kill human beings in your heart, it's okay, come and kill me."I guarantee that you won't even have a chance to make a mistake, and you will be directly knocked out by me... How about it?

So you can always rest assured, right?

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's words, Bushima Yuko was startled.

Then, he showed a seductive smile.

"If that's the case, isn't Mr. Lin Yuan worried... There's always a perverted woman by your side who will kill you.

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes - there are many people around me who want to kill me, who are you?

And after finishing the matter of Raccoon City, I will go away and fly away, even if you are really perverted, you will come and kill me... Can you find me?If it weren't for you being a teammate and not wanting you to get uneasy about killing zombies, I wouldn't bother to talk to you.

Even if the Japanese love to tangle with some messy shit, it's really troublesome

"That's not something you have to worry about," Lin Yuanfei said carelessly, "I promise, you have no chance to hack me to death!

With this promise, Bujima Yako couldn't help showing a charming smile.

The disappointment just now was swept away in an instant.

Her mood visibly cheered up.

"Lin Yuan-jun is such a good man," Du Dao Banzi said with a smile, "If it weren't for your famous grass having an owner, everyone would be moved." Lin Yuanfei was stunned, "Huh? The famous grass has an owner? When did it happen? Why don't I know?

Kishima Yako's eyes widened in surprise, "Eh? Isn't that my wife's classmate Lin Yuan-kun's girlfriend?

Lin Yuanfei looked at her with some toothache, "You said my wife is a classmate.

Is it sister or sister?

"Of course it's my sister," said Toshiko Busujima, "When Hayashi Yuan-kun was in a coma before, all the things on his body were helped by that classmate Yuki.

home.Don't you live together?

mmmm. This... Sister Busujima, I have to explain something," Lin Yuanfei said with a bit of toothache, "First of all, Yuki and I are just ordinary friends, and we have only known each other for less than two weeks. "Secondly, what you said just now, please don't say it in front of their sisters, okay?

Let that perverted sister accuse my wife Yuno hear this sentence, I am afraid I will suffer!

Lin Yuanfei had a toothache on his face.

In this world, there are teammates who hurt!

Chapter 244 Some Trouble

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei is no longer afraid of Yuno.

With the understanding of this body and the recognition of his own combat power, Lin Yuanfei can guarantee that my wife Yuno, who is just an ordinary person, can't beat him at all.

After all, this world is obviously not a world where gods play games, and my wife Yuno is not a god, she is just an ordinary girl.

But the frontal battle is definitely not Lin Yuanfei's opponent.

But still the same sentence, Yuno is Yuki's younger sister after all.

Even for Yuki's sake, he couldn't hack Yuno to death.

No matter what the other sisters said, they also helped themselves to subdue the demons all the way, and shared the joys and sorrows. There is no credit but hard work.

Especially Yuno, who has always been the one who contributes the most among the two sisters-although she is for her sister.

But from an objective point of view, Yuno did help himself. Put it in Journey to the West, anyway, it is also the kind that wants to seal a fight against Buddha

Putting it in martial arts novels, anyway, I have to use my body... Bah bah bah, let's forget about this.

Lin Yuanfei feels that it is better to work hard to maintain the peace that can maintain the status quo.

Mr. Lu Xun said that there has never been a bad peace or a good war in this world.

If you can't fall out with Yuno, it's better not to fall out. If you really want to mess up, go out!

Mr. Lu Xun said that the brave draw their swords against the stronger, and the cowardly draw their swords against the weaker.

Only brain-dead and weak sand sculptures can bully the weak and fear the strong to bully women. After solving Kishima Yako's knot, Lin Yuanfei started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove out of the garage.

To be honest, he is not sure whether his enlightening remarks will have any effect.

After all, he's not a psychiatrist, and he's just doing some nonsense on an errand.Even if Du Dao Yazi still has knots in his heart, as long as this woman stops acting foolishly, it will be fine.

Life and death are at stake, how can I have time to play Qiong Yao's drama for you? Haven't you seen that all the people in the city have turned into zombies?

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