He drove the car to the street outside, and just before the zombies could react, Lin Yuanfei stepped up the accelerator and rushed out, knocking several zombies into the air.

Following the route pointed out by Du Dao Luo Zi, Lin Yuanfei started on the road.

Fortunately, Raccoon City is just a small rural town in Japan after all, and its population is actually not that big.

Before the zombies wandering on the street could react, the car rushed out.

And those zombies who were attracted by the sound of the car would quickly catch up, but after being thrown away after a few steps, they lost their target, and immediately turned into a dazed look and started wandering.

On the way, there was no crisis.

Lin Yuanfei was driving the car, while Kazuko Busushima was sitting in the co-pilot, looking at his profile.

Opened up.

'Lin Yuan-jun, are you anxious? "Busujima Riko asked, "I think you seem to be a little anxious.

Regarding this, Lin Yuan Feifei shrugged, "I have a bag on my head now, can I not be in a hurry?

"Flady's grandson crawled back hauntingly, and I had to find his gloves and kill him.

"The biochemical crisis broke out in the city, and there are zombies wandering everywhere, say

Maybe there will be a nuclear bomb falling on the head in a while.

"Then there is Sadako Yamamura, who is a raging boy, staring at him, and said goodbye to Raccoon City, but the female ghost has not shown up until now. My friend is still in the hands of the ghost. Shouldn't the female ghost who is hated by gods and ghosts Could it be that he has been short of love for too long and left Brother Cheng as his husband?

When Lin Yuanfei thought of this, his head got dizzy, "Brother Cheng has disappeared for almost two days, if you don't rescue him, it will be bad luck!

To be honest, this was what Lin Yuanfei was most worried about.

Although Freddy is troublesome, he already has a clue.As long as you find the glove left by that guy, you can completely get rid of the group of bastards whose protective umbrella is disgusting, but you can find a way to escape by yourself.At that time, just remove the chip behind the head, and go to defend the shit with any umbrella.

Only Brother Cheng, Lin Yuanfei really couldn't help that female ghost Yamamura Sadako said to meet in Raccoon City, but she hasn't shown up until now, and she doesn't even know where the dry well is.

Even if I got angry, I don't know how to save Brother Cheng. Although the current situation, Dry Well should be in Raccoon City. After all, Sadako is a ghost raised by the cultist high priest of Toromijima

Toromi Island is right next to Raccoon City. If the dry well is not on the island, it shouldn't be far away, right?

If at that time a nuclear bomb falls from the sky and kills Sadako and Makoto, it will be really uncomfortable.

Brother Cheng helped him so much, but it was because of him that he was taken away by Sadako, no matter what he said, he couldn't let him die!

The more Lin Yuanfei thought about it, the more he felt a toothache.

Kishima Yako thought for a while, and couldn't help feeling a little headache.Putting her in her shoes, if she was put in Lin Yuanfei's situation, she would probably end up helpless.

The current two can only find a way to solve the only Freddy who can be solved at present.

The dark brown suv knocked away several rushing zombies and stopped at the gate of the police station.

Lin Yuanfei kicked the car door and rushed straight down.

"Okay, the destination is here." Lin Yuanfei raised his head and looked at the gate of the police station in front of him, and said

Behind them, a group of zombies howled and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei and the others, all of them were attracted by the car.

Seeing the car stop now, the group of zombies howled more excitedly and ran faster.

Lin Yuanfei dragged Du Dao Qianzi directly to the gate of the police station.

"Is anyone there? Is there anyone at the police station?

Kicking open the door, Lin Yuanfei rushed in and found that the police station was empty without a living person in sight.

uh... no one? Lin Yuanfei looked at the stairs leading to the second floor, where he blocked the entrance of the stairs with furniture such as tables, chairs, stools and cabinets, forming a barrier.

It looked like, if there were any survivors in the police station, it was probably on the second floor.

Reluctantly pulling out his samurai sword, Lin Yuanfei said, "It seems that we have to fight

As his voice fell, a low roar came from the depths of the police station.

A few ugly and ferocious zombie dogs slowly came out of the shadows

The zombie dog was also wearing the unique costume of a police dog.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei sighed

"Sister, seal the door, don't let the group of zombies outside rush in, as for the zombie dogs in the house, leave it to me

The sharp long knife was dragged on the ground, and Lin Yuanfei rushed out to meet the hideous and ugly zombie dogs. "This kind of monster is a little troublesome!

ps: The condition is not good today, only four shifts, I'm sorry, tomorrow five shifts

Chapter 245 Survivors in the Police Station

Chapter 245 Survivors of the police station Zombie dogs are a bit of a troublesome creature to be honest.

And the degree of danger is higher than that of humans.

After this monster is infected with the t virus, all the hair on the body will fall off, the outer skin will rot and fall off, and only the muscle tissue will be exposed (this is due to the t virus speeding up the metabolism of the host, and ribs can be seen in some places), and the pupils of the eyes The color turned red, and the whites of the eyes were bloodshot.Teeth and claws become longer and sharper.Compared with ordinary dogs, the sense of hearing and smell has increased, and they are very aggressive.

Compared with human zombies, this faster and more ferocious monster is the real trouble.

At least for ordinary humans, a few zombie dogs are definitely more lethal than dozens of zombies.

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