Under the weird gaze of the police, Lin Yuanfei grabbed the other end of the rope with all his strength, and put down Kishima Yako bit by bit. The muscular arm was extremely strong, and the police not far behind could see the subconscious Take a few steps back.

Then when Lin Yuanfei put Dudao Yazi down and climbed onto the windowsill to jump off the building, the policeman finally said hello!Should you give me back my gun? "Yuncha asked tentatively.

Lin Yuanfei stood by the window and glanced at him, then shrugged, "If you have time to care about guns, you might as well go back and pile up the barriers. Are you afraid that we will kill your subordinates after staying here for so long? Cut With an inexplicable snort, Lin Yuanfei threw back the gun he had snatched.

At the same time, he made a strong leap and jumped directly from the window on the second floor

Below, there is a remote alley, and Yuko Busushima is untying the rope on her body.

When Lin Yuanfei jumped down, he took out a dagger from his backpack and looked back at the window above his head.

If the policeman holds a grudge after getting the gun and dares to chase him and shoot him coldly, he doesn't mind sending him a throwing knife.

But obviously, the policeman didn't have this idea.

Lin Yuanfei's gaze stayed on the window for a few seconds, but he didn't see the policeman.

On the contrary, when Busujima Shizi untied the rope on his body and stuffed all the ropes back into Lin Yuanfei's backpack, there was a loud noise in the police station building.

It seems that the direction of the door has been knocked open.

Hearing this voice, Lin Yuanfei and Du Daozi subconsciously looked at each other, and ran out of the alley without hesitation.

From the police station building behind them, the excited howls of the zombies and the terrified screams of the policeman could be heard.do not come!Don't come here!Don't come here!

What followed were several rapid gunshots.

Bang, bang, bang, a total of four shots were fired, and the bullets in the clips were not even fired. The policeman's miserable screams sounded in the building.

Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ! ! "

That shrill scream, despair and panic, made people's scalp numb

Busujima Saiko, who was running, looked back subconsciously, but could only see a group of zombies crowding behind the window on the second floor.

And the policeman who was overwhelmed by zombies soon became silent, and the whole city fell silent again.

For several blocks nearby, no human voice could be heard.

Only the desolate and quiet silence enveloped the place.

Like a ghost.

Something to do, ask for leave, and shame. The most shameful thing in the world is to promise a good thing but fail to do it by five o'clock.

Not to mention the reason, anyway, it is a fact that the fifth watch was not achieved.

Five shifts tomorrow and five shifts the day after tomorrow.

Five shifts for two consecutive days is regarded as compensation and apology for breaking the appointment.Everyone, go to bed early, sorry for making everyone wait so long but not until the last two shifts.

Chapter 248 Escape from the Narrow Alleys of Raccoon City

Chapter 248 Escape Raccoon City In the narrow alleys, there are some foul-smelling household garbage piled up.

Japan in 03 has not yet started to rectify domestic garbage, and it is still a few years away from the civilized society that is highly touted by the well-known people. In the smelly garbage dump, there are lingering flies and mosquitoes.

But in this city where the t virus is everywhere, it seems that only these insects are completely unaffected.

When Lin Yuanfei and Du Daozi rushed out from the alley, the voice in the police station building behind them had completely disappeared.

All that remained was the faint howling of a group of zombies.

On the street outside the alley, the number of zombies was much less than before, only a few wandering zombies in the distance.

Most of the zombies seemed to have poured into the police station building.

The door that was knocked open was hanging on both sides in tatters, looking crumbling.

Lin Yuanfei and Busujima ran towards the car parked by the side of the road

, and returned to the car when he came.

Put the key in and start the ignition.

Lin Yuanfei started the car skillfully, and then drove away from here. The sound of the car engine attracted some zombies from the police station.

However, amidst their howling, Lin Yuanfei had already driven away and quickly disappeared around the corner of the street.

The group of zombies who failed to grab food ran for a while, and gradually stopped after losing their target, and turned into that dazed, sluggish wandering state again.

At this moment, Lin Yuanfei stepped on the gas pedal, knocking over all the zombies blocking the road, and drove towards the bridge.

On the co-pilot, Busujimako sat looking at the police station building in the rearview mirror until the police station building completely disappeared from view, then she sighed softly.

That uncle policeman is a good man..." Poison Island Smudger murmured

Lin Yuanfei in the driver's seat was noncommittal and did not express any opinions

Koujima Koujima looked at Lin Yuan Fei's wooden side face and said, "Lin Yuan

"As for Freddy... Even if you can't get the glove for the time being, don't worry about it. When the situation in Raccoon City settles, we won't be in a hurry to come back and look for that glove." Lin Yuanfei said, "The most important thing now is , or to stay away from the dangerous area of ​​Raccoon City as soon as possible.

In Lin Yuanfei's world, when the Fukushima nuclear leak happened, Russia planned to donate a nuclear bomb to solve the nuclear leak problem.It's a pity that the Japanese refused. As a result, the follow-up nuclear reactor was left unattended and unresolved. After melting through the bottom layer, the groundwater was polluted, and the entire Tokyo water system was affected.

There is a biochemical crisis in Japan in this world, shouldn't Russia also plan to drop a nuclear bomb?

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