Anyway, because of the original movie, after the outbreak of Resident Evil, Lin Yuanfei always had a vague worry, always feeling that a nuclear bomb would fall from his head at any time.

And even without nuclear bombs, it would be dangerous to bring the poisonous island filth in the zombie-infested Raccoon City.

The tracker who was hacked to death before was obviously sent by the umbrella company to hunt him down. Although one was hacked to death, who knows how many more they have?

When the time came, four or five stalkers rushed forward with heavy firepower. Lin Yuanfei felt that he was going to kneel down and kill one of the stalkers.

gave him a chance.

Lin Yuanfei didn't believe that people from the umbrella company would be stupid enough to make the same mistake.

Even if he is driving now, Lin Yuan Feifei still pays attention to the streets on the side of the road from time to time, for fear that in the next second, armed pursuers will come out of the corner. However, the further you walk towards the bridge, the more desolate the streets on both sides of the road will be. , Housing construction is also becoming more and more low.

They have entered the suburbs.

A little further on, drive across the block to the Raccoon City Bridge.

The painting style of the bridge is very familiar. It is not the painting style of Fuyuki Bridge. The black steel structure looks simple and cold. It is clearly the painting style of the bridge in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, full of modern realism and coldness.

However, in this raccoon city where the biochemical crisis broke out, the cold and rigid bridge painting style is inexplicably harmonious.

When the two saw the bridge, they also saw the crowd at the end of the bridge

In the area at the end of the bridge, the Umbrella Company built a checkpoint. The steel wall surrounding the whole city has only one entrance and exit here. Almost all the survivors of Raccoon City are crowded here.

The crowded and noisy crowd can feel the noisy human voice even from a distance.

And further forward, it will not be open to traffic.

The entire bridge is full of private cars of all shapes and sizes.

It seems that these survivors came here.

It's just that now these survivors have abandoned their vehicles, crowded into groups, and lined up at the end of the bridge to pass through the checkpoint.

Lin Yuanfei stopped the car slowly, looked at the dense scene in front of him, like a second-hand car trading market, and heaved a long sigh.

'Abandon the car.

Anyway, this car is not his, so it doesn't hurt to throw it away.

After getting out of the car, closing the car door, putting on his backpack, and carrying two knives slung across his shoulders, Lin Yuanfei looked at Riko Busujima, "Senior Busushima, go first, I'll be over later.

Kishima Toshiko looked at him in astonishment, a little strangely, "Lin Yuan-kun, won't you come with me?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "I'll come later, you go to line up first. There are too many people over there, I think it's noisy." Budao Yazi looked at him and frowned, "Lin Yuan-jun, why don't you

Could it be... Want to go back to the city by yourself?

Chapter 249 Not So Stupid

"Lin Yuan-jun, don't you... want to go back to the city by yourself?

Du Daozi's question made Lin Yuanfei smile.

"Don't worry, Busujima-senpai, I don't like this city full of death and chaos even more than you do. I will never go back on my promise to leave."

However, Lin Yuanfei's guarantee is not convincing at all.

Du Daozi looked at him, and said seriously, "Then come with me. Mr. Lin Yuan, if you think there are too many people, you can listen to music. I have a walkman with me." Putting down his small backpack, he took out a walkman and earphones and handed them to Lin Yuanfei, "If you put on the earphones, you won't be able to hear the noisy sound." Lin Yuanfei felt a little helpless looking at her serious and persistent appearance Well, you win, I confess. "Lin Yuanfei raised his hands in surrender, "The reason why I stay here is not to wait for you to leave and run away, but to wait for the opportunity. "

'Actually, I've been injected with the t-virus by those bastards from Umbrella Corporation, and they seem to be experimenting with me.

Lin Yuanfei said, "I suspect they installed some kind of positioning monitor on me, if I approach the exit, maybe they will immediately close the gate of the exit, so that everyone can't leave.

So, I want you to go and queue first.If you get out of the city safely, then I don't have any burden. Even if they close the exit when I pass by, I still have other ways to leave. "

Pointing to the six or seven meter high steel city wall not far away, Lin Yuanfei said.

"Although the city wall is high and slippery, ordinary people can't do anything about it, but I still have a way to get out. As long as you can leave Raccoon City safely, I can slip away without going through the gate." Regarding this, Poison Island was a little bit surprised. Confused and panicked.

"Lin Yuan-jun has been injected with the virus? Then you...i you are going to turn into a zombie soon?" Kishima Yako's panicked expression looked like her husband had died.

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "It may not be possible to become a zombie after being injected with the t-virus... Those guys want to use me as an experiment, so they must inject me with the antidote. If I want to become a zombie, I will change a long time ago. Why wait until now?" .”

"In short, you go there first, and find a way to find Yan Ye and the others. If you can get together, there will be a support."

Lin Yuanfei said so.

As soon as the words fell, a rustling sound suddenly sounded in Yuko Busushima's backpack.

Then, under Lin Yuanfei's astonished gaze, Du Daozi took out a walkie-talkie from his backpack and pressed it.

On the walkie-talkie, Gui Yanye's voice sounded.

Budao-senpai, we have already left the city, where are you and Master?How are you doing now?

The moment Lin Yuanfei saw the walkie-talkie, he was shocked!intercom?When did you two get ready?Why don't I know?

Suddenly it was taken out... Didn't you lay a foreshadowing in advance?

Lin Yuanfei watched with a little embarrassment as Busujima held up the walkie-talkie to talk to Gui Yanye, covered his head and sighed.

But after hearing the news that Gui Yanye and the others left the city safely, Lin Yuanfei was slightly relieved.

At least Gui Yanye and Fu Jiang are out of the city, so I have one less concern in Raccoon City.

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