Lin Yuanfei thought of this.

In the next second, he heard Gui Yanye on the other end of the walkie-talkie saying:

...And we just met Shizuka-sensei Marikawa, Minami

Sister Lixiang is very happy.I didn't expect to meet Teacher Shizuka outside the city. She has never encountered zombies outside the city. It's great. "Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuan Feifei was stunned.

ha?Ju Chuan‖Shizuka?Didn't that naturally stupid cow school doctor go to Qiu Mingshan with my wife and sister?How could it appear here?

Lin Yuanfei snatched the walkie-talkie and asked in panic, what about my wife's sisters?Are they with you too? "There was an ominous premonition in Lin Yuanfei's heart.

Sure enough, the premonition was confirmed in the next second. On the other end of the walkie-talkie, Gui Yanye seemed to be talking to Ju Chuan Shizuka beside him, seeming to be relaying Lin Yuanfei's question.

But the quality of this walkie-talkie is so poor that I can't hear the content at all.After about half a minute, Gui Yanye answered Lin Yuanfei through the walkie-talkie.

Master, Teacher Shizuka said that they just separated not long ago, and the two sisters should have gone to the city.Sister Shizuka saw them pass the checkpoint and enter. "

Hearing this answer, Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

Depend on!What are these two sisters doing?Everyone else is thinking of running outside, why do you just go inside?

Do you think this Raccoon City is not messy enough to come in and get involved?Still feel that life is not exciting enough to come in and look for excitement?

You said that you are not reincarnation, there is no main god to force you to run to the plot point, why come in?Earn reward points for killing zombies?

Lin Yuanfei's hand holding the walkie-talkie trembled slightly.

He stood there with a toothache on his face, not knowing what to say.

So the group of people with the umbrella let them in like that? "Lin Yuanfei was a little annoyed, "That group of staff are stupid [beep], right?

Regarding this, Gui Yanye was silent for a few seconds, and then said nah na.At that time, it seemed that a sister who was wearing a kimono also entered the city together, and the group of staff seemed to have nothing to stop people entering the city. "For this, Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

Do these bastards in the umbrella really think that Raccoon City is not chaotic enough?If everyone is allowed in, aren't you afraid of causing big problems?

Or are those bastards wishing there were more zombies in the city?

what a man!

You tm don't prohibit entry and exit, so you set up a card to make trouble!ill!Thinking that the two sisters from my wife's family had already entered the city, Lin Yuanfei's scalp tingled, "How long have they been in the city? Is it a long time? Did you say where they are going?

If the time is not long, you have to turn around and find someone quickly.

In any case, Lin Yuanfei absolutely cannot sit back and watch Yuki fall into crisis


But unfortunately, Gui Yanye couldn't answer his question.

"Master, Sister Shizuka said that when they left, they didn't say where they were going, they just said they were going to find you, Master...

Na Na finished this sentence, Gui Yan Ye silently.

On the side of the walkie-talkie, Lin Yuanfei also held the walkie-talkie and was stunned.

His expression gradually became dull and calm.

After a while, he sighed softly and said, "Okay, I got it

Lin Yuanfei looked at the crowd at the end of the bridge, and said slowly, "Yan Ye, you should stay away from Raccoon City as soon as possible. Fu Jiang will be kept in your custody for the time being. Be careful not to let her get out of the way. I will finish speaking later." , Lin Yuanfei hung up the walkie-talkie and looked at Du Daozi beside him.

Shrugged, "Sister Busushima, you go first. I really want to go back to the city this time." Kishima Kishiko looked at him and blinked, "Why?

Because I'm going to bring out the pair of sisters..." Lin Yuanfei said helplessly, "How can you run into the zombie pile when a crisis breaks out?They put themselves in danger just to find me, so I can't just ignore them and feed zombies, right?

My wife Yuno in this world is just an ordinary girl. It may be okay to kill a few ordinary people, but once you encounter groups of zombies, the result is hard to say.

Lin Yuanfei's heart was full of worries.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's worried look, the corner of Du Daozi's mouth curled up into a sly smile, "Who said they ran into the pile of zombies? Look over there, aren't the people there in good condition?" ?”

Looking in the direction Du Daozi pointed at, Lin Yuanfei looked astonished at the end of the bridge. My wife's sisters were standing side by side at the edge of the crowd, watching them from a distance.

Yuno looked indifferent, but Yuki was extremely happy.

Across the long bridge, Yuki was still waving happily as if shouting something loudly, but the distance was too far to hear clearly but no matter what, just seeing the two of them instantly, Lin Yuanfei's heart instantly settled up.

The big stone in my heart slowly fell down.

He looked at Yuki who was waving at the end of the bridge from a distance, at the crowd behind them, at the checkpoint set up by the umbrella company.

A smile subconsciously rose from the corner of his mouth.

This silly girl...

"Isn't that stupid?" Lin Yuanfei smiled and murmured in a low voice.

Chapter 250 Kimono Beauty

"This silly girl...

"It's not that stupid. Seeing Yuki waving across the bridge, Lin Yuanfei smiled reassuringly. No matter how much boredom and tension he had before, they all disappeared the moment he saw Yuki was safe and sound.

Lin Yuanfei was really worried that Yuki and the others would go deep into the urban area of ​​Raccoon City in order to find him. It would be really troublesome if they couldn't find anyone in such a big city.

Seeing that Yu Ji was safe and sound now, Lin Yuanfei immediately let go of his heart and heaved a sigh of relief.

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