Although Yuki is a silly girl sometimes, she is still very sensible when it matters and she doesn't bother him.Lin Yuanfei also waved at Yuki from a distance, as a response, then he looked at Du Daozi beside him

"Okay, Bujima-senpai, you can go there first.

Lin Yuanfei stood at the head of the bridge and said, "The poison circle is coming soon, you first

In the past, I took Yuki and the others away, left the checkpoint, and waited for me outside the city, and I will arrive later. Kishima Yako glanced at him and sighed, "Then let's wait for you outside the city." "Speaking, Koujima turned around and left without any hesitation or entanglement.

Lin Yuanfei was very satisfied with that crisp and neat style of doing things without being muddled.

As expected of Kishima Kishiko, the confident and strong Yamato Nadeko, the perfect wife candidate...cough cough.

Watching the back of Du Daozi's departure, Lin Yuanfei looked at the Yuki sisters on the other side of the bridge from a distance. It could be seen that Yuki seemed a little strange that Lin Yuanfei couldn't stand alone.

But the distance was too far, so she didn't run over, but stood there and waited.

Lin Yuanfei took the walkie-talkie, thought for a while, and asked again.

"Yan Ye? Are you still there?

Hmm, here you are, do you have any orders from the master? "On the other end of the walkie-talkie, came the little girl's rustling voice with noise.

Very nice.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the bridge in front of him and said slowly.

"You just said that a sister in kimono also came to town

Did you see it with your own eyes? "

At this critical juncture, the whole city wants to leave the city, but some people want to come in. There is definitely something wrong with it.

And the feature of "sister in kimono"...emmm m... Lin Yuanfei suddenly has a subtle feeling.

That sister in kimono is Shiki-san, right?

After waiting for so long, the golden thigh is finally online?

Although after Freddy's dream, Lin Yuanfei has given up all unrealistic fantasies and decided to keep his feet on the ground.

But if the two ceremonies really appear, then they must find a way to hug their thighs.

Lin Yuanfei was too busy worrying about Yuki's safety before, so Lin Yuanfei didn't think about it carefully.

Now that Yuki was safe, Lin Yuanfei felt relieved and began to care about who the older sister in kimono was. Could it really be two rituals? After all, even in Japan, not many women would run around in kimonos.

Can you tell me something about her? " Lin Yuanfei asked nervously.

It feels like a gambler is asking for the lottery numbers

Gui Yanye on the other end of the walkie-talkie could not understand the mood of the master, but calmly described the appearance of the sister in kimono.

Wearing a gray kimono, with shoulder-length short hair, she looks very heroic, almost thought she was a little brother," Yan Ye said, "She went straight to the checkpoint and said something to the police, those policemen Just let her in... What's wrong?Master?Do you know this sister? "

Uh... this... Maybe Lin Yuanfei replied absent-mindedly, "A friend I know also likes to wear kimonos and short hair. Heroic women will be mistaken for men by women, and can be recognized by men at a glance. ... This feature is exactly the same as the two ceremonies! Lin Yuanfei bit his finger unintentionally, and Lin Yuanfei felt a little excited.

After all, if this beautiful woman in kimono is really two rituals, does it mean that she can finally get in touch with a thigh-level boss and no longer have to worry about monsters like Sadako's umbrella?

"When did she enter the checkpoint?" Lin Yuanfei calmed down his excitement and asked, "How long has she been in? Alone?

Have you seen Yuki and the others?Have you talked to Yuki and the others?

Yuki and Shiki-san have met, and they have a good relationship. Shiki even left her exorcism wooden knife for Yuki to keep.

If it was really the two rituals, then Yuki would definitely be able to recognize them immediately.

Unfortunately, Yan Ye's answer disappointed him.

"The elder sister entered the city first, and then my wife's senior sister and Teacher Shizuka met us, and then my two elder sisters followed closely into the city, so I didn't see them talking," Yan Yeru said, "Master , Is that sister in kimono really your friend?

Yan Ye was a little nervous about this question.

Is... what kind of friend? "The little girl's voice trembled a little.

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second before he realized it.

Some were dumbfounded.

"Of course it's an ordinary friend... Or maybe it's my sister," Lin Yuanfei said, "The woman you described is somewhat similar to my sister.But I haven't seen it with my own eyes, and I don't know if it's really my sister... It would be great if it was my sister.

It's really Shiki, I don't have to worry about Freddy Sadako or anything, just lie down and win.

The full-level god costume boss brought a level 20 novice copy, as long as he shouted 666 next to him, what else would he do?

It is a pity that it is not possible to confirm who the beauty in the kimono is.

Not Miss Shi.

Raccoon City is so big, I don't know where the beauty in the kimono went.

Eh... It's impossible for me to go back and find her.

Forget it, let's take a step first.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the city streets behind him, and felt an urge to drive his car all over the street and shout "Sister Shi, help! Sister Shi, I'm here".

But that kind of thinking can only be thought about, and it is impossible to put it into action.

Seeing from a distance that Busujima Shiko had joined Yuki and the three girls, Lin Yuanfei sat on the hood of the car and sighed.

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