Now he just waited for Yuki and the others to leave the city gate, and then followed him out.

Raccoon City is full of dangers, and I don't know what kind of moths the umbrella group of grandchildren have. I really want to go back to find Sister Shi. Maybe Sister Shi will be dismembered by monsters before she is found.

Thanks to that.

As for Miss Shi who has entered the urban area, there is no need to worry, if it is really a two-ceremony, the monster with the most evil umbrella will also deliver food when she comes out.

As for the beautiful woman in kimono, if it wasn't for the two rituals... then what's the matter with her life and death Guan Lin Yuanfei?

Lin Yuanfei felt that there was no need for him to treat a stranger

to take charge.

Chapter 251 Warning of Immediate Death

A deserted city, dead silent.

Wandering zombies wandered aimlessly in the streets, dull and silent.

But once prey appeared in their field of vision, the speed of this group of zombies would instantly exceed the imagination of ordinary people.

After being infected by the t-virus, these zombies lost the body's self-protection mechanism and were able to fully exert their body's potential.

Ordinary people can only use part of their body's strength after exercise, and more strength is suppressed and cannot be used, because the body cannot bear such a price.

But these zombies have lost such a self-protection mechanism. Once they attack, they are super fast and powerful. They don't worry about hurting themselves. Occasionally, some zombies run too fast and break their feet directly. up.

Or some zombies are too strong to grab, and they just tore off their hands. These zombies are so crazy and fearless that they almost block the way out of all living people.

Once discovered by these zombies, it is almost a dead end.

Now that the zombies are besieging the city, there are not many living people in the entire city.

And the priest in the black gown was one of the few living people in Raccoon City at this time. He stood in front of the shelves of the department store, looked at the rows of red wine on the shelves, rubbed his chin and muttered.

'Which bottles should I take... It's really hard to decide! In his hand, he was pushing a trolley full of goods.

The goods inside are all luxury items that are usually expensive and have few buyers, but now he has filled a whole truck.

"It's a rare opportunity to participate in the free promotion, but it's a pity that no one can come with me to get more... Hey... It's really helpless.

The priest named Kotomine Shiro sighed, finally chose the two most expensive bottles of red wine, and said, "Forget it, anyway, it's right to take the most expensive one." Putting it into the shopping cart and finally looking at the cart full of goods in front of him, Kotomine Shirou nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, yes, it's almost time to go back." Looking at the time on his watch, the priest said, "This time shopping is very fast."

Satisfied, it is indeed a big free promotion, but it is a pity that it is not lively when I am the only one.It would be great if Karen came with me, and I have an extra helper to run errands, eh... What a pity, what a pity... Such opportunities for free promotions don't come along all the time. Kotomine Shiro sighed, pushing the cart outside.

In the shopping mall behind him, there were corpses of zombies lying on the ground, all of them motionless.

When Kotomine Shiro pushed the shopping cart to the street outside the building, he directly opened the trunk of a Maserati and began to stuff the contents of the shopping cart into it.

He was very careful in his movements, after all these things were expensive luxury goods, for fear that he might accidentally break them.

However, when it was halfway through, at the end of the empty street, Tao's figure in a light-colored kimono slowly appeared.

It was a woman with short shoulder-length hair, with a delicate face, but the indifferent expression gave people a sense of alienation that rejected people thousands of miles away. People who are not courageous and confident will retreat silently because of low self-esteem the moment they see her. opened.

She walked slowly from the end of the street, and saw the Maserati parked by the side of the road, and Kotomine Shiro who was stuffing things into the trunk.

The footsteps of the two ceremonies stopped.

With a distance of more than [-] meters, her eyes wandered over Kotomine Shirou's body, and finally stopped on the cross on the priest's chest.

"Father? Taking advantage of the fire?" asked the two rituals in confusion.

As soon as this remark came out, Kotomine Shirou, who was packing up his things, suddenly stopped him and raised his head, looking at the uninvited guest not far away.

The moment the eyes of the two sides met, the narrow-eyed priest subconsciously grabbed the gown...but then let go of it the next second.

Kotomine Shirou smiled happily, "This beautiful lady, please don't doubt the integrity of a clergyman casually. As a servant of the Lord, I have always been cautious in my words and deeds, and cultivated my body. You attack the servant of the Lord like this That's not what a girl should do." Liang Ri looked at him coldly, indifferent to the priest's teasing. At this moment of crisis, everyone wants to run out of the city, but you are here to take advantage of the fire. , and emptied the entire street of zombies... Father, are you from the Church of the Holy Church? "The two ceremonies asked, and Feng Shilang's reaction was exactly the same as when he faced Lin Yuanfei back then.

"Huh? The Church of the Holy Church? Why is that the name again?" Kotomine Shiro said in distress, "Is this organization famous? Why do you all think that I am a member of the Church of the Holy Church?

The eyes of the two rituals narrowed slightly, "Aren't you from the Holy Church?

Kotomine Shiro shook his head quickly, "No, no, not at all, I don't know what the Holy Church is. Miss, you must have made a mistake. The two ceremonies looked at him with a sneer of disdain, "You are not from the Holy Church." people?So it seems that the church has formed a new organization, and there are such powerful masters.

The two men walked forward slowly, and silently slipped out a dagger from the right hand hanging by their sides.

Her eyes, which had turned into a strange color or bewitching blue, suddenly appeared in the pupils of the two rituals.

Blue, purple, and even a little bit of scarlet... All kinds of colors are mixed together, rendering a pair of coquettish and strangely beautiful pupils

[Picture: The demon eyes of straight death stared at the smiling priest in front of him, and the corners of the mouths of the two rituals evoked a sneer

"I'll give you a chance to answer again...Mr. Priest, are you from the Holy Church?"

The moment he saw these eyes, Kotomine Shirou immediately took a few steps back, and instantly took out a black key.

The roc spread its wings as if to face the battle.

Like a fried chicken.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's too much, Miss Liangyi!" Kotomine Shirou's squinting smile was a little stiff at this moment, "We have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in the present, why are you using the knife on me? I am innocent. !

The two priests looked at him and said with a sneer, "Then answer my question, Mr. Priest. As a member of the Holy Church, you are stationed here in Raccoon City, are you here to monitor the anomalies in this area?

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