Mine Shiro hesitated for two seconds, then shook his head, "This is a confidential matter, I have nothing to say.

Then let me ask you another question, a question that you can definitely answer, "There was a cold murderous intent flashing in the eyes of the two rituals, since you are observing the anomalies in this city, you must know that guy, right?

That... the guy named Lin Yuanfei. "

Chapter 252 Three Flies

"Since you are observing the anomalies in this city, you must know about that guy, right?

That... the guy named Lin Yuanfei.

The eyes of the two ceremonies stared at the priest in black in front of him.

Facing this woman with the magic eye of death, the priest hesitated for a second, then nodded frantically.

"I know, I know, Lin Yuanfei, I know!

Feng Shirou sold Lin Yuanfei in an instant, "That guy seems to be the descendant of Feitian Yujian style? But recently, he seems to have lost his memory, and he doesn't remember anything. The evil spirits at the head are almost heroic. Miss Liangyi, are you looking for he?

The two rituals nodded, "Yes, I'm looking for him. Do you know where he is?

"Well, this..." Kotomine Shirou smiled awkwardly, stepped back slowly, and said, "Actually, I don't know. After the outbreak of the biochemical crisis, that guy disappeared. I only know that he was in a coma before. She was treated at the Umbrella Staff Hospital, Miss Liangyi, maybe you can go there and have a look, maybe you can find clues.

Staring at his face, Er Ri asked, "Are you sure?"

Kotomine Shiro nodded again and again, "I'm sure I'm sure, it's all reported on the news, Miss Liangyi, you can read the news if you don't believe me. There are everything in the newspaper." Liang Riyi glanced at him, retracted the dagger in his hand, and his pupils The bewitching color of her eyes also faded silently, and her normal pupil color returned.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you indifferently, the two ceremonies ignored the squinting priest and walked straight towards the hospital.

It quickly disappeared from Kotomine Shiro's sight.

Only then did the black-clothed priest heave a sigh of relief, put away the black keys, and continued to pack his things into the trunk.

While pretending, he murmured.

"The evil god of Liangyi's family has come to Raccoon City... Big news, report it quickly." He said, quickly stuffing the most expensive things into the trunk, and throwing away the other luxury goods in the shopping cart No matter where he was, he closed the trunk door, and the young priest directly got into the "picked up" Maserati and quickly left the deserted street.

And in the block several kilometers away from this street, three heavily armed stalkers silently formed a surrounding triangle,

The exit of the bridge was locked in the center of the crossfire network.

The researchers who controlled all this reported the situation and looked at the person in charge.

Sir, No. [-] has arrived at the location, please instruct No. [-] to arrive at the location, please instruct! "

Arrival position on the [-]th, please instruct!

In addition to No. [-] who had been hacked to death by Lin Yuanfei, and the unsuccessful

The three trackers that the fifth laboratory can control are all in place at this time.

They approached the area of ​​the bridge silently, hid behind the streets and alleys until they arrived at the designated location, waiting for the next order.

Daniel looked at the icon representing the three-headed stalker on the big screen, and the icon representing Lin Yuanfei on the bridge, thought for a while, and said.

Let them close the gate. "As soon as this remark came out, all the researchers were stunned.

They all looked at Daniel.

On the bridge, there are hundreds of survivors who have not left the city yet.

If the gate is closed now, and the pursuer is released again... the researchers seem to have seen the terrifying scene of killing.

A researcher said tremblingly, "If this incident about si gets out and causes a credit crisis, we will all be held accountable by the headquarters!

Daniel looked at the group of survivors crowded at the gate of the city on the big screen, and smiled slightly, "As long as everyone is dead, won't it be leaked?"

"On June 2003, 6, nuclear waste leaked in Raccoon City. Although our Umbrella Company tried our best to rescue it, most of the city residents were unfortunately killed. Only a small number of residents who escaped early survived. Such a tragic disaster When it happened, everyone would only scold the Japanese government. Who would pay attention to a few unlucky people who died in front of the gate?

Hearing Daniel's words, the researchers fell silent in the darkness of the command center for a long time, only hearing the occasional beeps of instruments.

After a while, someone let out a soft sigh.

Orders were then issued and promptly carried out.

The only exit on the city wall was gradually closed, and all the umbrella employees who were maintaining order within the city wall immediately evacuated.

Without the maintainer of order, the survivors who were still queuing suddenly became a swarm of bees.

Seeing the gate slowly closing, the survivors screamed in horror

"Don't close the door! Help! Don't close the door!

"Please! Don't close the door! Men's yelling, women's begging, sad crying, angry roaring j

In front of the closed gate, all the survivors fell into a state of hysterical grief and indignation.

Some people shouted and cursed at the umbrella company behind the wall, but no one paid any attention to them.

Among the noisy crowd, Kishima Yako, who was at the end of the line, looked at the closed gate, was silent for a few seconds, and then pulled my wife and sister out from left to right.

go!We need to get out of here! "Poison Island Smudge's expression was a little dignified.

Once human beings lose hope and step into despair, in that kind of hysterical fear and despair, moral collapse only takes a moment.

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