Three beautiful young girls are the absolute lambs to stay among such a group of desperate survivors.

Without hesitation, Bujima Yako led Yuki and Yuno out of the crowd, without any intention of staying longer.

They were originally at the end of the line, but now they ran a few steps outside and reached the periphery of the crowd.

From a distance, they saw Lin Yuanfei at the other end of the bridge, among the pile of cars, Lin Yuanfei was sitting in it

chewing gum on the hood of the car.

Regarding the commotion at the gate of the city, Lin Yuanfei was standing up, as if he was observing the movement here from a distance.

However, before the three girls came to remember to say hello, they were stunned. Behind Lin Yuanfei, in the city block, three burly and hideous monsters with terrifying heavy-fire cannons walked out slowly.

The six slowly rotating pipes exude the breath of death in the sunlight.

The long bullet chain dragged on the ground, making a rustling sound. The moment Lin Yuan flew back, the expression on his face froze.

Three burly and ferocious pursuers and three fully armed terrifying monsters came from three different directions, blocked all his escape routes, and surrounded him.

The six rotating barrels made one's scalp tingle.

Standing on the car, seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei felt completely stupid [beep].

Depend on.

Three-headed stalker?

This tm is too much!

Chapter 253 Besieged From All Sides Sometimes Sometimes

Chapter 253 Besieged on All Sides Sometimes, Lin Yuanfei felt that he was very unlucky.

Most of the time, he was thinking about why he traveled to this ghostly place.

Although many time travelers would shout after crossing, "God! Why should other time travelers be blah blah, but I am blah blah...I don't accept it!

This seems to be an old meme.

But looking back on the experience of the six days after traveling to this world, Lin Yuanfei felt that if he didn't complain, he would be suffocated to death.

Why do other timetravelers have three wives and four concubines live a happy life after timetraveling, but Lao Tzu would be exhausted and run away in embarrassment after timetraveling?Obviously not a dungeon of infinite horror, but Lao Tzu's life is worse than Zheng Zha, and there is no tm main god to repair the whole body, no artificial man for free [beep], and no reward points and enhancements.

Life is worse than that of a reincarnation, but the treatment is not as good as that of a reincarnation. Is it too much? Could it be that the name of this world is "starting with a knife, and your life depends on dogs"?

Be careful that I become the supreme dragon, one bite at a time

Seeing the three-headed pursuers appear, Lin Yuanfei turned around and ran away without saying a word.

In the next second, all the trackers raised their cannons at the same time, aiming at Lin Yuanfei.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da's Scalp

"Monster! Monster!

The survivors wanted to flee in all directions, but the end of the bridge was blocked. Under the railings on both sides of the bridge was a wide river surface. The vertical distance from the bridge to the river surface was at least [-] meters high.

In addition, the river is so fast that no one dares to jump.

All the survivors screamed and huddled together, watching Lin Yuanfei over there being chased and killed by the three-headed tracker.

Three barrages from different directions blocked Lin Yuanfei's escape direction, and he could only run to the other side of the bridge in despair.

But the other side is a dead end, the gate has been closed.Yes, just a crowd of screaming survivors.

Behind him, the dense bullets washed over the area he ran like a torrential rain. Wherever he went, vehicles exploded and bullets splashed

This six-barreled Vulcan machine gun is so powerful that a single bullet can maim a person, and a flesh and blood body will be smashed into pieces in an instant if it is hit by the bullet screen.

Not to mention the human body, the bullets that fly out can directly pass through the body of the car, enter from the roof, shoot out from the chassis, and directly penetrate the entire car!Boom, boom, boom, wherever Lin Yuanfei went, the sound of dense explosions continued endlessly.

The fuel tanks of those cars were all blown up, and all the cars turned into unstable gasoline bombs after being hit by the barrage, one fireball after another shot into the sky, and one car after another exploded in the air The waves were blown away.

And the crazy bullet storm and explosive flames and air waves have been chasing Lin Yuanfei's running figure crazily.

Like the scythe of death, it pursues and tries to harvest the soul of the victim.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

Lin Yuanfei ran wildly, roared, and rushed towards a large truck ahead.

That big truck stands out from a bunch of private cars. Its huge body, tall body, and all-steel body are not at the same level as those private cars with thin skin and crisp shell.

The moment he rushed out angrily, Lin Yuanfei rolled over and rolled directly into the back of the truck.

dang dang dang dang

Amidst the piercing sound of metal and iron clashing, all the bullets that caught up fell on the steel body of the big truck.

However, the incomparably strong body was studded with dense bullets visible to the naked eye, and as the machine gun fired, there were more and more bullets, and the truck body on the side facing the pursuer was directly distorted.

From a distance, it looked like a disgusting and ugly pockmarked face.

Lin Yuanfei hid in the back of the truck, panting, his face pale

Even hiding behind this truck, he could feel the rumbling vibration from the truck.

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