Even if the bullets cannot penetrate this truck, the huge force of the three Vulcan cannons firing at the same time can even overturn this steel truck!

Lin Yuanfei firmly grasped the body of the truck, stabilizing the truck that was almost overturned by the impact of bullets.

Listening to the intensive gunshots from the other side and the harsh sound of bullets constantly hitting the other side of the truck, Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth with a toothache expression on his face.

Mother Xipi...the bastards like Umbrella really want me to die! "

Lin Yuanfei listened to the gunshots of the three stalkers, but it was still far away, and it was clear that none of the stalkers caught up.

Obviously, those bastards from the Umbrella Company have learned from the previous experience, and this time they will not give Lin Yuanfei a chance to fight in close quarters.

The three trackers wanted to fly a kite from a distance to kill Lin Yuanfei Holding on to the body of the truck, trying hard to keep the body from falling to the ground, Lin Yuanfei looked at my wife and sister at the end of the bridge, and the scumbag on the poisonous island .

The three girls did not rush over, but they also understood Lin Yuanfei's dangerous situation.

Seeing that Lin Yuanfei seemed to want to rush outside, Du Dao Yazi immediately shouted.

'Lin Yuan-jun!Do not move!The guns of those three monsters are still pointing at you!Don't stand up! Lin Yuanfei, who originally heard the gunshots stopped and thought that the three trackers had emptied their bullets and began to change the belt, immediately retracted his head again. He really wanted to run just now, and wanted to take advantage of the empties of the trackers. Time to jump off this bridge.

Although the height of the bridge from the water surface was scary, he was not worried at all. Anyway, this body could definitely hold it.

But now, listening to the reminder from Poison Island, the three trackers didn't actually miss the bullet?Did they stop shooting just to wait for their own heads?

Depend on!I'm a little irritable!

Don't those grandchildren stop shooting if you don't stand out?

Lin Yuanfei's egg hurts more and more.

These three trackers don't come to close combat, they don't take the initiative to shoot to save bullets, and they know how to guard the corpse and wait for him to show up... AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDon't be afraid of the monster's size, but be afraid of the monster's culture!

This kind of monster controlled by the umbrella is really troublesome! Lin Yuanfei's eyes wandered frantically on the bridge, trying to find a way to break the situation.

From the time he crossed to the present, he has never been so anxious. He feels that he has really entered the Jedi. He cannot move, he cannot run, and he will be shot by the metal storm as soon as he rises. Is Lao Tzu going to be trapped here alive?

Lin Yuanfei thought with a look of despair.

At that moment, he seemed to be possessed by the overlord of Chu, facing the desperate situation of being besieged on all sides, with no hope of surviving.

Three-headed tracker. This combination is invincible!

Chapter 254 Smiling

Chapter 254 The smiling Yuno hid behind the truck, Lin Yuanfei's face was pained.

At this time, he felt that he was really in a desperate situation, and he could not see any hope of breaking the situation.

He didn't dare to act rashly, and the three-headed pursuers were watching him from a distance. The situation was at a deadlock. He leaned on the back of the truck, looking at the group of survivors at the end of the bridge and the three girls he knew.

Lin Yuanfei's heart was filled with a sense of powerlessness.

If Yuki and the others have already left the city, then he can still fight

But now he doesn't dare to act rashly! What if he escapes and the group of trackers come to kill the survivors?

Lin Yuanfei doesn't care about others, but he can't ignore Yuki and Busujima Saiko.

Gritting his teeth, looking at the three girls at the bridge, Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly.

"Yuki! Hurry up! Find a way to go!" Lin Yuanfei took out the long rope from his backpack

This long rope, which is connected with hemp rope one after another, has not been untied until now.

Now Lin Yuanfei tied the string of hemp rope into a ball and threw it hard

, Throwing the soft hemp rope five or six meters in front of the three girls

Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly, "Use this rope to go! You go first, I will come later!

Kishima Yako ran over decisively to pick up the string of hemp rope, and then tied one end of the rope to the bridge. Obviously, the three girls were about to leave the bridge through this rope and saw this scene. The survivors who were terrified all day long went crazy.

Among them, several strong men couldn't help roaring.

"Stop! You stop!

Those men ran over, trying to snatch the hemp rope from Du Daozi's hand

Some of them reached out and grabbed Yuki and Yuno, obviously intending to restrain the three girls first.

Seeing this scene from afar, Lin Yuanfei subconsciously opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

The moment people want to die, the gods can't stop those men from approaching Yuno, the always cute and cute Yuno suddenly took out a fire ax from his backpack, and slashed hard!

Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! !

In one of the men's screams, his head was split open by Yuno, and at the same time his skull was broken, red and white sprayed out at the same time.The corpse fell heavily on the ground, and the miserable scene shocked all those who wanted to take advantage of the fire.

Even the few remaining men took a step back subconsciously, with a look of horror on their faces, "You...you...

They pointed at Yuno who was smiling, with extremely terrified expressions.Before they could scream, however, Yuno rushed towards the nearest man.

The bloody fire ax struck out again, and another man screamed and fell down.

The remaining two men came to their senses, waved the baseball bats in their hands and roared towards Yuno's life and death. They finally decided to fight to the death.

Unfortunately, this realization came a little too late.

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