A gust of fragrant wind blew by, and the figure of Toshiko Busujima brushed past the two of them


While the samurai sword was splattering blood, two gangster-looking men fell to the ground screaming and clutching the wounds on their shoulders and necks.

Then, Yuno walked over, dragging a bloody fire ax in his hand... Brothers are so pitiful! Yuno smiled and stepped on the wound on the shoulder of one of the men, and then the man screamed Amidst the cry, she raised the fire ax in her hand.

"The wound is so big, it hurts....

Yuno said distressedly, and stepped on her feet again, which immediately caused the man under her feet to scream and struggle painfully.

But Yuno's strength was great, the man was trampled on by her,

Unable to break free.

Yuno looked down at the man under his feet, screaming with distressed pity, so pitiful, the voice fell, and the blood-stained fire ax slammed down hard one by one

Amidst the crisp sound of a watermelon exploding, the man's head exploded into a disgusting red and white shape.

The murmur in Yuno's mouth finally resounded at this moment.

Let Yuno help you relieve the pain... how about it?Doesn't it hurt now?

Looking at the horrific corpse at his feet, Yuno smiled softly, "This kind of treatment is very effective." The bloody shoe was removed from the corpse, and Yuno looked at the last man with a smile on his face.

"Brother, you seem to be suffering too.": Yuno smiled cutely.

And the last man clutched the wound on his neck, crawled back crazily, his eyes widened in horror, but he could only let out a painful muffled sound of "ho ho ho".

What he was trying to say no one knows.

Because when Yuno dragged the fire ax and stepped him on the ground, everyone present knew his final fate.

The restless crowd of survivors all fell silent at this moment, some timid women and children even covered their eyes, not daring to look at the next scene.

But the crisp popping sound like a watermelon bursting from the bridge head made all the survivors tremble, as if they heard the note of urging their lives

"Heh... I'm really happy to help another cute little brother


Yuno smiled and shook the bloody fire axe, then took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood on the fire axe, looked at the remaining survivors.

"Is there any brother or sister who needs Yuno's treatment? In the afterglow of the setting sun, Yuno's smile looks like an old yellowed photo, it looks very warm and lovely... If you ignore the corpses under her feet.

Swept by Yuno's gaze, all the remaining survivors backed away in horror. No one dared to look directly into Yuno's gaze. Good rope, suddenly screamed out.

'Lin Yuan-jun!There are monsters coming to you!

Lin Yuanfei, who was leaning against the back of the truck, froze for a second, but hadn't reacted yet.


With a loud noise and the crazy vibration of the truck, a burly and tall monster directly overturned the steel truck.

The monster's ferocious face, ferocious eyes, and sharp fangs seem to be close at hand.

Lin Yuanfei could even smell the stench from the opponent's body.

Without hesitation, Lin Yuanfei slashed out.

"Fuck you, uncle!

The cold sword light flashed in the setting sun.

While the tracker pointed six Vulcan cannons at Lin Yuanfei, Lin Yuanfei had already rushed over with a roar.

The sword light flashed!


Amidst the clashing sound of gold and iron, Lin Yuanfei sliced ​​the rotating gun barrel obliquely in the middle, just like a green onion chopped sideways in a restaurant, the fracture is as smooth as a mirror!

Chapter 255 Mythical Spinning Six Barrels

Chapter 255 The six barrels rotated by the myth are made of extremely hard gold. However, the sword light in Lin Yuanfei's hand flashed, and a section of the barrel flew out. When the remaining half of the barrel was lifted, Lin Yuanfei kicked it. Bang on the gun-wielding wrist of the tracker

With a dull muffled sound, the muzzle of the pursuer's gun subconsciously lifted into the sky, and at the same time his body was shaken back half a step, Lin Yuanfei's figure had rushed into the embrace of the pursuer.

knife flashing

puff puff

After two consecutive blade strikes, the pursuer let out an angry roar, but its two thick and strong arms flew out.

The tracker in the sunset turned into a cripple who lost both arms.

The six-barreled Vulcan cannon held by the tracker also fell heavily on the ground, making a harsh impact sound.

However, there was no smile on Lin Yuanfei's face.

In just ten seconds when Yuno's attention was drawn to him, this stalker came to him silently?

This kind of speed is not what a big guy should have!

And this guy came over without a sound, was he deliberately sent up to be a death squad?The purpose is to overturn that truck to create opportunities for the remaining two trackers?

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