While Lin Yuanfei chopped off the arms of the stalker in front of him, he looked at the remaining two stalkers in the distance from the corner of his eyes.

Just as he had guessed, the two pursuers still stood far away at the entrance of the bridge, pointing their cannons at it.

No intention of getting close.

At the same time that Lin Yuanfei chopped off the tracker in front of him, the two trackers in the distance roared at the same time, pouring out a terrifying metal storm again without the slightest hesitation. Da da da da da da da da da da dense The sound of gunfire made one's scalp tingle.

Lin Yuanfei kicked the screaming stalker in front of him, and flew backwards with the force of the shock.

While he was away from the place, the dense bullet storm flooded the place where he was before, and the tracker who stood there screaming was directly submerged by the dense metal storm.Puff puff puff puff puff

Splattered blood, splattered flesh and blood set off waves on the bridge.

A wave of flesh and blood.

At that moment, the originally burly and robust tracker quickly disintegrated in the metal storm, as if thrown into a meat grinder.

Countless flesh and blood scattered in all directions!

That terrifying picture made one's heart shudder.

Even the most realistic and thrilling movie special effects, it is difficult to restore this scene.

The burly and tall ugly monster was directly submerged and dismembered by the bullet storm with huge impact kinetic energy, and was shattered into pieces of finely minced meat, splashing all the nearby areas.

And Lin Yuanfei's body flipped backwards, and landed on the hood of a car.

But on the entire bridge, except for the truck that had been overturned, all the rest were flimsy private cars, which could not bring him any protection at all.

The moment Lin Yuanfei landed, the storm of bullets from the strafing had already caught up with him.

It was too late to back up, and it was too late to dodge. Lin Yuanfei stood on the hood of the car, roaring angrily, splitting out the bellflower fairy Dongyue in his hand.

At that moment, time seemed to slow down in his eyes, and everything in the whole world seemed to slow down.

The storm of bullets flying with huge kinetic energy also became countless times slower in his eyes.

The storm of bullets swirling to break through the air and engulfing him densely was continuously enlarged in his field of vision.

He could even clearly see the metal thread on each projectile!

Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ! !

Amidst the angry and shrill screams, Lin Yuanfei roared hysterically, and frantically waved the samurai sword in his hand. His sword was almost at its limit, dancing like a gust of wind, and none of the survivors present could see it clearly. his hand!

The speed at which the knife was swung was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it. All that people could hear was the harsh sound of metal clashing.

The storm of bullets shooting at him was actually directly blocked by him!

All the bullets were bounced off by the swung samurai sword.One after another, flames exploded in front of Lin Yuanfei.

The terrifying picture made everyone's scalps tingle, almost suspecting that they had seen it wrong.

what the fuck! ! !

In the command room, seeing this scene, Daniel suddenly stood up and shouted in shock, "Is this guy a human?" At this moment, the gentle and personable Daniel screamed like a shocked boy. , "Gatling machine guns can stop...: His arm muscles are made of steel? |

Daniel can't imagine how tough the muscle group is that can withstand this high-speed swing.The air in the entire command center seemed to freeze. Except for Daniel who could scream uncontrollably, all the remaining researchers were too frightened to say a word.

They looked at everything in the picture in horror, seeing the terrifying picture of Lin Yuanfei slashing all the bullets crazily, it seemed that the beliefs built up in decades of life had all collapsed.

Science... What is science in the face of this humanoid monster? !

One of the researchers screamed, "New peak! New peak! The unknown energy in the target sample has reached a never-before-seen peak

All the people subconsciously looked at the curve that represented the unknown energy in Lin Yuanfei's body that they named [Zhen Qi].

Just now Lin Yuan threw the knife to block the bullets and blocked all the metal storms.

Within seconds, that curve broke through to a frightening height.

Although as Lin Yuanfei rolled outwards and stopped his terrifying behavior of slashing bullets, the curve quickly fell back to the normal level, but judging from the horrifying scene just two seconds ago, everyone understood a reason

"That kind of energy... is it really the main reason why he is so powerful?" Daniel murmured while looking at the picture on the big screen.

The whole process of Lin Yuan's flying knife chopping bullets lasted less than three seconds

But sometimes just a momentary flashback can already shock everyone's three views.

Even though Lin Yuanfei was rolling in embarrassment among the cars one after another, covered in blood, no one who saw the scene just now dared to underestimate this dirty and embarrassing man on the big screen

Because they have witnessed a myth today.

A myth of splitting bullets with a knife and blocking two Gatling machine guns in the front

ps: I’m a bit stuck today... Well, I’ve written more than [-] words, and I’m updating [-] words basically every day, so it’s time for the text to get stuck.

But there are still two more, even if you stay up all night

I feel that I will finish the remaining two updates before six o'clock.

After all, I promised, and I would feel a little helpless if I missed the appointment.

I, Chu Yunfei, am also a person who wants face. The most annoying thing is that people say that I have not kept my word.

Chapter 256 The Invisible Barrier

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