Then, the two-second slow-motion video starts playing again.

This time, the playback speed is slower.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the small area marked by the red circle.

Then, a scene beyond everyone's expectations appeared.

There was obviously nothing in the originally empty space, but when Gatling's bullet passed through, there were some ripples, as if there was an invisible barrier in the space.

And after passing through this invisible barrier, the speed of the bullet actually decreased visibly with the naked eye.

Daniel looked at all this with a frown, and ordered the researchers to replay the video frame by frame, and finally confirmed that when Lin Yuan slashed the bullet with a flying knife, a small invisible barrier appeared in front of him out of thin air.

That barrier slowed down the impact and speed of the bullet.

It's just that it happened so fast that no one noticed.

Looking at Lin Yuanfei panting quickly on the big screen, Daniel understood one thing.

It seemed that it wasn't that Lin Yuanfei was strong enough to resist the Gatling machine gun fire, but that someone was secretly helping him.

Or...this invisible barrier is also Lin Yuanfei's own ability?

Daniel's heart was full of confusion.

Chapter 257 Sandwich

Slash bullets and resist Gatling machine gun fire.Such myths simply refresh people's worldview.

However, the researchers who were stunned hadn't calmed down yet, and discovered a new weirdness. It turned out that while Lin Yuan was flying the knife to chop the bullets, there was an invisible barrier that had first reduced the speed and impact of all the bullets?

It's no wonder that after Lin Yuanfei was able to resist such a terrifying bullet impact force with his human body, he was only slightly injured. If there was an invisible barrier that offset most of the bullet impact force in advance when the machine gun fired, then Maybe all of this can be barely explained by science... Well, if the weird invisible barrier is ignored.

But since this was mentioned, who helped Lin Yuanfei at this critical moment?

Who set up that invisible barrier?

Or... this invisible barrier of writing is also Lin Yuanfei's handwriting?Does this descendant of the Feitian Yujian style have other unknown secrets?

Daniel stared at Lin Yuanfei on the big screen, thinking silently, constantly speculating about the possible truth.

And Lin Yuanfei, who shocked countless people, finally breathed out from the embarrassment just now.

He clutched his chest and took a breath, but didn't stand up immediately.

He was still vigilant against the two trackers in the distance. Although he didn't know why the other party stopped shooting suddenly, even if the belt was reloaded, it should be over, right?

But no matter what the reason is at this time, there is no need to provoke the two pursuers on the other side if they don't shoot, Lin Yuanfei also wants to take the time to rest as soon as possible.

Raising his head, Lin Yuanfei looked at the end of the bridge.

There, stood two girls.

Yuki and Yuno

And Du Dao Shouzi had already gone down the rope tied to the bridge during the short half minute that Lin Yuanfei was being shot and killed by machine guns. He must have started swimming on the river by now, right?

At this time, Yuki seemed to be preparing to leave.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei looking at her, Yuki smiled weakly and waved his hand from a distance, as if to say goodbye.

Then, a bloody nosebleed flowed from her nasal cavity.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a moment.

What... what's the situation?Why does Yuki look so weak?What happened just now?

Beside Yuki, Yuno quickly supported her sister, with a terrified look on her face!You have a nosebleed!

She hurriedly helped her sister cover her nose with her hands, then took out a tissue and tore it into strips to plug Yuki's nostrils.

The frontier complained, "Why did you suddenly have a nosebleed?

Be careful when you get into the water later.

Yuki held her bleeding nose and smiled weakly, "It's okay, Yuno just likes to worry about it.

As she spoke, she took a deep breath, grabbed the rope tied to the railing of the bridge, and stepped out with some awkward movements.

Then she stood outside the railing of the bridge, looking as if she was about to commit suicide by jumping into the river. The pale girl looked at Lin Yuanfei in the distance.

Show a smile.

Lin Yuan-jun, we'll wait for you. After finishing speaking, Yuki grabbed the rope and slowly descended, and soon disappeared from Lin Yuanfei's sight.

The survivors not far away were a little restless after seeing the two girls going down one after another.

However, Yuno, who was dragging the blood-stained axe, turned his head and glanced coldly, and everyone's restlessness disappeared in an instant.

Where Yuno looked, everyone lowered their heads anxiously.

, Guilty looked away.

No one dared to provoke this terrifying sick girl.

Even though she is cute and pretty.

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