Seeing this scene of people bowing their heads in admiration from a distance, Lin Yuanfei lay on the ground with his back against the car, and smiled wryly. As expected of my wife Yuno, this aura is simply scary. Check it out!The hundreds of people at the scene were all cowardly, what's wrong with me being cowardly?

Only by being cowardly can a piece of heaven be coaxed out!

Gou Caigou entered the final round, the kind of guy who carries a gun every day and kills people everywhere, even if you are Gao Dewei, you will often overturn your car! own admiration.

And the two trackers in the distance haven't made any moves so far.

They neither moved nor fired. They just stood there holding their guns, pointing their muzzles at the car that Lin Yuanfei was leaning against from a distance.


As for the two girls who ran away one after another, the pursuers seemed to have no interest at all.

Until even Yuno climbed down the rope and left the bridge deck, neither of the two pursuers responded.

It's just that they didn't respond, and the remaining survivors became restless.

Seeing that the rope was still hanging on the railing, and my wife Yuno, who had been guarding the rope before, also left, these survivors finally couldn't suppress their desire to survive, and several survivors began to tentatively approach the rope .

Lin Yuanfei watched the actions of these survivors from afar, and shrugged indifferently, but he didn't count on the rope either.

With his physical fitness, there is no problem in jumping directly from the bridge into the river.

So letting the group of survivors approach the rope, Lin Yuanfei slowly clenched the samurai sword in his hand, planning to get up, Yuki and the others left, then the life and death of the remaining group of survivors had nothing to do with Lin Yuanfei and lost their concern. He can safely escape boldly.

Although the entrance of the bridge was blocked by two pursuers,

If he jumped into the river directly, would the two pursuers still carry heavy weapons to chase him down?

Lin Yuanfei clenched the knife and was about to get up.

Then, the moment he got up, Daniel in the command center issued a new order.

Throw those guys out. "Then, the entrance at the end of the bridge was suddenly and slowly opened. There was a commotion among the survivors. Before they could rush out, a group of hideous and ugly figures rushed out of the entrance. Organize the ugly head without eyes, and the sharp claws... A total of ten lickers rushed out of the entrance.

Amidst the screams of the survivors, Lin Yuanfei watched dumbly as the ten lickers broke through the obstacles of the crowd without hesitation, surrounding them like a pack of hyenas hunting for prey. Ten meters away from him, surrounded him in the middle

And the two pursuers in the distance behind him also moved at this time.Lin Yuanfei, who was standing in the middle of the bridge, was caught in it instantly

, became the piece of meat in the middle of the sandwich.

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei covered his head, full of grief and indignation, and finally

All melted into a long sigh.

"Umbrella, I'm fucking your mother!

ps: last

It’s so painful to write. It’s really uncomfortable to stay up late. I almost couldn’t catch my breath when I yawned.

[Picture: Take a needle]

I asked for leave, stayed up late today, didn't have a good rest today, and overestimated my physical fitness

Back then, staying up all night for a week was not a problem, but now staying up in the middle of the night will kill you, and I feel dizzy all day, and I am not in the mood, so I would like to ask for leave. Well, good night everyone today

There is no update, the above

Chapter 258 The So-called Desperate Licker

Chapter 258 The so-called Extremis Licker is a monster that appeared in the "Resident Evil" series. Its eyes have degenerated and it has no vision. Its hunting depends entirely on its keen sense of hearing. Walking, running, and even the sound of breathing and heartbeat can hardly escape its ears. They can't walk upright, but they can rely on their powerful limbs and claws to climb upside down on walls or even roofs, plus their super powerful bounce and fast movement speed make it difficult to hit them with burst-firing weapons.

In short, the crispy assassin follows the flow of speed, which is the complete opposite of the slow-moving but powerful monster like the tracker.

The variety of monsters developed by Umbrella Company is very detailed. It's a pity that now I have to experience this complete variety by myself.

Sitting on the ground, Lin Yuanfei was wielding a samurai sword, looking helplessly at the ten lickers who jumped over the crowd and directly surrounded him.These ten monsters didn't kill anyone, they didn't care about fighting at all, they rushed towards him directly, everyone knew Sima Zhao's mind why they were doing this!The two stalkers in the distance pointed their heavy weapons at him, and the ten lickers entangled closely.

The combination of far and near, if he sits here and does not move, he will lick

If he is entangled with the lickers, and the stalkers shoot and blow up the car, he will be sieved. If he acts rashly, jumps up and fights with the group of lickers and leaves the bunker, the two stalkers shoot at the same time and he will be sieved. Conclusion : No matter what he does next, he will be beaten into a sieve

emmm... There is only a dead end in front of him Lin Yuanfei sighed as he looked at the group of lickers who were drooling and yelling at him.

This tm can only be fought! Lin Yuanfei knew that the group of bastards under the umbrella must be watching all of this.

Whether they were watching from the surveillance cameras or from the perspective of the group of monsters, they must be watching and monitoring the progress of the battle.

This is also the reason why Lin Yuanfei never dared to use the nine-headed dragon to dodge, because the ultimate move at the bottom of the box must be hidden, and he only has this ultimate move, but now it seems that he has reached the point where he can no longer hide it.

Under the control of Umbrella Corporation, this group of monsters has driven him to a dead end

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei sat on the big table calmly.

On the bridge, with his back against the icy car shell, he said calmly like a warrior going to death calmly.

"Umbrella, I'm fucking you motherfuckers!"

After the voice fell, the ten lickers all roared and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei

In an instant, like a vicious dog out of a cage, ten hideous and ferocious monsters rushed forward from the front, about to drown Lin Yuanfei's figure.

Lin Yuanfei sitting on the bridge looked like a prey that was about to be torn apart by a group of hyenas, looking fragile and helpless. In the distance, the two trackers at the entrance of the bridge pointed their guns at Lin Yuanfei.

Those six slowly turning barrels were a sign of a storm of metal that was about to tilt.

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