The group of survivors in the distance all lowered their heads, and some parents even helped the children's eyes with their hands, unable to bear to watch the cruel dismemberment scene that happened next.

In the command center, watching Lin Yuanfei calmly dying on the big screen, Daniel stared at the screen, refusing to let go of any slight change of expression on Lin Yuanfei's face.

Did he give up resistance because he knew there was no way out?

He stared at Lin Yuanfei on the big screen, once the situation

Change, he can immediately order the group of lickers to stop attacking.He just realized how precious the target sample in front of him is, how could it be possible for him to die here now?

And there is an intuition in Daniel's heart that tells him that this man named Lin Yuanfei still has a hole card that he hasn't shown. technology?It seems that Lin Yuanfei has never seen Daniel's gaze before, staring at the picture on the big screen and waiting for Lin Yuanfei's next move.

At that moment, not only Daniel, but all the researchers in the laboratory raised their heads. No matter what work they were doing, they subconsciously looked at Lin Yuanfei on the big screen, waiting for the upcoming result

The sound of blood spattering sounded.

At the moment when the lickers drowned Lin Yuanfei's figure, red blood splashed out from among the lickers.It seems... Lin Yuanfei has already been dismembered.

With red eyes, Daniel roared angrily, "Stop...

Puff puff puff puff puff

The sound of blood splattering sounded one after another, so dense that it seemed

into a string.

It seems to have happened at the same time, almost all converging into the same note.

Holding the red blood, it soared into the sky among the group of lickers.

Way, two ways, three ways, four ways, five ways.

Inexplicable scarlet blood splashed out among the lickers. The lickers who roared and drowned Lin Yuanfei felt as if they had been hit hard. The moment they drowned Lin Yuanfei, they all screamed and wailed and were blown away violently. The air waves rose in place.The icy sword light blooms in the sun, and the extremely fast speed of the sword is beyond the range that the naked eye can catch

Lin Yuanfei's figure rushed out like a violent storm.

Shot is the strongest trick.Flying sword flow!Nine-headed dragon flashes!

The ten lickers who submerged him all screamed and were blown away. In the gust of wind and waves, those lickers screamed and were split into two pieces.

Wherever the sword light went, all the monsters collapsed.

In the distance, the two pursuers finally fired.

The dense bullet storm flooded in like a torrential rain, sweeping towards the area where Lin Yuanfei was.

However, Lin Yuanfei's body suddenly rushed out.

The speed was so close to the limit that the dense bullet storm flooded in, but it could only smash the group of lickers who hadn't landed in midair into pieces.

Lin Yuanfei's figure has rushed several meters away by this momentary staggering!Before the railing!

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yuanfei took off.

His foot stepped hard on the hood of a car, and amidst the loud bang, the metal front of the car was dented in horror and completely distorted.

And with the help of this foot, he rose obliquely upwards, really like flying.

The two pursuers only had time to roar and point their guns at the car he had smashed, and Lin Yuanfei's figure had already risen to the middle of the bridge, and then he kicked hard on the steel support of the bridge with both feet.

There was a loud noise, and when everyone came back to their senses, Lin Yuanfei had already fallen into the water like a heavy bomb, causing countless splashes

No one could see that astonishing leap!

When the researchers in the command center reacted, they had lost sight of Lin Yuanfei.

On the calm river, Lin Yuanfei was no longer to be seen.

It seems that this person has completely disappeared from the world.Only the frightening speed remained, which refreshed the worldview of everyone present.

ps: Let everyone wait for a long time. After a day of fishing, I can’t keep up with the status. Let’s make some adjustments today, and resume normal updates tomorrow

Chapter 259 The moment the father who lost his daughter entered the water

Chapter 259 The moment the father who lost his daughter entered the water, Lin Yuanfei felt that the whole world seemed to explode

A terrifying roar rang in his ears, as if a bomb had detonated beside him.

But it doesn't.

The terrifying roar came from the splash he made the moment he entered the water.

The splashing water exploded on the surface of the river, and Lin Yuanfei's body sank into the bottom of the water like a missile.

He is too fast.

It's almost beyond anyone's imagination.

So much so that at the moment of entering the water, a terrifying explosion of water splashes was set off directly on the surface of the river.

The icy river flooded him from all directions, but Lin Yuanfei didn't panic.

The moment he entered the water, he calmly put the knife back into its sheath, and then took out a dagger.

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