Then, he aimed the dagger at the back of his head, gently

In the river water, traces of blood overflowed from Lin Yuanfei's stamina.

And a chip was picked out by him from under the skin.

The chip, implanted under the skin of the nape of his neck, is Umbrella's primary means of tracking his whereabouts.

Lin Yuanfei had discovered it before, and the reason why he didn't pick it out was because he didn't want to irritate the bastards in the umbrella company and avoid bad things from them.

But now that the gate has been closed, neither Yuki nor Toshiko Busujima can go out through the gate, so there is no point in keeping this chip anymore.

So the moment he entered the water, Lin Yuanfei calmly picked out the chip and threw it to the bottom of the water.

The river here is not turbid, but it is not clean either.

Not far away is the estuary, but it has been closed now. The steel city wall that surrounds the entire Raccoon City even has a bottom, and when it rises, it completely blocks the river.

Now the river that originally passed through the outskirts of Raccoon City was directly cut off from the end to the end, turning into a pool of calm and stagnant water.

However, because the water flow is no longer turbulent, Lin Yuanfei can swim at the bottom of the water very easily, and there is no need to consider such issues as the undercurrent and the direction of the water flow.

As an outback who has practiced half-baked swimming skills in a swimming pool

Man, if he really let him swim in the turbulent river, he would definitely have problems.But swimming in this calm and stagnant water, with this body's superhuman physical fitness, is easy.

In the turbid and dark river water, Lin Yuanfei sank underwater like a fish and quickly swam forward.

He had to quickly get away from the area of ​​the bridge, and then find a place that was hidden and unoccupied and went ashore.

Before escaping, he had agreed with Roko Busujima on a meeting place after escaping.

Although the whereabouts of the three girls are lost now, as long as they arrive at the agreed place as soon as possible, they will naturally be able to meet again.

At that time, take the three girls and try to find a way out of the city.

Although the six or seven meter high city wall is troublesome, it is not impossible to jump out.

This is the only way with the gate already closed

Sir, after final confirmation, the target has removed the chip...

When this result was reported, Daniel was standing on the lawn under the night sky. It was originally a verdant lawn in the suburbs.

During his lifetime, residents often came here to bask in the sun and take a walk.

But now it has been set up as a temporary apron by the umbrella company.

The rotating propellers of the helicopter set off a strong wind under the night sky, blowing the white robe on Daniel's body whistling.

He turned his head, looked at the subordinate behind him, and shook his head.

"The expected result, the target sample is smarter and stronger than we imagined. It's a mistake... I knew it earlier, just take him away for research

Daniel sighed softly, looked at the helicopter full of mercenaries slowly rising into the sky in front of him, and said, "But it's still too late.

You continue to use the surveillance cameras throughout the entire process to track the whereabouts of the target. I don’t believe that he can perfectly avoid all the cameras to get this order. The researcher immediately turned around and trotted away, while Daniel kicked his hands in the pockets of his white coat, watching The helicopter in the night sky shrunk slowly in the darkness, and finally could only see the flickering lights on the helicopter, and sighed.

Here, this is not the only helicopter that takes off.

There are other helicopters taking off not far away.

Among them were mercenaries who went to carry out arrest and search tasks together, and there were also helicopters that transported important people away.

Of course, the helicopter couldn't take away all the people. Some of the lower-level characters were escorted away by the convoy.

When the disaster happened, the umbrella branch of Raccoon City began to evacuate the idlers one after another.

In the end, almost all the people who stayed were related to the whole operation

Except for one of them.

Daniel turned his head, looked at the doctor sitting in a wheelchair behind him, and said.

"Dr. Charles, are you still leaving?

The wind from the helicopter made Daniel's hair and clothes flutter, and even his voice was almost drowned out.

But he still shouted loudly to the doctor in front of him, "You are an excellent researcher, and the company attaches great importance to you!

However, the doctor with disabled legs was sitting in a wheelchair and said

"I won't go! I can't see my daughter, I won't go Daniel was silent for a few seconds, then walked up to him, very helpless but said seriously, "I'm sorry, but the city is closed, your daughter is in danger few.And even if she survives, we can't let her go, and we must not let the virus spread!As one of the developers of the t virus, you should know. "In the wheelchair, Dr. Charles still looked at him stubbornly, a little

Angry, somewhat desperate, but still stubborn, he said, "You do your thing, I do mine, and you don't mind me! I want to stay!

The stubborn speech ended, and there was a few seconds of silence between the two.

Daniel looked at the doctor's stubborn face, remained silent, and finally nodded with a helpless expression.


He stood up straight and said, "You can stay here. After finishing speaking, he turned and left. After walking a long way, he looked back here.

And the doctor who lost his daughter L has been pushed away in a wheelchair. All Daniel can see is the back of Dr. Charles disappearing in the darkness.

He was silent, shook his head, and stopped paying attention to the father.

Turn around and walk into the command center. 'Begin preparations for the capture plan. "Standing among the computers piled up in the entire tent, Daniel said loudly, "Call the surveillance video of the whole city, find it for me!"Find the target sample! "

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