'The nukes arrive tomorrow morning, we must hurry up!

Complete the capture mission and successfully contain the target sample before the powerful nuclear bomb clears the field

Lin Yuanfei!

ps: Do you think I only have one chapter?

In fact, I am two more!

Chapter 260 Rich Capital Lin Yuanfei Raccoon City Under the Night

Chapter 260 The capital is rich Lin Yuanfei's Raccoon City is brightly lit at night.

However, in the bright city, there are a group of zombies with dull eyes wandering around.

This small border town in the Kansai region of Japan has completely lost contact with the outside world.

The night wind in early summer blows across the street corners of the city, and the newspapers scattered on the street, the coagulated dark red blood, and the cars that broke down on the road after losing their owners are parked in the streets and alleys without any rules. , Many cars even crashed into walls and lampposts, and were directly twisted.

There was no one to extinguish the burning flames in the night, which was a scene of the future.

Under the night, the streets and alleys of Raccoon City were full of thick smoke.

In the entire city, there was not a living person to be seen at all.

In this desolate and dead end of the world, there are no more fire brigades to fight the fire.

The only ones roaming the streets are those dull and lifeless zombies.

In the sky of the city, several helicopters pass by from time to time.

But under the search of these helicopters, they still couldn't find any survivors. It seems that the survivors in the entire city are almost extinct... Huge propellers blowing piercing winds fly across the sky, and the lights on the helicopters are on... It was extremely eye-catching in the dark, but the man walking in the shadows didn't have any intention of calling out.

He stood in the darkness, and his whole body merged with the darkness.

Raising his head, Lin Yuanfei watched coldly as the helicopter flew away from his field of vision, and then slowly exhaled a foul breath.

Then, walk forward.

He walked in the darkness, avoiding all the light and wherever his wet body went, dripping drop after drop of river water.

Because the clothes were wet, all the cloth was attached to the body, which was uncomfortable, and under the clothes, there were bandages wrapped around the whole body.

But the bandage doesn't actually do anything.

Under the treatment of the Umbrella Company, his injuries on the island of Toromi

It's all healed already.

These bandages were only put on to paralyze him when he just woke up.

Now Lin Yuanfei dragged his body dripping with river water, and walked silently to the back door of a small clothing store.

In the dim light, one could vaguely see a shocking bloody handprint left on the half-covered wooden door.

There was also coagulated dark red blood on the street near the door.

Presumably, something unpleasant happened here at the beginning of Resident Evil, right?

For example, in the dimly lit alleys such as dismembering corpses and eating, there were one or two sluggish dead households wandering around. When Lin Yuanfei approached the back door, the two zombies seemed to smell the breath of living people, and let out a deep roar.

Then, he leaned over slowly.

As the breath of the living gradually becomes stronger, the aggressiveness of the zombies is awakened

The two zombies, who were originally quiet and slow, suddenly growled and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei like a mad dog out of the cage.

""Aww! "

In the dark alley, their crazy roars sounded.

In the next second, the long knife came out of its sheath, and the sword light flashed.

Clang one by one

Sheath the knife.

When Lin Yuanfei pushed open the wooden door, the bodies of the two zombies separated in mid-air.

The heavy corpse of the zombie hit the ground heavily, and the rolling head rolled like a ball into the dark corner. Although the mouth was still opening and closing angrily, it could no longer hurt anyone.

Lin Yuanfei stepped into the clothing store.

In the dimly lit small clothing store, the lights had not yet been turned on.

In the shop, there was chaos, the counter was covered with blood, and the air was filled with a foul smell.

An out-of-control car crashed in from the outside, and half of the car was stuck on the glass window.

The shattered glass shattered all over the floor, and several puppet models standing in the window fell sideways with their knives.

The head-twitching zombie was strapped to the driver's seat, and he was stuck in the car just like its car, which was stuck on the window.

Sensing the breath of life that Lin Yuan flew in, the zombie in the driver's seat seemed to be awakened, and began to struggle and scream crazily

stand up.

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