However, with the seat belt tied on it, it desperately tore everything in front of it, and could only make the sound of the windshield being scratched.

It wasn't until Lin Yuanfei walked up to it and ended the struggling zombie with a single blow that the empty shop finally completely quieted down.

There was only the slight crackling of a burning car on the street outside the door as it crashed into a lamppost.

Standing in the chaotic clothing store, Hayashi Yuan Feifei shook off the blood on the sword, and then sheathed the samurai sword.

He came here mainly to change a suit of clothes.

When he crawled out of the river, his whole body was already wet and uncomfortable.

Although the backpack is waterproof, the contents inside are not affected

But this wet body is uncomfortable and affects my mood.So Lin Yuanfei walked into this post-Resident Evil city in this unmanned small shop. Everything in the city was ownerless, and he could take whatever he wanted.

It's just that Lin Yuanfei is not in the mood and has no time to take advantage of the fire to rob

He must join Yuki and the others as soon as possible, and then leave Raccoon City with the three girls.

Putting down his backpack, Lin Yuanfei began to undress.

The messy little shop seemed to have experienced a mess, and most of the things in the shop were in a mess.

But at least the clothes inside were mostly untouched.

After night fell, the light in the small shop without lights was dim, only a little light from the street lamps on the street not far away illuminated here, so that this place did not become completely invisible.

In the dim and hazy light, people could see the blurred human body like it was dawn in the early morning, but couldn't see clearly Lin Yuanfei quickly took off the clothes on his body, and then tore apart the clothes that were no longer there. Effective bandages When he was standing naked in the shop, he casually grabbed a piece of clothing from the shelf to wipe his wet body.

Then, in the darkness behind him, a little girl's chuckle suddenly sounded at this moment.

The sudden chuckle sounded in this dark and deserted little shop, instantly making Lin Yuanfei's hair stand on end, and he turned around abruptly.

The long knife is out of the sheath!

The cold blade instantly stopped in front of the other party's smiling face, within easy reach.

The distance is so close, it seems that the little girl's cute face will be scratched if she nods her head a little.

However, facing such a ferocious blade threat, the little girl was still smiling, without any sense of urgency, looking at Lin Yuanfei who was naked in front of her.


"Big brother's money...

'It's very strong. "

Chapter 261 Epic Metamorphosis

"Big brother's money...

"It's very strong." In the dark and deserted little shop, the little girl sat on the counter and said with a smile. Her big innocent eyes blinked and blinked, staring at the shaking area under Lin Yuanfei's lower abdomen, bent into a crescent moon.

It must be very comfortable for such a big guy.

The amorous words, coming from an eight-year-old girl, gave Lin Yuanfei a creepy feeling. He stared at the little loli in front of him, his body was stiff, and he didn't dare to act rashly. A chill crept up his spine.

Staring at the other party's eyes, Lin Yuanfei said.

"Finally, you have shown up…

Sadako Yamamura!

This is the evil spirit that Lin Yuanfei has been eager to see since he left Wujian Island!

Because the other party took Brother Cheng.

Now that a day and a night have passed, Brother Cheng who is underground does not know how long he can last without eating or drinking.

Staring fixedly at the little girl in front of him, Lin Yuanfei said, "

Where is your dry well?Can you take me there?

The agreement with Yamamura Sadako is that the other party will take him to find the dry well where the corpse was abandoned, Lin Yuanfei will open the dry well, and then let Brother Cheng come out. Although he knows that this evil spirit must be plotting something wrong, but Brother Cheng is in the hands of the other party, and the situation is stronger than others Don't bow your head.

Looking at the smiling little girl, Lin Yuanfei said, "Where's Brother Cheng?

how is heIs his safety guaranteed?If Brother Cheng has three ups and two downs, I will make you pay the price even if I do everything!Lin Yuanfei's eyes were cold, but the threatening words he said were very old-fashioned.

The little girl couldn't help resting her chin on her hands, and sighed helplessly, "Big brother is really boring. He came to look for it with great difficulty, but you kept talking about that brother Cheng. What's the matter? Is it true that Sadako is not as cute as that little boy? Or Said big brother, are you gay? You only like men and not girls? Sadako is obviously very cute, right? The little girl said, blinking her eyes pretending to be cute, and her two calves in white silk swayed gently.

Even Lin Yuanfei, who is not a lolicon, has to admit that the

This scene is pleasing to the eye.

However, Lin Yuanfei sneered when he thought of the identity of the other party's evil spirit.

"Don't talk about Brother Cheng, even compared to the wild dogs on the street, you can't compare. You disgusting and ugly wraith!

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's contemptuous words, the smile on the little girl's face faded.

She rubbed her face and sighed.

It's really not cute at all...

People like big brother really make Sadako very sad.

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