The little girl sighed and said, "If it weren't for the fact that the big brother is still useful, Sadako really wants to tie up the big brother and use the most cruel means to kill mushrooms to death. It's a pity... Big brother, your luck is very good Oh Lin Yuanfei looked at her tit for tat, and sneered, "Your luck is not bad either.

The two ghosts looked at each other for a few seconds, the little girl blinked suddenly, and then looked at Lin Yuanfei with a malicious smile.

"Big brother, don't you really think about putting on some clothes? With such a big thing on the outside, and looking like you're about to start a fight... don't you plan to fight me just like that? You don't even have clothes on, it's really perverted

, showing your Ou Jinjin to a little loli, big brother, you are a sex maniac who will be caught in prison. Lin Yuanfei looked at her indifferently, indifferent to the harsh sarcasm.

"Let's get down to business, I'm not in the mood to chat with you." In front of this evil spirit, one must pay full attention to who dares to put on clothes in front of her?

If the pair took advantage of the moment of laxity to strike, they would die without a place to die.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the other party coldly, and said, "Whether I wear clothes or not has nothing to do with you." The reason for standing in front of the little girl with her naked body without shame made the little girl give her a thumbs up.

"You can all look relieved...Big brother, you are really an epic-level perverted exhibitionist." Lin Yuanfei looked at her expressionlessly, not responding.

The two sides confronted each other again for half a minute, and then the little girl let out a long sigh, and it seemed that she had completely given up her plan to play a trick on Lin Yuanfei.

"It's really, really, really, really not cute at all. The little girl put her chin in both hands, and said helplessly, "A guy like big brother who has no sentimentality will definitely not have a girlfriend in the future.Even if you have a girlfriend, you will be punished because you don't understand the girl's heart.

The girlfriend who wears a cuckold, and then the daughter who cheated after marriage and raised others,

·I've lived my entire life in a muddleheaded manner...well, that must be the case.For an idiot like Big Brother, the future of his life must end like this, and there will be no other end.

The little girl insulted Lin Yuanfei viciously before speaking.

I came here this time to tell you where to find me. "The little girl said solemnly, "Isn't Big Brother worried about your friend?"Makoto Ito, right?If you are worried about him, go to Chiba City, he and I are waiting for you there.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei frowned.

"Chiba? Kanto region? Are you talking nonsense? Torimi Island is in Kansai, and the high priest who controls you is also in Kansai. Could it be that the dry well where your corpse was abandoned is in Kanto? It's half of Japan in the middle? Do you think I Silly

[beep]? "

In this regard, the little girl shrugged innocently, "Although it's hard for you to believe it, the dry well where my body was abandoned is indeed in Kanto, which is more than half of Japan away from here. If you don't believe me, go and check it out in Chiba." The news from the city ten years ago, about the murder case of Feixiang Troupe. Go to investigate now, you should be able to find out...5 If you can leave this city." Lin Yuanfei looked at the evil spirit in front of him, silently, suck deeply

"Since you are in Chiba, why didn't you tell me earlier? Chiba City

It's so far away from Raccoon City, and now the Biohazard broke out again. By the time I tried to find a way to escape from the city and find you in Chiba City, Brother Cheng had already starved to death!

Lin Yuanfei's expression was very angry.

If he knew that Dry Well was in Chiba City, he would have rushed out of Chiba City to save people without stopping, and he would not have stayed in Raccoon City for too long.

The evil spirit in front of him was playing tricks on him on purpose, and Sadako Yamamura finally showed a happy smile after seeing Lin Yuanfei's distraught appearance, and said as if he had won.

"Don't worry, your good buddy, I will raise him fat for nothing. Until you find him, his life will not be in danger."

"But... my time and patience are limited. If you delay for too long, I won't be able to kill him if I run out of patience.

The little girl smiled, and her figure slowly disappeared from the spot.

"I'll wait for you in Chiba City." Big brother, see you in Chiba City~~~

ps: I went out to watch a movie today, which is the first time to go out for activities in the past two months. I came back a bit late, and the update is only two chapters

Tomorrow five more

Chapter 262 Daughter's Messy Shop

Chapter 262 In the messy shop of her daughter, as the figure of the little girl disappeared slowly, it fell into silence again. Lin Yuanfei stared at the direction where the other party disappeared. After a long silence, he took a deep breath. With a sigh, put the knife back into the sheath.

His face was somewhat gloomy. The sudden appearance of Sadako Yamamura was what he had been waiting for for a long time. That's why he didn't immediately find a way to leave Raccoon City when the biochemical crisis broke out.

According to his guess, the High Priest of Toromijima, who controlled Sadako Yamamura, is near Raccoon City, and the video tape of Sadako Yamamura also appeared in Raccoon City, so the dry well where Sadako was killed and abandoned is most likely also there. Within the urban area of ​​Raccoon City.

But now Sadako Yamamura suddenly came out and told him that the place where her corpse was abandoned was not in Raccoon City?Or even in another city far from Raccoon City?

Lin Yuanfei frowned tightly.

He was keenly aware of what was wrong. Chiba City is in the Kanto region of Japan, while Raccoon City is in Kansai, separated by more than half of Japan.

With such a long distance, how did the High Priest manage to control the dead ghosts outside half of Japan?And how did you bring that resentful spirit with you?

And looking at Sadako Yamamura's current behavior, it is obvious that there is something restricting her under that dry well.

Although it can transfer Brother Cheng's ability of space replacement to the dry well like the original movie, but she seems to be a little afraid of the dry well.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have tried every means to fool Lin Yuan into flying to the dry well, etc.

Lin Yuanfei suddenly realized something.

Since Sadako Yamamura is in awe of dry wells, does she really have the ability in the original movie to transfer people to dry wells at will?

If she can really do this kind of thing, then throwing Lin Yuanfei directly under the dry well will achieve her goal

Or, to achieve her goal, Lin Yuanfei must go outside the dry well in person?

Or, this female ghost has been lying?She doesn't have the ability to transfer people to dry wells?Brother Cheng was just taken away by her, so he used this lie to force Lin Yuanfei to act according to her intention?

Brother Cheng was not in the dry well at all, but was detained in her hands

Frowning and thinking, Lin Yuanfei kept thinking about different possibilities.But the current information obtained is too little, and it is impossible to make effective calculations. Lin Yuanfei can only be sure of one thing, and that is that Brother Cheng's life should not be in danger in a short time.

And the story of the high priest and Sadako Yamamura is definitely more complicated than he imagined.

Sadako Yamamura in this world seems to have experienced more weird things than the plot of the movie.

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