Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei glanced at the small shop in front of him again, and after confirming that the little girl had really left, he stretched out his hand and tore off a set of clothes on the shelf beside him.

After quickly changing into clothes and trousers, Lin Yuanfei tightened his collar, wiped off the moisture on the backpack, and put the waterproof backpack on his back again.

The demon-eliminating wooden knife that hadn't been used for a long time was hung on his waist, and what he held in his hand was the former owner of the body, the platycodon fairy Dongyue.

In the Raccoon City where the biochemical crisis broke out, the wooden knife that is effective against spirits does not have much effect. Under the night, he stood on the burning street and looked at the sky in the distance

The helicopter flew by, turned and disappeared into the darkness.

headed in the opposite direction.

Find Yuki!

Didi Didi One by one, the sound of Didi sounded by the Didi instrument indicates that the cracking of the password has reached the final juncture.

Dr. Charles looked at the administrator rights displayed on the screen, and the light on the screen was reflected on the glasses, but he looked a little dull and gloomy

His hand controls the mouse to move.

Umbrella controls the surveillance system throughout the city and has opened the door to him.

As an important research and development director of the fifth laboratory, Dr. Charles has left many back doors that ordinary people can't imagine.

He was sitting in an empty tent, and there was no one else in front of him except this lonely computer. His daughter was his only concern.

He absolutely did not believe that his daughter had died in the city.

Moving the mouse with a blank expression, the doctor searched blankly

monitors all over the city.

However, the city full of zombies has turned into a paradise of the future by this time, and there is no living person to be seen anymore.

As Bo Tu operated with his fingers, one area after another was checked, and one area after another was emptied.

Finally, he found a clue. Among the ruins at the corner of the street, an overturned car came into his sight.

The car with the Umbrella logo on it was the car that escorted his daughter out of town.

However, in the picture shown by the surveillance camera, the car had an accident at the corner of the street and was hit by a large oil tanker. The whole body turned over and fell heavily more than ten meters away. The wheels turned upside down at the same time.

As for the passengers in the car, they seemed to be silent and dead.

Dr. Charles calmly manipulated the camera to rewind the surveillance video, and the surveillance video gradually rewound back to Raccoon City during the day.

In the horror scene of the zombies running and the crowd screaming, Dr. Charles kept reversing the time, and finally fixed the surveillance at the morning

At the time when the Resident Evil had not completely exploded friends, the car accident

After the incident, the little girl woke up from a coma, and then struggled to climb out of the car.

The small, frail figure staggered towards the school step by step.

Finally seeing the existence of his daughter, the doctor's breathing almost stopped. He grabbed the mouse vigorously and gasped for a few times before he managed to calm down.

Then, following the direction of his daughter's departure, he kept switching all the cameras that his daughter passed along the way.

Finally, he saw his toddler daughter walking into the school on the screen from the surveillance camera displayed near the school.

There is no monitoring in the school.

What happened when the daughter entered the school, Dr. Charles can no longer know.

But looking at the back of his daughter leaving, he took a deep breath, and hope was ignited in his eyes.

His fingers began to move the mouse, and the monitoring images on the screen began to switch.

Yes, he is now physically disabled, and the Umbrella employees are reluctant to rescue his daughter.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't believe that in such a big city

There is no one alive!

As long as those living people are found and given hope of living, those people can only follow his instructions to find his daughter

Chapter 263 Revenge Together In The Dark Tent

Chapter 263 Revenge Together In the dark tent, the doctor's finger controls the mouse to give new instructions continuously.

In Umbrella Corporation's built-in intelligent search system, Raccoon City's monitoring system was fully activated.

In a sense, what the doctor is doing is simpler than Daniel et al.

Because Daniel and others are looking for a characteristic target, but the doctor is different.

The target he was looking for was vague and extensive. As long as the system found traces of living people, it would notify him immediately.

Although it is difficult to find survivors in the Raccoon City that has completely become hellish, there will be a few lucky ones who will escape the initial danger and hide in a safe corner.Soon, the surveillance camera found its first target.

A girl moving in an unmanned small supermarket.

A young girl wearing the uniform of Springwood High School is walking cautiously, holding things between the shelves of the supermarket.

On her back, carrying a backpack.

In the footage shown by the surveillance camera, she kept throwing some high-calorie foods such as chocolates on the shelf into her backpack.And another boy not far from her was also carrying a backpack, but the man was responsible for carrying clean mineral water.

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