It looked like the four were having a wonderful time of cat and mouse before Lin Yuanfei came in.

It's a pity that they didn't expect all this to be disturbed by an uninvited guest. Seeing Lin Yuanfei who suddenly jumped in from the window, everyone's expressions were stunned.

The boys subconsciously stared wide-eyed, their faces full of disbelief.

" did you do it?

It's at least three meters high outside!how did you get in !

All four boys looked terrified, and one of them subconsciously reached out to grab the baseball bat beside him.

But Lin Yuanfei looked at them indifferently, indifferent.

Unless these four guys drew their pistols, they were no threat to him.

He looked at the few people in front of him and said, "Are you students of Chunmu High School?

Several boys looked at each other, and one of them said, "Yes, what's the matter? What's the matter with you?

If Lin Yuanfei's appearance hadn't frightened everyone present, these four domineering guys would have done it long ago.

But even if they subconsciously lowered their posture, the tone of their mouths was still unpleasant.

Lin Yuanfei looked at them, then at the girl curled up in the corner, and said, "I have a question for you, what crime do you think should be punished for attempted rape?

The four of them froze for a moment, and all took a step back.

He showed a wary expression.

"Hey, you guys, do you want to be a flower protector?" A boy said disdainfully, "You are alone, don't you want to fight with the four of us?

Another boy said, "Why don't we share your pie. Well, this Takashiro Saya is the big beauty of our school, and she's still a virgin. Such a top-quality beauty is hard to find. Look at this Breasts, legs, waist, face... tsk tsk tsk.

The ultimate stunner!

The boy smiled strangely and said, "If you like it, it's okay to give you the top spot... How about it? Think about it? Let's all have a good time. It's the end of the world. Biohazard, why don't you have a good time now? Wouldn't it be a big loss if you turned into a zombie tomorrow? How about it? Let's go together? Brother, what do you think?

"It's not that good," Lin Yuanfei sneered, "I'm afraid I'm infected with AIDS, everyone in the room froze when I said that.

Takashiro Saya was stunned for two seconds and blushed.

"" She looked at the man in front of her with shame and indignation, and shouted angrily, "You have AIDS!"

[Photo: Saya Takashiro]

Chapter 265 Abuse

In the room, after Saya Takashiro cursed back with shame and anger, everyone had weird expressions on their faces.

The four boys looked at each other in blank dismay, completely unable to understand what the guy in front of them was here for.

Hero to save beauty?But is there a hero with such a vicious mouth?You didn't come here to rescue the beauty, but to annoy her, right?The boy who invited Lin Yuanfei was even more embarrassed, he didn't know how to react to such a situation.

After the two sides stalemate for several seconds, Lin Yuanfei sighed, breaking the peace in the room.

You have a good saying. "Looking at the four boys in front of him, Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "The end of the biochemical crisis has come, and everyone in the city has turned into zombies. Why should we stick to the previous social order and morality?"

Um…!It's really a wise saying, and I give you a thumbs up.

Lin Yuanfei said, dragging the knife and walking slowly, "Anyway, so many zombies have been killed, killing one or two rapists probably won't stop my voice from falling, the knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand moved

At the same time, his body was moving.

When the four boys subconsciously raised their baseball bats to fight back, Lin Yuanfei had already walked past them.

As fast as a gust of wind.

Wherever he went, blood spattered and heads fell to the ground.

Four heads with terrified expressions rolled to the floor, and four stiff, headless bodies fell heavily.

The splattered blood even stained the ceiling red, and the flowing blood merged into a gurgling stream at Lin Yuanfei's feet, and flowed to Gaocheng Saya in front of him. At that moment, Gaocheng Saya's face turned pale.

She jumped up suddenly, screaming in horror.


Even though he had witnessed the scenes of his classmates being bitten by zombies and the survivors blowing up the heads of zombies on the way to escape, seeing the scene of four acquaintances being separated at the same time at close range still brought a huge heart to Saya Takashiro shock.

She hugged her chest in horror, making a defensive posture of self-protection, but her trembling legs exposed the fact that she was strong on the outside but on the inside.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the terrified girl in front of him, shrugged, and said, "I'll save you once, you're welcome."

With that said, he shook off the blood on the blade, turned and left.

Seeing him leave, Takashiro Saya was stunned for a second.

Suddenly realizing something, he yelled out loudly.

"You... where are you going?" Takashi Saya asked in horror.Lin Yuanfei paused for a while before he turned around and showed a bright smile

"Go back to each house, find each mother... Do you expect me to send you out of the city?"

Gaocheng Saya looked at Lin Yuanfei in front of him, swallowed, and asked in disbelief, "You want to leave me alone?

Lin Yuanfei looked astonished, "Huh? Abandoning you? I'm not your boyfriend, so I don't have the obligation to protect you, right? What does it mean to abandon you...Little girl, are you too self-indulgent? I haven't even gotten you , so where do you start talking about abandoning you?

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