Hearing this sentence, the expression on Takashiro Saya's face suddenly froze, she lowered her head in shame and anger, clenched the corner of her clothes, and cursed angrily, "Are you trying to take advantage of the fire? You pervert! You really are with There is no difference between these four bastards. You only want to help me if I obey you? You rascal! Perverted! Pervert! Saya Gaocheng, who took advantage of the fire, let out a burst of anger, and Lin Yuanfei was stunned... Indeed, What he said just now is indeed so ambiguous.

But Lin Yuanfei swears to God, he has no bad intentions at all. Looking at the girl with twin tails in front of him, Lin Yuanfei shrugged.

Think whatever you like, I'm not interested in you anyway. " Lin Yuanfei said, turned and left.

Although Takashiro Saya's parents are right-wing, even though Takashiro Saya is half right-wing, and although Hayashi Yuanfei hates Japanese right-wingers, he assures that he is definitely not Lin Yuanfei who made such a decision after hearing the name Takashiro Saya Ma is very magnanimous and never cares about grievances.

Absolutely not just because Takashiro Saya is a right-winger just let the opponent go.

Well, just like that, Lin Yuanfei turned and left without hesitation, and Gaocheng Saya was stunned by that crisp movement.

She subconsciously chased after her, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

"You...you, since you don't want to control me, why did you save me?" Takashiro Saya was completely at a loss, what kind of character is this guy in front of him?

Is it selfish or helpful?

Takashiro Saya is completely Spartan, completely captured by Lin Yuanfei

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and said, "I saved you just because I heard the screams of the girls and came over to take a look. Now the boys who want to fuck you have been hacked to death by me. Your danger is gone. I have exhausted all my benevolence and righteousness, and the rest you have to struggle to survive. I am not your parents, and I have no interest or obligation to take care of you for the rest of your life.

Takashiro Saya was silent for two seconds, and said with some embarrassment, "You mean, you are willing to protect me only if I am your girlfriend?

Lin Yuanfei shook his head solemnly, "Want to be my girlfriend? Just you? Just kidding! I'm doing it for your own good! It's the safest thing to stay away from me, don't you understand?"

Any one of those women around me can eat you to the bone, you stupid [beep].

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl who followed like a dog skin plaster, thought for a while, and said, "But since you want to follow me, wouldn't it appear that I am ruthless if I refuse? At least I am a beautiful girl, if someone scolds me for abusing girls What should I do? I, Chu Yunfei, also want to save face... How about this, you scolded me twice just now, I will give you a chance to apologize and redeem your sins, and I will forgive you after you apologize, and then I will take you away, how about it?

Takashi Saya looked at him suspiciously, "Apologize? It's that simple?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the beautiful girl in front of him with a smile on his face, "Of course it's not that simple... When apologizing, you have to kneel on the ground, rub your own Opie with both hands, then stick up your buttocks like a bitch and lower your head, loudly If I say sorry twice, then I will consider forgiving you. How about it? Are you willing to do it?

Takashiro Saya's face flushed suddenly, "You pervert!

"Yo yo yo, three times," Lin Yuanfei smiled and raised up three fingers, and said, "If you curse again, I will impose even more excessive conditions.Don't blame me for not reminding you. "Gao Cheng Saya blushed, with an expression of shame and indignation.

But that blushing face no longer dared to scold even a word.

Chapter 266

(Wu Gengqiu blade monthly ticket Takashiro Saya, female, 16 years old, height 155cm, weight 52kg, measurements 92-59-87, true lordosis and back warping.

Parents are right-wing.

The so-called Japanese right-wingers are the most anti-China group.

Worship the Yasukuni Shrine every year, want to make a big news every day, and hate China extremely.

For the Chinese, right-wingers are sworn enemies

Of course, these are not the reasons for Lin Yuanfei to tease each other. Although her parents are Japanese right-wingers, this woman also has a right-winger in all likelihood, but Lin Yuanfeifei never likes to insult the enemy.

Teasing each other, purely because of the character of the girl Takashiro Saya


Dead arrogant.

Even if the second mouth is already drooling with hunger, the upper mouth will never be subdued.

With such a poisonous tongue by my side... I'm sorry, Lin Yuan

Fei really didn't have the mood to teach the other party how to be a human being.

So if Takashi Saya really wants to follow him, then let the other party understand the positioning of each other from the beginning.

Looking calmly at the girl with twin tails in front of him, Lin Yuanfei said

Have you considered it?Miss Gaocheng?My time is very urgent and I have no time to waste it with you.

Takashiro Saya blushed, "You... this article is less than ten seconds old, right? You guy, it's too much!

But that being said, Gaocheng Shaye no longer dared to scold Lin Yuanfei, it seemed that he was really frightened by Lin Yuanfei, and he was afraid to scold Lin Yuanfei again and put on even more excessive conditions.

Standing in the empty supermarket, looking at Lin Yuanfei's impatient expression, Takashiro Saya hugged her chest helplessly, her face flushed. In the end, she took a deep breath and knelt down on Lin Yuanfei in humiliation. in front of.

Then, he lowered his head and pouted his buttocks, and rubbed Opie's chest with his hands while weeping, crying while rubbing.


The girl cried very sadly.

But it's hard to say why he was crying. Lin Yuanfei squatted down, pinched the opponent's chin with his hands, and raised Saya Takashiro's face.

Looking at the girl's crying pear face covered with rain, she smiled brightly.

'That's good.

Gently stroking the other person's cheeks, like stroking a puppy, Lin Yuanfei smiled softly, "If you were so obedient earlier, wouldn't everything be fine? You are so cute, how can I be willing to leave you alone? "Gaocheng Saya was stunned, crying even more sadly.

Lin Yuanfei's gentleness seemed to bring some comfort to her wounded heart.

She couldn't help crying out, "Who made you bastard force others


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